
PRisMa 2008
One-Day Workshop on Portfolio Risk Management
organised by
Vienna University of Technology, "Freihaus", Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien
Lecture Hall "FH HS 8 - Nöbauer Hörsaal" (yellow area, 2nd floor)
Monday, September 29th, 2008, 9.00 - 19.00
9.00-9.10 |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmock
(FAM @ TU Wien)
Welcome |
9.10-10.00 |
Prof. Dr. Damir Filipovic
(Vienna Institute of Finance)
CDO Term Structure Modeling
Abstract: This work provides a unifying approach for valuing contingent
claims on a portfolio of credits, such as collateralized debt
obligations (CDOs). We introduce the defaultable (T,x)-bonds,
which pay one if the aggregated loss process in the underlying pool
of the CDO has not exceeded x at maturity T, and zero else.
Necessary and sufficient conditions on the stochastic term structure
movements for the absence of arbitrage are given. Background market
risk as well as feedback contagion effects of the loss process are
taken into account. Moreover, we show that any exogenous
specification of the volatility and contagion parameters actually
yields a unique consistent loss process and thus an arbitrage-free
family of (T,x)-bond prices. For the sake of analytical and
computational efficiency we then develop a tractable
class of doubly stochastic affine term structure models. Download the slides of the talk.
10.00-10.30 |
Coffee Break |
10.30-11.15 |
Dr. Antonis Papapantoleon
(FAM @ TU Wien)
Strong Taylor Approximation of SDEs and Application to the Lévy LIBOR Model
Abstract: The aim of this work is to provide a fast and accurate approximation scheme for the Monte-Carlo pricing of derivatives in the Lévy LIBOR model. The scheme is based on the strong Taylor approximation of the random terms entering the drift of the successive LIBOR rates; it offers a tractable alternative to "freezing the drift" at an accuracy similar to the full numerical solution. Numerical illustrations will also be presented.
(This talk is based on joint work with Maria Siopacha and Friedrich Hubalek.)
Download the slides of the talk. |
11.15-12.00 |
Dr. Friedrich Hubalek
(FAM @ TU Wien)
On Trades, Volume, and the Martingale Estimating Function Approach for Stochastic Volatility Models with Jumps
Abstract: We introduce a variant of the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility model, where the non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process describes trading volume or the number of trades instead of unobservable volatility. We develop an explicit estimator using martingale estimating functions and analyze its asymptotic behaviour, when observations are made on a fixed grid with the horizon tending to infinity.
(based on joint work with Petra Posedel) Download the slides of the talk. |
12.00-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14.00-14:45 |
Dr. Stefan Gerhold
(PRisMa Lab, FAM @ TU Wien)
Lévy-Sheffer Systems and the Longstaff-Schwartz Algorithm for American Option Pricing
Abstract: The Longstaff-Schwartz Algorithm has become the method of choice for pricing American derivative contracts in high-dimensional settings. It approximates value functions by regression on a prescribed set of basis functions. If the number of basis functions is increased, the number of Monte Carlo paths must grow, too, to ensure convergence. Glasserman and Yu (Ann. Appl. Prob. 2004) have quantified the relation between these two parameters in the case where the underlying process is (geometric) Brownian motion. We extend this analysis to several well-known Lévy processes, using martingale identities found by Schoutens. Download the slides of the talk. |
14:45-15:30 |
Dipl.-Math. Verena Goldammer
(PRisMa Lab, FAM @ TU Wien)
Modeling and Estimation of Dependent Credit Rating Transitions
Abstract: Simultaneous defaults in large portfolios of credit derivatives can induce huge losses. To take this into consideration, we apply an interacting particle system to model the credit rating transitions of firms. In our model the credit rating changes of the firms follow a homogeneous Markov jump process with the generator of the strongly coupled random walk process introduced by Spitzer (1981). The model depends on two sets of parameters, the vector of dependence parameters and the generator of the rating transitions of a single firm. For these parameters the maximum likelihood estimators are computed using historical rating transitions and sojourn times. Simulation of the process shows, how the shape of the profit and loss distribution of a large portfolio of defaultable zero-coupon bonds is influenced by the dependence vector. Download the slides of the talk. |
15:30-16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00-16:45 |
Dr. Stefan Tappe
(Vienna Institute of Finance)
Bilateral Gamma Processes in Finance
Abstract: In recent years more realistic stochastic models for price movements in financial markets have been developed by replacing the classical Brownian motion by Lévy processes. We propose a new family of Lévy processes: Bilateral gamma processes. In this talk, we present the properties of these processes and their generating distributions, and show how they are related to other distributions considered in the literature. Afterwards, we apply bilateral gamma processes for modelling financial market fluctuations. Download the slides of the talk. |
16:45-17:30 |
Dr. Miklos Rasonyi
(Hungarian Academy)
Modelling Markets with Transaction Costs
Abstract: We present a survey of market models with proportional transaction costs in continuous time. Various concepts of arbitrage and their relationship to price systems are discussed. Recent research has shown that in the presence of transaction costs one gets a considerably larger class of admissible market models (including e.g. fractional Brownian motion-based models) and that absence of arbitrage depends on "coarser" properties of the price process than in the frictionless case. We shall discuss these issues in comparison with what happens in illiquid markets or in frictionless markets under restrictions on the set of trading strategies. Download the slides of the talk. |
17:30-19:00 |
Bread and Wine |
General Information
Participation is free, and there is no official registration - nevertheless for administrative reasons we would be happy if you write a short e-mail to our secretary, Mr. Christian Gawrilowicz (secr@fam.tuwien.ac.at), with your name and university or company.
Everyone is welcome, practitioners are especially encouraged to attend.
We have not made any special arrangements for lunch since there are
sufficient possibilities nearby ([PDF/135kb]).
For hotel accommodation, please check the Wien Tourism home page or a list of hotels near TU Wien.
Workshop Secretary:
Previous PRisMa Workshops: [2005] [2006]
Please send comments and suggestions to
Uwe Schmock,
e-mail: schmock@fam.tuwien.ac.at.