Stellenausschreibung FH BFI
FH-LektorIn für Finanzwirtschaft und Statistik (Ganze Stelle)
Ihre Aufgaben
a.. Lehrtätigkeit in Mathe/Statistik, Corporate Finance, Kapitalmarktlehre
b.. Forschung und Diplomarbeitsbetreuung
c.. in Fachhochschul-Studiengang für Vollzeit- und berufsbegleitend Studierende
Ihr Profil
a.. Abgeschlossenes Studium (Doktorat bevorzugt) mit Spezialisierung in Finanzwirtschaft
b.. Gute Kenntnisse in Statistik und Finanzmarktlehre
c.. Einschlägige Lehrerfahrung und/oder Berufspraxis
Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen an
Prof. Stickler
Wohlmuthstraße 22
1020 Wien
Dipl. Vw. Michael Jeckle
Lektor im Studiengang Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft
Tel. ++43/1/720 1286-46
Email: Michael.Jeckle(a)
***** Second Announcement and Reminder for Registration *****
***** Eighth Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, *****
***** Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: *****
***** Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS *****
***** Vienna , May 14-16, 2003 *****
***** ws2003.bwl(a) *****
***** *****
Unlike in the previous workshops this time we have not asked for
preregistration (because this information was not really necessary)
but have set a rather late deadline for registration and abstract
submission. A consequence was, that so far not very many people have
officially registered but in E-mails and at conferences people keep
asking us, when the next announcement w.r.t the "Eighth Viennese
Workshop " will be. So here it is. Additional Information to the
Call for Papers is:
1. We now have officially decided upon the TRAVEL AGENCY for HOTEL
Imperial Tours
Conference Department
Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 8
A-1014 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: (+43-1) 5356970
Fax: (+43-1) 53411202
The link for booking hotels is:
We recommend you to book early, since May is the best and busiest
tourist months in Vienna, because
· it has the best weather for sightseeing (stable and not too hot)
· the Austrian Federal Theatres and Operas are still open (they close
in summer)
· the Vienna Festival takes place (May 9 - June 15, 2003)
If you book late you might end up in expensive hotels or in those not
close to the center.
2. We will have several excellent INVITED SPEAKERS which are being
organized at the moment. Some have already confirmed that they will
give a (semi-)plenary presentation:
-> Richard Day, University of Southern California, USA - Recursive
Programs and Games
-> Ulrich Rieder, Ulm, Germany - Stochastic Control
-> Evgenii Mishchenko, Steklov Institute, Russia - Historical
Development of Optimal Control
-> Erik Mosekilde, Technical University of Denmark - Chaotic
synchronization in living systems
Several others are just now being asked but have not confirmed yet:
Benhabib, Lux, Scheinkman, etc.
3. There is a number of RELATED CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS before and
after the "Eighth Viennese Workshop " which might be of interest for
Workshop on "Complexity"
Aix en Provence,
organized by Christope Deissenberg and Gustav Feichtinger
May 8-11, 2003
Institute for World Economics, Kiel, Germany
May 29-31, 2003
XV IMGTA, a meeting on Game Theory
Urbino, Italy, organized by Gian Italo Bischi,
July 9-12, 2003
A few people have asked about the procedure whereby payment of EURO
190 is expected before people know if their abstract is accepted.
Clearly, the E190 will be fully refunded if the abstract is not
Also, potential contributors should know that it is the tradition of
our workshops that we try to have as many top presentations as
possible, but that we also want to give younger researchers (and
those who want to talk about unfinished work in process) a chance to
get feedback from the audience. Thus, although refereed,
contributions will usually only be rejected if they clearly do not
fall within the scope of the workshop of if it is clear from the
abstract, that it is nonsense. Papers will usually not be rejected
because of lack of space.
Please note that the DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is approaching:
December 31, 2002
Also note, that compared with the previous workshops we have chosen a
very late deadline, and that therefore this deadline is absolutely
STRICT. Abstracts, for which the registration fee has not been paid
by then will not be considered any further.
Links for general information, registration, and payment are:
6. Request for cooperation - SPECIAL SESSIONS:
In case you wish to organize a session on a special topic you are
very welcome to suggest this to us. In this case, send us an E-Mail
about your suggestion of session topic and papers to be included. All
contributions to be included in this session should be submitted as
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
concerning the workshop. Please contact
us via email at the address
if possible. Only if you have NO access to electronic mail please
Prof. Richard F. Hartl
Chair of Production and Operations Management
University of Vienna / BWZ
Bruennerstr. 72
A-1210 Vienna, Austria
Fax. +43 - 1 - 4277 - 38094
by surface mail or fax.
We look forward to the meet you in Vienna.
The organizers
Gustav Feichtinger and Richard F. Hartl
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:25:49 +0100
From: Tom Hurd <tomhurd(a)>
Subject: tenure-track appointment in financial mathematics
Dear Colleague,
Please find below an announcement for a tenure-track appointment in
financial mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at
McMaster University in Canada. I would be most grateful if you would
forward this notice to anyone you feel might be interested in applying.
sincerely, Tom Hurd
Mathematics and Statistics work 905 525 9140 x27304
McMaster University fax 905 522 0935
Hamilton, ON, L8S 4K1 email hurdt(a)
SHARCNET Chair in Financial Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University, invites
applications for a SHARCNET Chair in Financial Mathematics starting July
1, 2003. This Chair is funded in part by SHARCNET, which has developed a
network of high-performance computer clusters spanning seven
universities and colleges in Southern Ontario. The McMaster site has a
128-node cluster and is in the process of setting up a 64-node serial
farm (please see for more information).
Candidates should have a Ph.D., have the potential to become an
international leader in some area of financial mathematics, and have
demonstrated interest and ability in undergraduate and graduate level
teaching. The successful candidate will have a strong scientific
background in applied mathematics, probability theory or mathematical
analysis, as well as some experience in large-scale implementation of
computational finance models. Candidates with experience in the
financial industry are especially welcome to apply.
The salary and rank will be based on qualifications and experience.
Normally the appointment will be made at the tenure-track assistant or
associate professor level, but tenure may be offered in exceptional
McMaster University is located 65 km from downtown Toronto, the
financial heartland of Canada. The Department of Mathematics &
Statistics is home to PhiMAC, the Financial Mathematics Lab at McMaster,
a group of faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students working
in financial mathematics (please see
for more information). The appointee will be expected to supervise
PhiMAC graduate students and to be involved in running PhiMAC programs.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian
citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for this
position. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity
within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The
University encourages applications from all qualified candidates,
including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons,
members of sexual minorities, and persons with disabilities.
Applicants should arrange for at least three letters of recommendation
to be sent to the Chair. These letters should address the applicant's
research accomplishments and supply evidence that the applicant can
communicate articulately and teach effectively. In the case of an
application from a senior candidate, the names of six arms-length
references should also be provided.
The deadline for receiving applications is January 13, 2003.
Applications received after this date will be considered only if the
position has not been filled.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae and a letter of application
should be sent to the following address:
M. Valeriote, Chair
Mathematics & Statistics
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4K1
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 10:32:25 +0100
From: Francoise SACRE <sacre(a)>
Subject: full professor - IAG/UCL
Prof. Pierre Semal,IAG President, has the pleasure to inform you that a new
position in .... will be open in September 2003 at IAG, Louvain School of
Management, at the same time as 3 other positions in Quantative Finance.
The relevant information regarding the positions and the application
procedure can be found at
Please forward this information to any person you know who might be interested.
[attachment removed. -- vfn-l-admin]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 09:00:31 -0000
From: "Abeysekera, Doris" <d.abeysekera(a)>
Dear Colleague,
We have a new Lectureship position in Mathematical Finance in the
Mathematics Department at Imperial College London. Details can be
found at the website (This is equivalent to
Assistant Professor or the lower ranks of Associate professor in the
US system. An appointment at a higher level is a possibility.)
Naturally, we are keen to get the strongest possible candidates for
this position. I would appreciate your help in bringing it to the
attention of anyone you know who might be a candidate. Anyone
interested can always contact me directly for an informal discussion.
With best regards, Mark
Mark H. A. Davis
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College
[included attachment can be viewed on-line at ]
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Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 15:06:55 +0100
From: Olivia Ferner <Olivia.Ferner(a)>
To: vfn-admin(a)
Subject: Workshop am 6. Dezember 2002 ab 9.00 Uhr
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Bitte entnehmen Sie der Beilage das Programm zu einem Workshop der
Oesterreichischen Nationalbank zum Thema "Pension Finance Reform: From
Public to Financial Economics" am Freitag, den 6. Dezember 2002, von
9.00 Uhr - 17.30 Uhr.
Ort: Geldzentrum der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank
Mehrzwecksaal (O 3085), 3. Stock
Garnisongasse 15
1090 Wien
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Olivia Ferner
Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Sekretariat des Direktoriums/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Secretariat of the Governing Board and Public Relations
phone: 0043/1/404 20-6623
fax: 0043/1/404 20-6697
>From Daniel.Eckert(a) Fri Nov 15 16:22:48 2002
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:45:40 +0100
From: Daniel Eckert <Daniel.Eckert(a)>
To: Olivia Ferner <Olivia.Ferner(a)>
Subject: vfn programm
Program for the Workshop
Pension Finance Reform:
>From Public to Financial Economics
Friday, December 6, 2002
Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Geldzentrum (OeNB II)
3rd Floor
Garnisongasse 15
1090 Vienna
hosted by
Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Economic Analysis Division
9:00 a.m. Introductory Remarks
Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell
Vice Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
9:15 a.m. Welfare effects of pension finance reform
Johann K. Brunner, Professor of Economics, Johannes Kepler University
Thomas Steinberger, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
10:30 a.m. Public policy and pension finance:
Pension regimes and financial systems
Sigurt Vitols, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
Helene Schuberth, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Public policy and pension finance:
Tax incentives for life annuities and the problem of adverse selection
Susanne Pech, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Claudia Kwapil, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
1:00 p.m. Pension funds and EU financial markets
E. Philip Davis, Professor of Economics and Finance, Brunel University
Josef Zechner, Professor of Finance, University of Vienna
2:00 p.m. Risk issues in pension reform discussion
Daniel Eckert, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Thomas Url, WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research)
3:00 p.m. Investment-based pension reform for Austria?
Alois Guger, WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research)
Peter Rosner, University of Vienna
4:00 p.m. General Discussion:
Pension reform and financial systems -- policy implications
E. Philip Davis, Brunel University
Alois Guger, WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research)
Sylvia Angelo, Chamber of Labour of Vienna
Johann K. Brunner, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Martin Gleitsmann, The Austrian Economic Chamber
Helene Schuberth, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Ich bitte um Verbreitung der
folgenden Ausschreibung einer Lecturerstelle in Ihrem VFNewsletter.
Mit besten Gruessen, Dirk Becherer
The Imperial College of Science and Technology,
Dept. of Mathematics, invites applications for a permanent
Lectureship in Mathematical Finance.
The lectureship is to be appointed as soon as possible but not later
than 1/10/2003. Further details are available from
Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Mark Davis
(mark.davis(a), +44 20 7594 8486)
Dirk Becherer room: 6m24
Dept. of Mathematics tel: +44+20-75948554
Imperial College fax: +44+20-75948517
London SW7 2BZ dirk.becherer(a)
United Kingdom
--------- Forwarded message ------------
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:54:08 +0100
From: Brigitte Parnigoni <brigitte.parnigoni(a)>
To: vfn-l(a)
Subject: Ausschreibung Professur
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich ersuche um Veröffentlichung der Ausschreibung einer Professur für
"Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen" an der WU Wien (siehe attachement)
in Ihrem Vienna Finance Newsletter.
Mit bestem Dank im Voraus und freundlichen Grüßen
Brigitte Parnigoni
[Hinweis: VFN-L akzeptiert keine Attachments. Das Attachment wurde in
Text umgewandelt.]
Ausschreibung der Professur fuer "Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen"
An der Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien (WU) ist ab 1. Oktober 2003 die
unbefristete Stelle einer Universitaetsprofessorin / eines
Universitaetsprofessors (vergleichbar C4) fuer "Banken und
Finanzdienstleistungen" am derzeitigen Institut fuer Kreditwirtschaft
zu besetzen. Die Bewerberin / der Bewerber soll die universitaere
Ausbildung auf dem Gebiet Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen
verantwortlich betreuen. Eine Mitarbeit im Lehrprogramm Finanzierung
wird erwartet. Neben der Erfuellung der gesetzlichen Bedingungen
(Par.Par. 49f ff. VBG) soll sie / er auf dem Gebiet der
Finanzintermediation ausgewiesen und in der Lage sein, in der
Forschung die modernen Entwicklungen im Bereich Finanzierungstheorie
und Theorie der Finanzintermediation zu vertreten. Die Zusammenarbeit
mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Einheiten des Hauses in Forschung und
Lehre im Bereich Risikomanagement ist erwuenscht. Von der Bewerberin /
dem Bewerber wird die Bereitschaft erwartet, am englischsprachigen
Lehrveranstaltungsprogramm mitzuwirken.
Da sich die WU eine Erhoehung des Frauenanteils am wissenschaftlichen
Personal zum Ziel gesetzt hat, werden Frauen nachdruecklich
aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben. Frauen werden bei gleicher
Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen. An der WU ist ein Arbeitskreis
fuer Gleichbehandlungsfragen eingerichtet.
Bewerberinnen / Bewerber mit einschlaegiger Habilitation oder einer
gleichzuhaltenden wissenschaftlichen Eignung moegen ihre Bewerbung mit
den ueblichen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf, Schriftenverzeichnis,
fuenf facheinschlaegige Publikationen ihrer Wahl, Uebersicht ueber die
Lehrtaetigkeit) bis zum 18. Dezember 2002 an den Rektor der
Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, A - 1090 Wien, Augasse 2-6 richten.
Die Probevortraege sind fuer den 27. und 28. Jaenner 2003 vorgesehen.
Naehere Auskuenfte erteilt der Vorsitzende der Berufungskommission (o.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Moser Telefon: 0043 / 1/ 31336 / 4372,
E-Mail: Reinhard.Moser(a)
-- Ende des Attachments
Diese E-Mail (und ihre Anhänge) ist ausschließlich für die/den darin
genannten Empfängerin/er bestimmt. Sie enthält rechtlich geschützte
und vertrauliche Informationen. Die Verwendung, Verarbeitung oder
Übermittlung dieser E-Mail, ihrer Anhänge oder irgendwelcher Teile
davon kann Rechte von Betroffenen verletzen und ist deshalb strikt
untersagt. Wenn Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten oder aus
anderen Gründen nicht die/der bestimmungsgemäße Empfängerin/er sind,
informieren Sie mich bitte sofort unter der oben genannten Adresse und
vernichten Sie diese Nachricht (einschließlich ihrer Anhänge) und
allfällige Vervielfältigungen davon unverzüglich. Die/Der Absender
trägt keine Haftung insbesondere für unvollständige, verspätete oder
verfälschte Nachrichten, sofern diesem kein vorsätzliches Verhalten
vorgeworfen werden kann
Mag.a Brigitte Parnigoni
WU Wien, Referat für Personalentwicklung und Frauenförderung
A - 1090, Augasse 2-6
Tel.: (01)313 36 4934
Fax: (01)313 36 701
mailto: brigitte.parnigoni(a)örderung
There will be a seminar talk given by
Raimund Alt (IHS)
Ines Fortin (IHS)
Simon Weinberger (IHS)
on "The Day-of-the-Week Effect Revisited:
An Alternative Testing Approach"
Tuesday, Nov. 19th. 4 - 5:30 p.m. IHS (Stumpergasse 56, 1060 Wien) HS 2.
Our paper questions traditional approaches for testing the day-of-the-week
effect on stock returns. We propose an alternative approach based on the
closure test principle introduced by Marcus, Peritz and Gabriel (1976),
which has become very popular in Biometrics and Medical Statistics. We test
all pairwise comparisons of daily expected stock returns, while the
probability of committing any type I error is always kept smaller than or
equal to some prespecified level a for each combination of true null
hypotheses. We confirm day-of-the-week effects for the S&P 500, the FTSE 30
and the DAX 30 found in earlier studies, but find no evidence for the 1990's.
Gabriel S. LEE
Institute for Advanced Studies
Department of Economics and Finance
Stumpergasse 56
A-1060 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Tel: +43.1.59991.141
Fax: +43.1.59991.555