---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 10:16:14 +0200
From: Bettina Raab <Bettina.Raab(a)jku.at>
To: vfn-l(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at
Die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz ist mit 20.000 Studierenden und
2.700 MitarbeiterInnen Oberösterreichs größte Bildungs- und
Forschungseinrichtung. An vier Fakultäten – darunter seit 2014 die neu
gegründete Medizinische Fakultät – bietet die JKU rund 60
Studienrichtungen an. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum
ehestmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n
Institut für Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft, Abteilung für Asset
Anzeigennummer 3102
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Engagierte Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit (Doktorarbeit)
- Übernahme administrativer Aufgaben & Unterstützung des
Abteilungsleiters & Teams
Ihr Profil:
- sehr guter Universitätsabschluss Wirtschaftswissenschaften/Finance
mit ev. ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen in der Finanzindustrie
- Beherrschung gängiger statistischer Analysemethoden
Nähere Auskünfte erteilt der Abteilungsleiter
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Teodoro D. Cocca, T +43 732 2468 7211,
E-Mail: teodoro.cocca(a)jku.at.
Das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt beträgt € 2.696,50 brutto pro
Monat. Bei gleicher Qualifikation werden Frauen bevorzugt aufgenommen.
Bewerbungsfristende 15.6.2016.
Bettina Raab
Asset Management / Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft
Altenberger Straße 69
Managementzentrum, 3. Stock, Trakt A, Raum Nr. 311
4040 Linz, Österreich
T +43 732 2468 7212
The WU Gutmann Center cordially invites you to the forthcoming
(apologies for duplicated mails!)
Date: June 14 (Tuesday), 2016 4:00 pm
Location: Bank Gutmann, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, A-1010 Vienna
Speaker: Prof. Terrance Odean
Title: "Unrecognized Risk Taking in Financial Markets"
Risk-taking is an essential activity in financial markets. Standard models assume that economic agents pay attention to all relevant information, are unbiased in their assessment of risk, and dispassionately match the risks they take to consistent preferences. In practice, however, investors have limited attention, display persistent biases when assessing risk, and have inconsistent preferences. Furthermore, risk-taking is influenced by emotions. Thus investors often take risks that they neither recognize nor intend to take. Those who rely on mathematical models may actually be more, not less, prone to unintended risk-taking.
About Terrance Odean
Terrance Odean is the Rudd Family Foundation Professor and Chair of the Finance Group at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a member of the Journal of Investment Consulting editorial advisory board, of the Russell Sage Behavioral Economics Roundtable, of the WU Gutmann Center Academic Advisory Board at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and is a Wall Street Journal Expert Panelist. He has been an editor and an associate editor of the Review of Financial Studies, an associate editor of the Journal of Finance, a co-editor of a special issue of Management Science, an associate editor at the Journal of Behavioral Finance, a director of UC Berkeley's Experimental Social Science Laboratory, a member of the Russell Investments Academic Advisory Board, a visiting professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway, and the Willis H. Booth Professor of Finance and Banking. As an undergraduate at Berkeley, Odean studied Judgment and Decision Making with the 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Daniel Kahneman. This led to his current research focus on how psychologically motivated decisions affect investor welfare and securities prices.
**Please REGISTER**:
Mail: gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at>
Phone: +43-1-31336-5238
WU Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Sabina Krickl
Please contact gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at> if you do not wish to receive any further invitations from us!
(apologies for duplicated mails!)
We are pleased to invite you to our next Investment Talk, organized by the Spängler IQAM Research Center. The Center is a joint initiative of TU Vienna (Vienna University of Technology) and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business supported by Spängler IQAM Invest and provides a platform for exchange in the field of asset management between academics, practitioners and the public.
Date: Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 at 4 pm
Topic: "Stock Return Predictability"
Stock returns have exhibited substantial cross-sectional predictability over the past 50 years. In addition to relatively short-term predictability that relates to return reversals and momentum, there is strong evidence of longer-term predictability that relates to firm fundamentals, like value, profitability and asset growth. There are three possible explanations for this evidence of long-term cross-sectional predictability. The first is that the observed return premiums are compensation for systematic risk, the second is that these observations are the product of data mining, and the third is that investors made a mistake about a systematic source of risk. Our analysis supports the third explanation and identifies a particular source of a mistake that relates to the perceived innovation climate, which influences both the creation and destruction of businesses.
holds the McAllister Centennial Chair in Financial Services at the University of Texas at Austin and is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Texas, Sheridan was a Professor at UCLA, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Boston College and spent the 1988-89 academic year in Washington D.C. as the special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy. Sheridan's academic publications include both theoretical and empirical articles on asset pricing, corporate finance, energy finance, real estate finance and urban economics. He has also co-authored three finance textbooks, Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions, and Financial Management: Principles and Applications. He won the Smith-Breeden best paper award for the Journal of Finance, the GSAM best paper award for the Review of Finance and was a recipient of the Batterymarch Fellowship. Sheridan has served on the editorial boards of leading academic journals, including the Journal of Finance and the Review of Financial Studies and has served as President of both the Western Finance Association and the American Finance Association and has served as a Director of the American Finance Association, the Western Finance Association, the Financial Management Association and the Asia Pacific Finance Association. He is currently the Vice President of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.
Sheridan has a B.S. from the University of Colorado and an M.S. and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University.
REGISTRATION is required. We kindly ask to register before June 8th at si-researchcenter(a)wu.ac.at
TU Wien
BA Chemie Hochhaus, Entrance 10, 11th upper floor, TUtheSky - Conference room
1060 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9
PARKING FACILITIES: Wipark Operngasse 13 or Wipark Lehargasse 4.
Public transport:
U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz (5 minutes walking distance)
U2 Museumsquartier
57A Getreidemarkt
TU building plan: http://www.si-researchcenter.at/events/investment-talk
Contact and further information:
WU, Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance , attn. Martina Schlichting, 1020 Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D4, Level 4
Phone: +43 1 31336 6315
Mail: si-researchcenter(a)wu.ac.at, web: www.si-researchcenter.at
by Sommersguter-Reichmann, Margit (margit.sommersguter@uni-graz.at)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten Sie hiermit auf die Ausschreibung einer Stelle einer/eines Universitätsassistentin/Universitätsassistenten mit Doktorat am Institut für Finanzwirtschaft der Universität Graz unter nachstehendem Link aufmerksam machen:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Margit Sommersguter-Reichmann
Margit Sommersguter-Reichmann, ao. Univ.-Prof., Mag. Dr.
Universitaet Graz, Institut für Finanzwirtschaft
Univ.str. 15, G2
A-8010 Graz
Tel. +43 316 380 3516
Fax +43 316 380 9555
| VCMF 2016 - Vienna, Austria
| Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance
| Mon-Wed, September 12-14, 2016
| VCMF Educational Workshop
| Thu-Fri, September 15-16, 2016
| https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/vcmf2016/
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I would like to draw your attention to VCMF 2016, the "Vienna Congress
on Mathematical Finance" and "VCMF Educational Workshop", taking place
in Vienna in September this year.
The three-day congress covers recent topics from various fields of
Mathematical Finance such as Limit Order Book and High-Frequency
Trading, Credit and Systemic Risk, Computational Methods and
Calibration, New Financial Markets, Stochastic Volatility Models as well
as Risk Measures and Optimization. It offers leading experts and
academics alike the opportunity for scientific debate. The program is
rounded off by a two-day educational workshop led by internationally
recognized experts for young researchers. The talks and introductory
courses offer an excellent learning opportunity and time for discussion
on various relevant topics.
The organisers Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien),
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and University of Vienna are
excited about the joint organisation of VCMF 2016 and look forward to
the participation of national and international participants.
The call for contributed talks & posters is open until April 30, 2016.
We thank you for your interest and would like to ask whether you would
disseminate this information to interested colleagues.
We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna!
With best regards from the VCMF 2016 Organisers,
Mathias Beiglböck, Christa Cuchiero, Rüdiger Frey, Stefan Gerhold,
Friedrich Hubalek, Irene Klein, Thorsten Rheinländer,
Birgit Rudloff, Walter Schachermayer, Uwe Schmock
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Rheinländer
Vienna University of Technology
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/E105-1
1040 Vienna, Austria
Die Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance (AWG) der
Österreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (BWG), Wien,
organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt,
Abteilung für Finance and Accounting, den
25./26 November 2016
Der Workshop findet am Freitag, 25. November 2016 (Nachmittag) und am
Samstag, 26. November 2016 (Vormittag) an der Alpen-Adria Universität
Klagenfurt statt.
Bezüglich der Themen gibt es keine Einschränkung.
Papers oder Extended Abstracts (ca. 2 Seiten) – vorzugsweise in englischer
Sprache – sind bis spätestens 14. Oktober 2016 per eMail einzureichen an:
Um den angestrebten Workshop-Charakter der Veranstaltung zu fördern, kann
jeder Vortrag durch eine/n Discussant besprochen werden. Teilnehmende, die
eine solche Vorgangsweise wünschen, werden gebeten, ihr Manuskript bis 30.
September 2016 einzureichen.
Ziele: Schaffen eines österreichweiten Diskussionsforums für
theoretische und empirische Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet des
Bankwesens und der Finanzwirtschaft. Förderung der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb
der Hochschulen und der Zusammenarbeit mit der Praxis.
Teilnehmende: Angesprochen sind sowohl der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs
an allen österreichischen Universitäten und verwandten Institutionen der
Forschung als auch Praktiker/innen in Kreditinstituten und
Finanzabteilungen von Unternehmen.
Schwerpunkte: (Auszug) Asset Pricing – Banking – Behavioral
Economics – Central Banking and Regulation – Corporate Finance – Corporate
Governance - Derivatives – Empirical Finance – Experimental Finance –
Financial Econometrics – Financial Economics - Financial
Innovations – International Finance – Market Microstructure – Performance
Measurement – Portfolio Analysis – Real Estate Finance – Risk Management –
Security Analysis.
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist KOSTENLOS.
Dear all,
We are glad to announce the 9th European Summer School in Financial
Mathematics, which will be held in Pushkin, close to St. Petersburg,
from August 29th to September 2nd 2016.
Main lectures will be given by B. Bouchard, K. Kardaras, J. Ruf, N.
Touzi and M. Zhiltukhin.
We invite applications from PhD students and early career researchers.
Grants covering accommodation and travel expenses will be provided to
accepted participants.
Please visit the web page of the summer school for more information:
Deadline for applications is April 30th. Please follow the instructions
on the web page to apply.
We count on your participation to make this ninth summer school a
success, just as the previous editions have been!
Please feel free to circulate this announcement.
With our best regards,
The organising committee:
Youri Kabanov, Aleksey Muravlev, Albert Shiryaev, Peter Tankov, Nizar
Touzi, Mikhail Zhiltukhin
The WU Gutmann Center cordially invites you to the forthcoming
(apologies for duplicated mails!)
Date: March 3 (Thursday), 2016, 4:00 pm
Location: Bank Gutmann, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, A-1010 Vienna
Speaker: Prof. Sunil Wahal
Title: "The demand for diversification in incomplete markets"
Endogenous diversification in a market with incomplete information generates a state-dependent premium for bearing idiosyncratic risk because time series variation in average idiosyncratic risk affects the disutility of under-diversification. This idea delivers a metric that maps the marginal disutility of under-diversification to the covariance of idiosyncratic risk with average idiosyncratic risk. The metric helps explain the cross-section of returns in the US between 1973 and 2014, especially in periods of low average idiosyncratic risk. In such periods, portfolios tests generate intercepts from three and five-factor models that are economically large, and present in both small and large capitalization stocks. We observe similarly large intercepts in markets outside the US, particularly in large stocks.
About Sunil Wahal
Dr. Sunil Wahal is the Jack D. Furst Professor of Finance at ASU W. P. Carey School of Business. Before joining the ASU faculty in 2005, Dr. Wahal was on the faculty at the Goizueta Business School, Emory University, and at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. in finance from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1995. Dr Wahal's research focuses on trading issues (market microstructure), short and long-horizon trading strategies, and delegated portfolio management for mutual funds and institutional investors. He has published extensively in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies and numerous other journals. He is a consultant to Dimensional Fund Advisors, advises a number of investment committees, and regularly interfaces with practitioners in a variety of ways. He is a regular speaker at academic and practitioner conferences.
**Please REGISTER**:
Mail: gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at>
Phone: +43-1-31336-5238
WU Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Sabina Krickl
Please contact gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at> if you do not wish to receive any further invitations from us!
The WU Gutmann Center cordially invites you to the forthcoming
(apologies for duplicated mails!)
Date: March 3 (Thursday), 2016, 4:00 pm
Location: Bank Gutmann, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, A-1010 Vienna
Speaker: Prof. Sunil Wahal
Title: "The demand for diversification in incomplete markets"
Endogenous diversification in a market with incomplete information generates a state-dependent premium for bearing idiosyncratic risk because time series variation in average idiosyncratic risk affects the disutility of under-diversification. This idea delivers a metric that maps the marginal disutility of under-diversification to the covariance of idiosyncratic risk with average idiosyncratic risk. The metric helps explain the cross-section of returns in the US between 1973 and 2014, especially in periods of low average idiosyncratic risk. In such periods, portfolios tests generate intercepts from three and five-factor models that are economically large, and present in both small and large capitalization stocks. We observe similarly large intercepts in markets outside the US, particularly in large stocks.
About Sunil Wahal
Dr. Sunil Wahal is the Jack D. Furst Professor of Finance at ASU W. P. Carey School of Business. Before joining the ASU faculty in 2005, Dr. Wahal was on the faculty at the Goizueta Business School, Emory University, and at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. in finance from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1995. Dr Wahal's research focuses on trading issues (market microstructure), short and long-horizon trading strategies, and delegated portfolio management for mutual funds and institutional investors. He has published extensively in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies and numerous other journals. He is a consultant to Dimensional Fund Advisors, advises a number of investment committees, and regularly interfaces with practitioners in a variety of ways. He is a regular speaker at academic and practitioner conferences.
**Please REGISTER**:
Mail: gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at>
Phone: +43-1-31336-5238
WU Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Sabina Krickl
Please contact gutmann-center(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:gutmann-center@wu.ac.at> if you do not wish to receive any further invitations from us!