CCEFM Workshop:
Prof. Suresh Sundaresan (Columbia University, NY)
hält HEUTE um 15.30 einen Vortrag über das Thema:
"Collateralized Swaps: Implications for Valuation and Zero Extraction".
Der Vortrag findet in der Wiener Börse, Wallnerstrasse 8, statt.
Announcement: Talk with Prof. Suresh Sundaresan, Columbia University
Date: 24.06.2002
Time: 04:30 pm
Location: Bank Gutmann AG, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, 1010 Wien, Mezzanin
Title of the talk: Default Risk and Portfolio Management
Abstract: Due to the decreasing size of government debt markets and increase
in securitized debt products, credit-risky asset classes have become an
increasingly important part of the fixed income portfolio management
industry. Asset classes such as collateralized debt obligations, corporate
debt, asset-backed securities confront portfolio managers with arguably
better expected returns but also expose investors to higher credit and
liquidity risk exposures. The seminar will explore the development of these
markets, new opportunities and risks that they present. In addition, we will
review the current thinking about measuring and managing credit and
liquidity risks in different asset classes. Institutional developments such
as collateralization, marking to market, trigger covenants will be
presented. Conceptual risk measurement techniques and rating procedures will
also be outlined
Liebe KollegInnen,
da heute die Frist für die Anmeldung abläuft, möchte ich Sie noch einmal
auf den
"Workshop on Recent Topics in Real Options Valuation" aufmerksam machen,
welcher vom 6.7. bis 8.7.02 an der Donau-Universität Krems stattfinden.
Programm und Anmeldeformular finden Sie unter
Schöne Grüße
Thomas Dangl
Thomas Dangl
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Managerial Economics
and Industrial Organization
Theresianumgasse 27
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: ++43-1-58801-33063
Fax: ++43-1-58801-33096
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 14:30:42 +0200
From: Financial and Actuarial Mathematics <fam(a)>
FAM-jobs *
in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
at the Vienna University of Technology
1 Post-Doc-ship:
The successful applicants will have a PhD in Mathematics specialising
in Mathematical Finance or Actuarial Mathematics, or in a field
related to these topics, e.g., stochastic processes or, more
generally, probability theory, functional analysis, Malliavin
calculus, control theory, numerical aspects of PDE's etc. Some
background in finance also will be highly appreciated. He/she will
have a high potential and a strong will to do research and will name 3
peers who are willing to write a letter evaluating the applicant's
academic qualifications. The yearly salary will be EUR 35.056.-- = ATS
482.381,-- (before tax and social security contribution).
The Research Group:
The Research group on Financial and Actuarial Mathematics is directed
by W. Schachermayer ( and
attached to his chair of financial and actuarial mathematics at the
Vienna University of Techology. W. Schachermayer has received the
Wittgenstein-Prize in 1998 (which the Austrian Science Foundation has
created following the pattern of the McArthur prize in the US and the
Leibniz prize in Germany), which constitutes a grant of ATS 15 Mill.
(appr. US$ 1 Mill.) to be spent on research activities in the
subsequent five years. This grant will finance (among other
activities) the 1 position announced.
The research group presently consists of 11 academic researchers. The
research is focused on stochastic processes and their applications in
Duration of Contracts:
The anticipated starting date is October 1, 2002, but an alternative
date may be possible. The contract will be for two years.
Candidates should mail their applications, including a Curriculum
Vitae, to Professor Walter Schachermayer, Vienna University of
Technology, Dept. of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Wiedner
Hauptstraße 8-10/105, A-1040 Wien, Austria or e-mail it to
The application deadline is July 31, 2002.
More information on the research group financial and actuarial
mathematics and the specifics of the above positions can be obtained
from Professor Walter Schachermayer, Tel. +43-1-58801-10511, email:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 18:00:38 +0200
From: Götz Kersting <kersting(a)>
To: wschach(a)
Subject: Ausschreibung einer Juniorprofessur
..., liebe Kollegen,
anbei schicke ich Ihnen die Ausschreibung einer Juniorprofessur fuer
MathFinance an der Uni Frankfurt (ps- und pdf-file, erscheint in der
ZEIT) mit der Bitte, sie weiter bekannt zu machen bzw. moegliche
Kandidat(inn)en zu informieren. Sie koennen natuerlich auch mich auf
potentielle Bewerber(innen) aufmerksam machen. Bewerbungsschluss ist
bereits am 5. Juli 2002.
Mit herzlichem Dank im voraus
Goetz Kersting
---------- End of forwarded message ----------
1. [Application: juniorprof.pdf] (55KB) ""
2. [Application:] (40KB) ""
Zitat aus untenstehend zitiertem Text:
Am Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Fakultät für
Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Informatik der Universität Wien kann zum
ehestmöglichen Termin ein Ausbildungsverhältnis mit einem/r
Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter/in begründet werden. Es endet nach
Ablauf von 4 Jahren. Das Beschäftigungsausmaß beträgt 100 %. Es
besteht die Möglichkeit, an Forschungsprojekten mitzuarbeiten.
-- Andreas Schamanek
vfn-l list-admin
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 16:05:10 MEZ-2
From: neumeyer(a)
To: vfn-l(a)
Subject: Ausschreibung
Sehr geehrtes Team,
anbei die Link-Adresse zu unserer Homepage und unserer
Ausschreibung eines wissenschaftlichen Assistenten an der Uni
Vielen Dank
Christine Neumeyer
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 15:14:58 +0200
From: OEVFA Office <office(a)>
Der Vorstand der Oesterreichischen Vereinigung fuer Finanzanalyse und
Asset Management (OeVFA) beehrt sich, zum Festvortrag 2002 am
Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2002, 11.00 Uhr in den Reitersaal der OeKB, 1010
Wien, Strauchgasse 3 hoeflichst einzuladen.
Dr. Andreas Gruenbichler, Vorstandsdirektor Finanzmarktaufsichts-
behoerde (FMA), referiert zum Thema: "Corporate Governance und die
Rolle der Finanzanalysten".
Im Anschluss an den Vortrag bittet die OeVFA zu einem Buffet.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen und ersuchen um Ihre Anmeldung per
e-mail an office(a) bis 7. Juni 2002. Fuer eventuelle Fragen
steht Ihnen Fr. Mag. Renate Altenhofer unter Telnr. 01/532 1000 gerne
zur Verfuegung. Naehere Infos auch unter .
Mit freundlichen Grueszen
Renate Altenhofer
Mag. Renate Altenhofer
Executive Manager
RNG Management GmbH
Boersegasse 9, DG 14, A-1010 Wien
T: +43 1 532 1000, F: +43 1 532 1001, M: +43 664 32 61 077,
Liebe KollegInnen,
ich möchte Sie auf den
"Workshop on Recent Topics in Real Options Valuation",
hinweisen, welcher von 6. bis 8. Juli 2002 an der Donau-Universität
Krems stattfindet.
Geladene Sprecher:
U. Hommel (EBS), R.S. Pindyck (MIT), L. Trigeorgis (UoCyprus)
Das Programm sowie das Anmeldeformular finden Sie unter
Herzliche Grüße
Thomas Dangl
Thomas Dangl
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Managerial Economics
and Industrial Organization
Theresianumgasse 27
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: ++43-1-58801-33063
Fax: ++43-1-58801-33096
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 14:55:31 +0200
From: Michael Jeckle <michael.jeckle(a)>
To: vfn-l(a)
Cc: r.Stickler(a)
Subject: Gastvortraege an der Fachhochschule BFI
Ankündigung: Gastvorträge an der Fachhochschule BFI, Wollmuthstraße
22, 1020 Wien
Prof. Walter Schwaiger (TU-WIEN)
Basel II - Auswirkungen auf den österreichischen Mittelstand
Dienstag, den 28.05.2002, um 18 UHR an der Fachhochschule BFI,
Lehrsaal 320
Dr. Erich Obersteiner (Vorstand der Wiener Börse AG)
Wiener Börse und österreichischer Kapitalmarkt - Bestandsaufnahme und
Montag, den 3.06.2002, um 17.30 an der Fachhochschule BFI, Lehrsaal 301
Dipl. Vw. Michael Jeckle
Lektor im Studiengang Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft
Tel. ++43/1/720 1286-46
Email: Michael.Jeckle(a)
Announcement: Talk with Prof. Suresh Sundaresan, Columbia University
Date: 24.06.2002
Time: 04:30 pm
Location: Bank Gutmann AG, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, 1010 Wien, Mezzanin
Title of the talk: Default Risk and Portfolio Management
Abstract: Due to the decreasing size of government debt markets and increase
in securitized debt products, credit-risky asset classes have become an
increasingly important part of the fixed income portfolio management
industry. Asset classes such as collateralized debt obligations, corporate
debt, asset-backed securities confront portfolio managers with arguably
better expected returns but also expose investors to higher credit and
liquidity risk exposures. The seminar will explore the development of these
markets, new opportunities and risks that they present. In addition, we will
review the current thinking about measuring and managing credit and
liquidity risks in different asset classes. Institutional developments such
as collateralization, marking to market, trigger covenants will be
presented. Conceptual risk measurement techniques and rating procedures will
also be outlined
registration: until 19.06.2002 under sonja.zeiner(a) or phone:
01/502 20-357