-- From: Sandra Trenovatz <sandra(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at> --
From: Gerhard Larcher <gerhard.larcher(a)jku.at>
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen!
Ich organisiere im Rahmen des 19th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting
(Salzburg, 11.-15.09.2017) gemeinsam mit Jan Kallsen die Section
"Financial and Actuarial Mathematics". Ich möchte Sie an die Abstract
Submission Deadline am 30. Juni erinnern - in der Sektion sind noch
Slots frei.
Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier:
Wir freuen uns auf eine spannende Tagung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Gerhard Larcher
-- From: Office BWG <office(a)bwg.at> --
Die Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance (AWG) der
Österreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (BWG), Wien,
organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Innsbruck, Institut für
Banken und Finanzen, den
24./25. November 2017
Der Workshop findet am Freitag, 24. November 2017 (Nachmittag) und am
Samstag, 25. November 2017 (Vormittag) im Universitätszentrum Obergurgl
(Ötztal) statt.
Bezüglich der Themen gibt es keine Einschränkung.
Papers oder Extended Abstracts (ca. 2 Seiten) – vorzugsweise in englischer
Sprache – sind bis spätestens 13. Oktober 2017 per eMail an
conference-ibf(a)uibk.ac.at einzureichen.
Um den angestrebten Workshop-Charakter der Veranstaltung zu fördern, kann
jeder Vortrag durch eine/n Discussant besprochen werden. Teilnehmende, die
eine solche Vorgangsweise wünschen, werden gebeten, ihr Manuskript bis 15.
September 2017 einzureichen.
Ziele: Schaffen eines österreichweiten Diskussionsforums für theoretische
und empirische Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Bankwesens und der
Finanzwirtschaft. Förderung der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Hochschulen
und der Zusammenarbeit mit der Praxis.
Teilnehmende: Angesprochen sind sowohl der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs an
allen österreichischen Universitäten und verwandten Institutionen der
Forschung als auch Praktiker/innen in Kreditinstituten und
Finanzabteilungen von Unternehmen.
Schwerpunkte: (Auszug) Asset Pricing – Banking – Behavioral Economics –
Central Banking and Regulation – Corporate Finance – Corporate Governance
- Derivatives – Empirical Finance – Experimental Finance – Financial
Econometrics – Financial Economics - Financial Innovations – International
Finance – Market Microstructure – Performance Measurement – Portfolio
Analysis – Real Estate Finance – Risk Management – Security Analysis.
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist KOSTENLOS.
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-- From: si-researchcenter <si-researchcenter(a)wu.ac.at> --
(apologies for duplicated mails!)
We are pleased to invite you to our next Investment Talk, organized by the Spängler IQAM Research Center. The Center is a joint initiative of TU Vienna (Vienna University of Technology) and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business supported by Spängler IQAM Invest and provides a platform for exchange in the field of asset management between academics, practitioners and the public.
Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 at 4 pm
Speaker: Amit Goyal
Topic: "Quantitative Corporate Bond Portfolio Management"
is a professor of finance at the University of Lausanne. Formerly on the faculty of Emory University (Atlanta, USA), he holds a Ph.D. in finance from the University of California at Los Angeles. He has research interests in empirical asset pricing, predictability of stock returns, portfolio optimization, and pension funds. His papers have been published in a variety of top academic journals including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies. He is currently an editor of the Review of Finance.
REGISTRATION is required. We kindly ask to register before June 7th at si-researchcenter(a)wu.ac.at
WU Wien, Festsaal 2
1020 Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1
Parking facilities: APCOA Campus Wien, Trabrennstraße 5
Public transport:
U2 Messe-Prater or Kriau (5 minutes walking distance)
WU building plan: https://www.wu.ac.at/universitaet/campus/infrastruktur/
Contact and further information:
WU, Dept. Finance, Accounting and Statistics, Spängler IQAM Research Center,
attn. Martina Schlichting, 1020 Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D4, Level 4
Phone: +43 1 31336 6315
Mail: si-researchcenter(a)wu.ac.at, web: www.si-researchcenter.at
-- From: "Fuchs, Daniela" <Daniela.Fuchs(a)wu.ac.at> --
WU Gutmann Center Symposia 2017: “Financial Advice and Asset Management”
June 19, 2017; 9:00 - 17:30
WU Vienna, Austria
The WU Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management is proud to invite you to its ninth symposium - WU Gutmann Center Symposia 2017: “Financial Advice and Asset Management” on June 19 2017, at WU Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Welthandelsplatz1, Festsaal 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria.
The financial crisis has revived the interest in the role of financial advice and in particular the standards that financial advisors should be held to. While financial advice is an essential part of asset management, policy-makers are concerned about conflicts of interests between financial advisors and their clients.
The WU Gutmann Symposium 2017 addresses various aspects of financial advice and asset management. The speakers shed light on the underlying factors, including behavioral aspects, and market structure that influence these conflicts of interests and thereby the quality of financial advice. In addition, they highlight possible solutions to deal with the incentive problems.
Participation is free of charge. To register please click on this link: www.conftool.com/wugcs2017/<https://www.conftool.com/wugcs2017/index.php?page=participate>
You will be redirected to our conference management system where you will be asked to create an account. If you submitted a paper or acted as a reviewer, you can use your existing account.
Deadline for registration: June 11, 2017
The conference starts at 9 am and finish at 5pm, followed by a refreshment. A detailed program is available at our website. (https://www.gutmann-center.at/gc/whatwedo/bridging/symposia/)
Financial Advice and Bank Profits
Stefan Ruenzi, University of Mannheim
Client Involvement in Expert Advice -- Antibiotics in Finance?
Annika Weber, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Variations in investment advice provision: A study of investment advisors and millionaire investors
Ylva Baeckstrom, Cass Business School
The Market for Conflicted Advice
Martin Szydlowski, University of Minnesota
Is Conflicted Investment Advice Better than No Advice?
Jonathan Reuter, Boston College
Does Competition Protect Unsophisticated Investors?
Yang Sun, Brandeis University
The Dividend Disconnect
Samuel Hartzmark, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Thinking about Prices versus Thinking about Returns in Financial Markets
Zwetelina Iliewa, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Does Household Finance Matter? Small Financial Errors with Large Social Costs
Harjoat Bhamra, Imperial College Business School
Mutual Fund Shareholder Letters: Flows, Performance, and Managerial Behavior
Alexander Hillert, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Financial Literacy and Portfolio Dynamics
Milo Bianchi, Toulouse School of Economics
Trust Busting: The Effect of Fraud on Investor Behavior
Scott Yonker, Cornell University
WU Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management
WU Vienna, Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Phone: +43‐1‐31336‐5238
email: gutmann‐center(a)wu.ac.at
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-- From: "Helmreich, Silvia" <silvia.helmreich(a)fh-vie.ac.at> --
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Der Studiengang "Quantitative Asset and Risk Management" (kurz: ARIMA) startet heuer im Herbst zum neunten Mal und unsere AbsolventInnen haben hervorragende Chancen auf dem momentan doch recht schwierigen Arbeitsmarkt.
Gerade im Bereich "Risikomanagement" suchen Banken und Versicherungen verstärkt Personal, um den regulatorischen Herausforderungen - Basel III (IV), Solvency II - gerecht werden zu können.
***Für das kommende Studienjahr 17/18 werden noch Bewerbungen bis zum 31.05.2017 entgegen genommen.***
Die Entwicklung dieses Programmes erfolgte gemeinsam mit internationalen Partneruniversitaeten und wurde von der EU als Joint Degree Curriculum Development Programm gefoerdert. Im 4. Semester findet daher ein verpflichtender Auslandsaufenthalt (mindestens zwei Wochen) bei einer der Partneruniversitaeten in Bologna, Iasi oder Katowice statt. Daraus ergibt sich auch, dass die Unterrichtssprache durchgaengig Englisch ist. Weitere Möglichkeiten zum Studierendenaustausch besteht mit der University of Xiamen (China) und der Higher School of Economics in Moskau.
Voraussetzungen zur Teilnahme am Masterprogramm:
Im Anschluss an ein wirtschafts-, sozial-, natur- oder rechtswissenschaftliches oder technisches Studium einer Universitaet oder Fachhochschule kann der vier Semester umfassende und berufsbegleitend organisierte Masterstudiengang ARIMA absolviert werden.
Weiters muessen besuchte Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich Mathematik/Statisitk und Wirtschaftswissenschaften nachgewiesen werden.
Wir hoffen, Ihr Interesse fuer den Studiengang geweckt zu haben und wuerden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie dieses Schreiben an weiterbildungsinteressierte Personen in Ihrem Unternehmen weiterleiten wuerden. Fuer weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfuegung (silvia.helmreich(a)fh-vie.ac.at) oder besuchen Sie unsere homepage:
Firmenwortlaut: Fachhochschule des BFI Wien Gesellschaft m.b.H
Firmenbuchnummer: 148597 a
Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
Firmensitz: Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Wien
-- From: "Sommersguter-Reichmann, Margit" <margit.sommersguter(a)uni-graz.at> --
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
da der Link betreffend die Ausschreibungen von zwei Stellen am Institut für Finanzwirtschaft der Universität Graz,
- Universitätsassistent/in mit Doktorat
- Universitätsassistent/in ohne Doktorat,
im E-Mail vom 26.4.2017 scheinbar nicht überall funktioniert, dürfen wir auf einen alternativen Link https://online.uni-graz.at/kfu_online/wbMitteilungsblaetter.displayHTML?pNr…
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Margit Sommersguter-Reichmann, ao. Univ.-Prof., Mag. Dr.
Universitaet Graz, Institut für Finanzwirtschaft
Univ.str. 15, G2
A-8010 Graz
Tel. +43 316 380 3516
Fax +43 316 380 9555
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-- From: "Sommersguter-Reichmann, Margit" <margit.sommersguter(a)uni-graz.at> --
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten Sie hiermit auf die Ausschreibungen von zwei Stellen am Institut für Finanzwirtschaft der Universität Graz,
- Universitätsassistent/in mit Doktorat
- Universitätsassistent/in ohne Doktorat,
zugänglich unter folgendem Link: https://online.uni-graz.at/kfu_online/wbMitteilungsblaetter.display?pNr=367…,
aufmerksam machen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Margit Sommersguter-Reichmann, ao. Univ.-Prof., Mag. Dr.
Universitaet Graz, Institut für Finanzwirtschaft
Univ.str. 15, G2
A-8010 Graz
Tel. +43 316 380 3516
Fax +43 316 380 9555
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-- From: "Helmreich, Silvia" <silvia.helmreich(a)fh-vie.ac.at> --
The University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna organizes an international conference on "Case Study Teaching: Connecting Higher Education and the World of Work", which is scheduled to take place in Vienna, Austria, on 19 May 2017.
The key note speech will be provided by Prof. Espen Andersen (BI Norwegian Business School), a distinguished expert in case study teaching and author of "Teaching with Cases: A Practical Guide" (Harvard Business School Publishing).
In addition a set of expert presentations and 4 interactive workshops are devoted to the following main topics:
How to teach with real cases in a problem based learning setting?
Teaching with case studies: The INTQUANT approach
Challenges of teaching case studies in an international setting
Teaching with case studies in a virtual class room
How to get companies involved?
Drafting cases for your course: Do's and don'ts
The detailed conference programme and registration are available at:
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Firmenwortlaut: Fachhochschule des BFI Wien Gesellschaft m.b.H
Firmenbuchnummer: 148597 a
Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
Firmensitz: Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Wien
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-- From: "gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at" <gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at> --
The WU Gutmann Center cordially invites you to the forthcoming
(apologies for duplicated mails!)
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2017 4:00 pm
Location: Bank Gutmann, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, A-1010 Vienna
Speaker: Prof. Jonathan Berk
Title: “Removing the Veil: How Money Management Actually Works”
There is perhaps no question in money management as controversial as the question of whether active mutual fund managers can outperform monkeys throwing darts. It has been known for a long time that investors are no better off investing with the average active manager than they are just indexing their money. Based on this evidence, many people conclude that active managers lack skill. Yet the amount of money in active management has grown enormously. If these managers have no skill, why do investors continue to invest with them?
We argue that active fund managers are skilled and, on average, have used their skill to generate about $3.2 million per year. Large cross-sectional differences in skill persist for as long as ten years. Investors recognize this skill and reward it by investing more capital in funds managed by better managers. These funds earn higher aggregate fees, and a strong positive correlation exists between current compensation and future performance.
About Jonathan Berk
Jonathan Berk is the A.P. Giannini Professor of Finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB). His research covers a broad range of topics in finance, including delegated money management; the pricing of financial assets; valuing a firm’s growth potential; the capital structure decision; and the interaction between labor markets and financial markets.
Professor Berk has coauthored two finance textbooks: Corporate Finance and Fundamentals in Finance. The first edition of Corporate Finance is the most successful first edition textbook ever published in financial economics, and is a standard text in almost all top MBA programs around the world.
Professor Berk’s research is internationally recognized and has won numerous awards, including the TIAA-CREF Paul A. Samuelson Award, the Smith Breeden Prize, Best Paper of the Year in the Review of Financial Studies, and the FAME Research Prize. His article, “A Critique of Size-Related Anomalies,” was selected as one of the two best papers ever published in the Review of Financial Studies, and was also honored as one of the 100 seminal papers published by Oxford University Press. In recognition of his influence on the practice of finance, he has received the Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence, the Roger F. Murray Prize, and the Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award.
Professor Berk received his PhD in finance from Yale University. Before joining Stanford he was the Sylvan Coleman Professor of Finance at Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. He was born and grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa.
**Please REGISTER**:
Mail: gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at>
Phone: +43-1-31336-5238
WU Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Sabina Krickl
Please contact gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at> if you do not wish to receive any further invitations from us!
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-- From: Sandra Trenovatz <sandra(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at> --
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
we like to bring the following events to your attention:
IME 2017:
21st International Congress on
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Mon-Wed, July 3-5, 2017
IME Educational Workshop
Thu-Fri, July 6-7, 2017
Vienna, Austria
For further information (and our promotional video to announce the
conference), please see below or visit the IME 2017 website:
We thank you for your interest and are looking forward to welcoming you
in Vienna!
With kind regards
from the IME 2017 organisers
General Information
The 21st International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
(IME 2017), scheduled July 3-5 2017, is one of the largest international
meeting series in actuarial science.
The aim of the conference is "to strengthen communication between
individuals and groups who produce and apply research results in
insurance and finance, aiming to integrate the research in both fields".
The conference deliberations will be on the following themes:
- Life Insurance;
- Non-Life Insurance;
- Reinsurance and Other Risk-Sharing Arrangements;
- Risk Management;
- Financial Modeling.
In the framework of the Panel Discussion (July 3, 2017) with the topic
"Ultra-low interest rates in insurance business" we offer the conference
participants a platform for discussions with a number of renowned experts.
The IME Educational Workshop (July 6-7, 2017) is a satellite event of
the IME 2017, aiming at academics and practitioners and providing a
general survey over the past and current research results and their
practical applications.
The topics of the workshop are:
- Life Insurance,
- Non-Life Insurance,
- Claims Reserving Methods,
- Computational Actuarial Science with R.
TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien, Austria
Organized by:
Actuarial Association of Austria
TU Wien
Gold Sponsors:
msg life Austria GmbH
Sparkassen Versicherung AG
Silver Sponsor:
Vienna Insurance Group AG
(further sponsors are welcome)
Invited Plenary Speakers at IME 2017 Congress:
Corina Constantinescu-Loeffen (Univ. of Liverpool, UK)
Catherine Donnelly (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich, CH)
Panel Discussion at IME 2017 Congress:
Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich, CH)
Ralf Korn (TU Kaiserslautern, DE)
Antoon Pelsser (Maastricht University, NL)
Panelists from private sector t.b.a.
Invited Plenary Speakers at IME 2017 Workshop:
Anna Rita Bacinello (University of Trieste, IT)
René Dahms (ETH Zurich, CH)
Vincent Goulet (Université Laval, Québec, CA)
Stefan Thonhauser (Graz University of Technology, AT)
Scientific Committee
Hansjörg Albrecher (University of Lausanne, CH)
Phelim P. Boyle (University of Waterloo, CA)
Jan Dhaene (KU Leuven, BE)
Boualem Djehiche (KTH Stockholm, SE)
Jose Garrido (Concordia University, Montreal, US)
Marc Goovaerts (KU Leuven, BE)
Rob Kaas (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Stéphane Loisel (Université Lyon 1, FR)
Thorsten Rheinländer (TU Wien, AT)
Uwe Schmock (TU Wien, AT)
Arnold Shapiro (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Elias Shiu (University of Iowa, USA)
Mogens Steffensen (University of Copenhagen, DK)
Qihe Tang (University of Iowa, US)
Gordon Willmot (University of Waterloo, CA)
Hailiang Yang (University of Hong Kong, HK)
Local Organizing Committee
Julia Eisenberg (TU Wien)
Peter Grandits (TU Wien)
Karin Hirhager (Actuarial Association of Austria)
Manfred Rapf (Actuarial Association of Austria)
Thorsten Rheinländer (TU Wien)
Uwe Schmock (TU Wien)
Sandra Trenovatz (TU Wien)
The call for contributed talks and posters
is open until April 7, 2017.
Early registration is possible until May 15, 2017.
Registration is open until June 20, 2017.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The attendance at IME 2017 (full week, July 3-7, 2017)
qualifies for up to 30 CPD credits.
About 18 CPD credits for the IME Conference (July 3-5)
and 12 CPD credits for the IME Workshop (July 6-7).
Details & schedule will follow soon.
For any requests, do not hesitate to write an e-mail to the
IME conference & workshop secretariat: ime2017(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at