-- From: Office BWG <office(a)bwg.at> --
Die Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance (AWG) der Österreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (BWG), Wien, organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Graz, Institut für Banken und Finanzierung und Institut für Finanzwirtschaft, Prof. Edwin Fischer, Prof. Roland Mestel, Prof. Stefan Palan, Prof. Andrea Schertler, den
am 27. und 28. November 2020
Der Workshop findet am Freitag, 27. November 2020 (Nachmittag) und am Samstag, 28. November 2020 (Vormittag) an der Universität Graz statt.
Papers oder Extended Abstracts (ca. 2 Seiten) - vorzugsweise in englischer Sprache - sind bis spätestens 9. Oktober 2020 per eMail einzureichen an:
Um den angestrebten Workshop-Charakter der Veranstaltung zu fördern, kann jeder Vortrag durch eine/n Discussant besprochen werden.
Teilnehmende, die eine solche Vorgangsweise wünschen, mögen dies bei der Einreichung gesondert bekannt geben. In diesem Fall ist die Einreichung eines full paper erforderlich.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der hierfür eingerichteten Konferenz-Website:
Ziele: Schaffen eines österreichweiten Diskussionsforums für theoretische und empirische Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Bankwesens und der Finanzwirtschaft. Förderung der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Hochschulen und der Zusammenarbeit mit der Praxis.
Teilnehmende: Angesprochen sind sowohl der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs an allen Universitäten und verwandten Institutionen der Forschung als auch Praktiker/innen in Kreditinstituten, Versicherungen und Finanzabteilungen von Unternehmen.
(Auszug) Asset Pricing - Banking - Behavioral Economics - Central Banking and Regulation - Corporate Finance and Governance - Derivatives - Empirical Finance - Experimental Finance - Financial Econometrics - Financial Economics - Financial Intermediation and Institutions - Financial Innovations - Household Finance - International Finance - Market Microstructure - Performance Measurement - Portfolio Analysis - Real Estate Finance - Risk Management.
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist KOSTENLOS.
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-- From: DGF Conference 2020 <DGF2020(a)uibk.ac.at> --
Dear Sir or Madam,
We cordially invite you to participate in the 27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF) held at University of Innsbruck on October 01-03, 2020. A doctoral workshop will take place on October 01, 2020.
The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in order to discuss the latest theoretical and empirical results from all areas of finance, banking and insurance. Campbell R. Harvey, Professor of Finance at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, will deliver the keynote speech of the conference.
Submissions of papers for the conference is now open until April 30, 2020 (midnight CET).
Early bird registration is possible from May 04, 2020 until June 28, 2020, followed by regular registration. Late registration starts on September 06, 2020 and lasts until September 25, 2020.
For more information (paper submission, doctoral seminar, conference registration, etc.) please visit https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/dgf2020/.
We look forward to meeting you for an exciting conference in the heart of the Alps, Innsbruck.
Kind regards,
Jochen Lawrenz
Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz
DGF 2020 Organizing Committee
27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF)
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-- From: "Krickl, Sabina" <Sabina.Krickl(a)wu.ac.at> --
The Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance is currently inviting applications for a half-time Assistant Professor, non-tenure track position (Universitätsassistent/in post-doc, employee subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Angestellte/r gemäß Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten; gross monthly salary, paid 14 times per year: Euro € 1,901.95). This employee position will be limited to a period of 6 years, starting on November, 2019 (commencement date subject to change).
Please note that under the terms of the WU personnel development plan, the position of Assistant Professor, non-tenure track, is limited to an employment period of not more than six years. Applicants who are already employed at WU as substitute employees can therefore only be employed for the time remaining to complete the six-year period. Persons who have already been employed at WU in an Assistant Professor, non-tenure track position cannot be re-employed in this position at WU (except as a substitute employee) due to legal restrictions.
- Research in Financial Economics
- Teaching: Finance on Bachelor and/or Master levels
- Participating in organizational and administrative duties
Your Profile:
Skills and qualification:
- PhD in Finance or Economics
- Experience in research: at least two papers on the program of a leading international finance conference
- Experience in teaching: undergraduate and graduate level, supervision of theses
- Excellent English and German language skills
- Excellent knowledge of asset pricing, market liquidity and sovereign debt markets
- Excellent knowledge of programming / statistical/ financial modeling skills and empirical/ quantitative analyses
- Leadership experience, strong team & project management skills
- Potential to publish in leading finance/economics/operations research journals
Please complete your application by attaching the following documents: CV including list of publications and working papers; 1 Working paper (job market paper); Reference letters;
Contact for further information: Prof. Dr. Stefan Bogner (stefan.bogner(a)wu.ac.at)
Reference Number: 430
Application materials can be submitted online until November 20, 2019
Sabina Krickl
Department-Office FAS D4
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D4, Entrance A, 4th floor<http://gis.wu.ac.at/index.html?roomShow=Sabina%20Krickl>, 1020 Vienna, Austria
[T] +43 1 31336/5238
[M] +43 676 8213 5238
[E] sabina.krickl(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:sabina.krickl@wu.ac.at>
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-- From: "Krickl, Sabina" <Sabina.Krickl(a)wu.ac.at> --
The Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance is currently inviting applications for a half-time Assistant Professor, non-tenure track position (Universitätsassistent/in post-doc, employee subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Angestellte/r gemäß Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten; gross monthly salary, paid 14 times per year: Euro 1,901.95 ). This employee position will be limited to a period of 6 years, starting on November, 2019 (commencement date subject to change).
Please note that under the terms of the WU personnel development plan, the position of Assistant Professor, non-tenure track, is limited to an employment period of not more than six years. Applicants who are already employed at WU as substitute employees can therefore only be employed for the time remaining to complete the six-year period. Persons who have already been employed at WU in an Assistant Professor, non-tenure track position cannot be re-employed in this position at WU (except as a substitute employee) due to legal restrictions.
- Research in Financial Economics
- Teaching: Finance on Bachelor and/or Master levels
- Participating in organizational and administrative duties
Your Profile:
Skills and qualification:
- PhD in Finance or Economics
- Experience in research: at least two papers on the program of a leading international
finance conference
- Experience in teaching: undergraduate and graduate, supervision of theses
- Excellent English and German language skills
- Excellent knowledge of socially responsible investing, crypto currencies and portfolio theory
- Excellent knowledge of empirical analyses and handling of large data sets
- Leadership experience, strong team & project management skills
- Potential to publish in leading finance/economics/operations research journals
Please complete your application by attaching the following documents: CV including list of publications and working papers; 1 Working paper (job market paper); Reference letters;
Contact for further information: Prof. Dr. Stefan Bogner (stefan.bogner(a)wu.ac.at)
Reference Number: 429
Application materials can be submitted online until November 20, 2019
Sabina Krickl
Department-Office FAS D4
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D4, Entrance A, 4th floor<http://gis.wu.ac.at/index.html?roomShow=Sabina%20Krickl>, 1020 Vienna, Austria
[T] +43 1 31336/5238
[M] +43 676 8213 5238
[E] sabina.krickl(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:sabina.krickl@wu.ac.at>
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-- From: Office BWG <office(a)bwg.at> --
Die Austrian Working Group on Banking & Finance (AWG) der Österreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (BWG), Wien, organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Liechtenstein, Lehrstuhl für Finance, Prof. Dr. Michael Hanke, den
22./23. November 2019
Der Workshop findet am Freitag, 22. November 2019 (Nachmittag) und am Samstag, 23. November 2019 (Vormittag) an der Universität Vaduz statt.
Bezüglich der Themen gibt es keine Einschränkung.
Papers oder Extended Abstracts (ca. 2 Seiten) - vorzugsweise in englischer Sprache - sind bis spätestens 11. Oktober 2019 per eMail einzureichen an:
Um den angestrebten Workshop-Charakter der Veranstaltung zu fördern, kann jeder Vortrag durch eine/n Discussant besprochen werden.
Teilnehmende, die eine solche Vorgangsweise wünschen, werden gebeten, ihr Manuskript bis 13. September 2019 einzureichen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der hierfür eingerichteten Konferenz-Website: https://www.uni.li/awg2019
Ziele: Schaffen eines österreichweiten Diskussionsforums für theoretische und empirische Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Bankwesens und der Finanzwirtschaft. Förderung der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Hochschulen und der Zusammenarbeit mit der Praxis.
Teilnehmende: Angesprochen sind sowohl der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs an allen österreichischen Universitäten und verwandten Institutionen der Forschung als auch Praktiker/innen in Kreditinstituten und Finanzabteilungen von Unternehmen.
(Auszug) Asset Pricing - Banking - Behavioral Economics - Central Banking and Regulation - Corporate Finance - Corporate Governance - Derivatives - Empirical Finance - Experimental Finance - Financial Econometrics - Financial Economics - Financial Innovations - International Finance - Market Microstructure - Performance Measurement - Portfolio Analysis - Real Estate Finance - Risk Management - Security Analysis.
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist KOSTENLOS.
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-- From: "Sandra Trenovatz (VCMF 2019)" <vcmf2019(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at> --
Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance (VCMF 2019)
Mon-Wed, September 9-11, 2019
VCMF Educational Workshop
Thu-Fri, September 12-13, 2019
*Deadline approaching:*
Standard registration ends on August 25, 2019
(from August 26, 2019, late registration fee applies):
The second Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance (VCMF 2019) will be
held from September 9-11, 2019, once again at the new campus of WU
Vienna. The conference will bring together leading experts from various
fields of Mathematical Finance such as:
- Computational Methods and Machine Learning
- Credit Risk and Systemic Risk
- Limit Order Book and High Frequency Trading
- Markets with Frictions and Large Trader Models
- New Financial Markets (Cryptocurrencies,
Electricity, Energy, Securitization)
- Risk Measures and Optimization (Portfolio Optimisation,
Risk Allocation, Risk Aggregation)
- Robust Finance
- Stochastic and Rough Volatility
The conference program will feature plenary lectures, parallel sessions
with invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Moreover,
there will be an attractive social program.
In the framework of a Panel Discussion (September 9, 2019) on the topic
"The big data revolution in mathematical finance" we offer the
conference participants a platform for discussions with a number of
renowned experts.
The conference is followed by a two-day Educational Workshop on
September 12 and 13, 2019, with lectures by internationally recognized
experts that will be a great learning opportunity in particular for
younger scientists.
The VCMF 2019 follows the successful previous edition, VCMF 2016, with
240 attendees, 83 talks and 28 poster presentations.
For further information including details on plenary and invited
speakers see the conference homepage at
We are looking forward to meeting you in September in Vienna!
With kind regards from the VCMF 2019 organisers,
Mathias Beiglböck, Rüdiger Frey, Stefan Gerhold,
Friedrich Hubalek, Irene Klein, Thorsten Rheinländer,
Birgit Rudloff, Walter Schachermayer, Uwe Schmock
Campus of WU Wien
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna/Wien, Austria
Organized by:
WU Vienna - Vienna University of Economics & Business
TU Wien - Vienna University of Technology
University of Vienna
Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna
Gold Sponsor:
Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI)
Silver Sponsor:
B&W Deloitte
EnergieAllianz Austria (EAA)
Meyerthole Siems Kohlruss
UNIQA Insurance Group
Plenary Speakers...
at the Congress:
- Beatrice Acciaio (London School of Economics)
- Fred Espen Benth (University of Oslo)
- Bruno Bouchard (Université Paris-Dauphine)
- Christa Cuchiero (WU Vienna)
- Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich)
- Antoine Jacquier (Imperial College London)
- Sebastian Jaimungal (University of Toronto)
- Walter Schachermayer (University of Vienna)
at the Educational Workshop:
- Julien Guyon (Bloomberg, Columbia Univ., New York Univ.)
- Huyên Pham (University Paris VII Diderot)
- Josef Teichmann (ETH Zurich)
- Luitgard A. M. Veraart (London School of Economics)
Invited Speakers at the Congress:
- Emmanuel Bacry (École Polytechnique and Université Paris-Dauphine)
- Peter Bank (TU Berlin)
- Zachary Feinstein (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Damir Filipovic (EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute)
- Kathrin Glau (Queen Mary University of London)
- Archil Gulisashvili (Ohio University)
- Julien Guyon (Bloomberg, Columbia Univ., New York Univ.)
- Nikolaus Hautsch (University of Vienna)
- Blanka Horvath (King's College and Imperial College London)
- Ying Jiao (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
- Sigrid Källblad (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
- Eyal Neuman (Imperial College London)
- Marcel Nutz (Columbia University)
- Miklos Rasonyi (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
- Nizar Touzi (École Polytechnique)
- Luitgard A. M. Veraart (London School of Economics)
Additionally on the first day of the congress there will be a panel
discussion with the title:
"The big data revolution in mathematical finance"
For further details see the program:
Standard registration is possible until August 25, 2019.
From August 26, 2019, late registration fee applies.
The attendance at VCMF 2019 (full week, Sept. 9-13, 2019)
may qualify for up to 30 CPD credits for those delegates
whose national actuarial organization's CPD requirements
recognize VCMF 2019.
18 CPD credits for VCMF Congress (Sep 9-11) and
12 CPD credits for VCMF Educational Workshop (Sep 12-13).
VCMF 2019 is accredited by the AVÖ - Actuarial Assoc. of Austria.
For any requests, do not hesitate to write an e-mail to the conference &
workshop secretariat: vcmf2019(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at
"Le congrès danse beaucoup, mais il ne marche pas."
("The congress does not move forward, it dances.")
Prince Charles de Ligne’s famous words
at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)
-- From: Goran Peskir <Goran.Peskir(a)manchester.ac.uk> --
Lecturer in Probability and Actuarial Science
School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester
Closing date: 12/7/2019
Further particulars: https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=17404
-- From: Sandra Trenovatz <sandra(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at> --
To Whom it May Concern,
the TU Wien (FAM - Financial and Actuarial Mathematics), WU Vienna,
University of Vienna as well as the Wolfgang Pauli Institute jointly
organise the international event *VCMF 2019*:
Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance
Mon-Wed, 9-11 September 2019
VCMF Educational Workshop
Thu-Fri, 12-13 September 2019
*End of Early Registration:*
Reduced registration fee applies until 30 June 2019:
For the VCMF Educational Workshop all abstracts are online, for the VCMF
Conference the first abstracts are available. See:
Christa Cuchiero - plenary speaker of the VCMF Conferende as well as
(former) employee of TU Wien, University of Vienna and WU Vienna -
received the "START-Preis" of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). This is
the highest Austrian award for young scientists of any discipline - the
recipients are selected by an international jury of experts. See:
*Vienna City Hall:*
The Conference Dinner takes place in the Vienna City Hall - same a the
Vienna Ball of Sciences or the worldwide renowned Life Ball. After the
delicious dinner participants can dance - true to the motto of the VCMF
event: "Mu and Sigma waltzing the Congress":
With best regards,
VCMF 2019 Conference & Workshop Secretariat
Katrin Artner and Sandra Trenovatz
| VCMF 2019 - Vienna, Austria
| Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance
| Mon-Wed, September 9-11, 2019
| VCMF Educational Workshop
| Thu-Fri, September 12-13, 2019
| https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/vcmf2019/
-- From: "Rogaunig, Nicole" <Nicole.Rogaunig(a)wu.ac.at> --
WU is currently inviting applications for the position of a full professor of Credit Markets and Financial Intermediation at the Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics.
Candidates are expected to have established an international reputation as a researcher in their field.
Further details on the call for applications, including a detailed qualification profile, can be found online:
Applications must be submitted by July 24, 2019.
Dipl.-Kff. Nicole Rogaunig
Stabsstelle für Berufungsangelegenheiten
Senior Faculty Recruitment and Welcome Services
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude AD
1020 Wien, Austria
Tel: +43-1-31336-4079 Fax: +43-1-31336-904079
Email: nicole.rogaunig(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:nicole.rogaunig@wu.ac.at>
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-- From: "Schlichting, Martina" <Martina.Schlichting(a)wu.ac.at> --
In April 2017 one of Austria's most renowned economists, Engelbert Dockner, passed away after a long and serious illness.
In his Ph. D. thesis, Engelbert Dockner derived an elegant stability analysis of two-state optimal control models. Another of his path-breaking contributions is the 'blue bible' on `Differential Games in Economics and Management Science' (joint with Jorgensen, Long and Sorger). For most of his career, he was a professor of finance and worked on diverse topics such as asset pricing, risk dynamics, and financial market structures.
In addition to his deep and broad research interests and his intellectual curiosity, Engelbert Dockner's trademark was his modest and well-balanced personality. He was highly regarded by his colleagues as an integrative person and arbitrator. After his diagnosis, he accepted his hard fate with equanimity.
To commemorate Engelbert Dockner's achievements we launch the DOCKNER LECTURES, a series of events that will take place alternatingly at the three universities in Vienna with which he was affiliated during his career. The series will start on April 10th, 2019 at 4 pm, in Böcklsaal at the Vienna University of Technology with a lecture by Prof. Ngo Van Long from McGill University. In 2020 it will be continued with a talk at the University of Vienna, and in 2021 there will be a lecture at the WU Vienna University of Business and Economics.
Gustav Feichtinger, Gerhard Sorger, Josef Zechner