Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, Austria TU Wien FAM

Public Mailing Lists

Below is a listing of all public mailing lists.

FAM-ily's Newsletters

  • FAM-news
    Announcements of talks, workshops, etc. in the area of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (mainly for researchers), including the "Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability (VS-MFP)"
  • FAM-vr
    Announcement of talks within the "Vortragsreihe in Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik" and the "Actuarial Modelling Club" as well as other events for practitioners, especially for actuaries (CPD - Continuing Professional Development)
  • FAM-jobs
    Announcements of job offers in Austria in the area of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics - from internships to senior positions.
  • VFN-L
    The Vienna Finance Newsletter is a moderated mailing list for announcements of lectures, conferences (and more) about finance and economics with a focus on Vienna, Austria.
  • CCI-news
    News on the workshop series "Climate Change and Insurance" (CCI 2025 Edinburgh, CCI 2024 Vienna).
  • VCMF-news
    News on the "Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance" (VCMF 2025), taking place in Vienna, July 9-11, 2025.

Other Newsletters

  • BFS Newsletter
    Quaterly (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct) newsletter for conferences, awards, books by BFS members, etc., as well as bi-weekly Jobs Mailing List of the Bachelier Finance Society.
  • St-Net
    The "DMV-Fachgruppe Stochastik" offers a moderated mailing list dedicated to serving the stochastics community. Mainly announcements for events/conferences and job-offers.
  • VPS mailinglist
    Announcements of talks and events of the Vienna Probability Seminar organised by University of Vienna, IST Austria and TU Wien.
  • Finance-seminar mailing list
    Announcement of talks of the departmental seminar (Brown Bag Seminar) of the Department of Finance of University of Vienna.
  • ISOR Colloquium announcements
    Announcement of talks within the ISOR Colloquium of the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of University of Vienna.
  • Vortraege.Mathematik
    Talks and events at or (co-)organised by the Faculty of Mathematics at University of Vienna.
  • TUForMath - Forum Mathematik
    Vorträge, Diskussionen und Schulprogramme für eine breite Öffentlichkeit - organisiert von der TU Wien um den verborgenen Einfluss der Mathematik zu Technik, Naturwissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Kunst & Kultur sichtbar zu machen.
  • FWF Newsletters
    The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) offers 5 different newsletters with news from the FWF (addressed mainly to the scientific community), press releases, FWF events and calls, current vacancies, as well as topics for the interested public.
  • TU Wien Forschungs-News...
    bzw. TU Wien Veranstaltungseinladungen bzw. TU Wien Weiterbildungsangebote (allerdings keine Weiterbildungsangebote für Aktuare, denn das gibts nur via FAM-vr - siehe oben :-))