-- From: "Lawrenz, Jochen" <Jochen.Lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at> --
We are looking for a
PhD Candidate in Asset/Bank Management (30 h/Week)
At the Institute of Banking and Finance, you will conduct independent research on current topics in asset management and/or bank management with the aim of publication in leading journals. In addition, you will be involved in the teaching activities and the administration of the Institute. Writing a PhD dissertation in the context of the research activities is possible and encouraged.
This position requires a relevant master‘s degree in a study program with a recognizable connection to finance; very good English skills; independence; ability to work under pressure; as well as teamwork and communication skills. Prior knowledge of a modern programming language and quantitative methods is an advantage.
The appointment is for 4 years.
Did we raise your interest? We are looking forward to receiving your online application until 06.11.2023.
The full, legally binding call for application (in German) including the salary can be found here: www.uibk.ac.at/karriere<http://www.uibk.ac.at/karriere>, Chiffre BWL-13747.
If you have questions about this position, please do not hesitate to contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz (jochen.lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:jochen.lawrenz@uibk.ac.at>).
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz
University of Innsbruck
Department of Banking and Finance
Universitaetsstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone +43 (0)512 507 73110
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-- From: "Lawrenz, Jochen" <Jochen.Lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at> --
We are looking for a
PhD Candidate in Quantitative Finance (30 h/Week)
At the Institute of Banking and Finance, you will conduct independent research on current topics in quantitative finance with the aim of publication in leading journals. In addition, you will be involved in the teaching activities and the administration of the Institute. Writing a PhD dissertation in the context of the research activities is possible and encouraged.
This position requires a relevant master‘s degree in a quantitatively oriented program in finance or in economics, mathematics, statistics, or computer science with a recognizable connection to finance; very good English skills; independence; ability to work under pressure; as well as teamwork and communication skills. Prior knowledge of a modern programming language, statistical data analysis and machine learning techniques is an advantage.
The appointment is for 4 years.
Did we raise your interest? We are looking forward to receiving your online application until 06.11.2023.
The full, legally binding call for application (in German) including the salary can be found here: www.uibk.ac.at/karriere<http://www.uibk.ac.at/karriere>, Chiffre BWL-13746.
If you have questions about this position, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant Professor Dr. Dennis Umlandt (dennis.umlandt(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:dennis.umlandt@uibk.ac.at>).
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz
University of Innsbruck
Department of Banking and Finance
Universitaetsstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone +43 (0)512 507 73110
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-- From: "Pipa von Lünde" <pipa.von.luende(a)gmail.com> --
Dear List Members,
The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
<https://www.wias-berlin.de/> (WIAS) is an institute of the
Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB comprises seven non-university
research institutes in Berlin which are funded by the federal and state
governments. The research institutes belong to the Leibniz Association
WIAS invites applications for a *PhD Student Position (f/m/d) (Ref. 23/14) *in
the Research Group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations"
(Head: Prof. Dr. M. Hintermüller) starting as soon as possible.
The position is tied to project: "Stochastic gradient methods for almost
sure state constraints for optimal control of gas flow under uncertainty",
a subproject of the collaborative research center TRR 154: Mathematical
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Using the Example of Gas Networks.
The collaborative research center is an interdisciplinary endeavor between
the Weierstrass Institute, Humboldt University of Berlin, Technical
University of Berlin, Technical University of Darmstadt, and
Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen Nuremberg.
The goal of this project is the development of stochastic gradient methods
for the treatment of almost sure state constraints. Such constraints arise
for example in the nomination validation of gas networks under uncertain
demands but also play a role in the transition towards future hydrogen
networks. A focus of the project is the consideration of sequences of
relaxed problems intertwined with the stochastic gradient method and a
rigorous mathematical convergence analysis of the resulting methods.
We are looking for candidates with a master’s degree in mathematics or a
closely related field with a strong background in optimization and partial
differential equations. Prior knowledge in stochastic optimization, optimal
control, or stochastic analysis is beneficial.
The appointment is limited until 30.06.2026. The reduced work schedule is
29.25 hours per week, and the salary is according to the German TVöD Bund
Please follow the instructions at
how to apply.
Pipa von Lünde
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-- From: "Krickl, Sabina" <Sabina.Krickl(a)wu.ac.at> --
You want to understand how things are connected and make a fundamental impact? We offer an environment where you can realize your full potential. At one of Europe’s largest and most modern business and economics universities. On a campus where quality of work is also quality of life.
We are looking for support at the Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance
Part-time, 30 hours/week
Starting October 01, 2023, and ending after 6 years
What to expect
• The main tasks are research and teaching in the areas of corporate finance, banking, risk management, fixed income analysis and OTC markets.
• In research, the focus is on working on the PhD dissertation which is expected to consist of empirical projects in the research areas mentioned.
• In teaching, the tasks involve the courses offered by the institute in the field of finance and the support of senior faculty in the supervision of bachelor theses.
What you have to offer
Prerequisite is a degree that entitles to complete a doctorate or PhD. The following qualifications are also required:
• Excellent knowledge of finance
• Programming skills
• Good knowledge in mathematics and statistics
• Experience in dealing with data analysis (especially larger data sets) is an advantage
• Experience in using multimedia teaching and learning formats or are at least willing to
• Ability to work in a team
• Very good command of English
Contact for further information: Prof. Stefan Pichler (stefan.pichler(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:stefan.pichler@wu.ac.at>)
What we offer you
• Inspiring campus life with over 2,400 employees in research, teaching, and
administration and approximately 21,500 students
• A modern campus with spectacular architecture in the heart of Vienna
• Excellent accessibility by public transportation
• Meaningful work in an open-minded, inclusive, and family-friendly environment
• Flexible working hours
• A wide range of benefits, from an in-house medical officer to athletic activities and a
meal allowance to a variety of employee discounts
Curious? Visit our website and find out more at www.wu.ac.at/benefits<http://www.wu.ac.at/benefits>.
The minimum monthly gross salary amounts to €2.457,98 (14 times per year).
This salary may be adjusted based on job-related prior work experience. In addition, we offer a wide range of attractive social benefits.
Do you want to join the WU team?
Then please submit your application by June 07, 2023 under www.wu.ac.at/jobs (ID 1762<https://www.wu.ac.at/karriere/arbeiten-an-der-wu/jobangebote/?yid=1762>).
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Our goal is to make sure it is safe for students and employees to study and work on campus in person. Therefore, WU recommends to ensure sufficient vaccination protection against Covid-19 at all times.
Sabina Krickl
Department-Office FAS D4
Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D4, Entrance A, 4th floor<http://gis.wu.ac.at/index.html?roomShow=Sabina%20Krickl>, 1020 Vienna, Austria
[T] +43 1 31336/5238
[M] +43 676 8213 5238
[E] sabina.krickl(a)wu.ac.at<mailto:sabina.krickl@wu.ac.at>
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-- From: "Lawrenz, Jochen" <Jochen.Lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at> --
The University of Innsbruck, Department of Banking & Finance is seeking a Research associate in Asset Pricing.
In the context of a Third-party funded research project, you are invited to apply for a challenging
and interesting position at the Department of Banking and Finance. Your main responsibilities are
independent research in the area of empirical asset pricing with a focus on factor models. The position
is open rank, i.e. either Pre- or Post-Doc applicants can be considered. Applicants should demonstrate a
strong background in Finance (or related field), documented by a corresponding Masters or PhD degree,
as well as having sound quantitative capabilities including some programming knowledge, very good
social competencies and, ideally, a first publication track record. The position is expected to work within
a third-party funded research project which aims at understanding the relevance of risk factors from an
empirical analysis of institutional investors‘ demand.
The appointment can be made for up to 4 years (full- or partial time) according to standard collective
labour agreement conditions.
Did we raise your interest? We are looking forward to receiving your application until 24.02.2023,
by sending your application documents to banking-ibf(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:banking-ibf@uibk.ac.at>
For further information, do not hesitate to contact us via the same email-address.
See also the job opening document at: https://www.uibk.ac.at/ibf/team/research-associate-in-asset-pricing-eng.pdf
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz
University of Innsbruck
Department of Banking and Finance
Universitaetsstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone +43 (0)512 507 73110
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-- From: "Frey, Rüdiger" <Ruediger.Frey(a)wu.ac.at> --
Dear colleagues,
We invite interested PhD students to register for the PhD course "Extreme Value Theory" by Prof. Johanna Neslehova (McGill University and WU) at WU, starting December 7.
Please find more information regarding the course here:
All interested students are welcome. Please contact the Doctoral Office at WU (doktoratsreferat(a)wu.ac.at) if you wish to register for the course formally.
Kind regards,
Rüdiger Frey
-- From: "Randl, Otto" <Otto.Randl(a)wu.ac.at> --
The WU Research Institute for Capital Markets invites students to apply for participation in the Portfolio Management Program (PMP). The PMP is a unique two-year training initiative, where students can combine theoretical knowledge with practical insights from the management of real money portfolios. We are interested in applications from students with a keen interest in capital markets and asset management who ideally are just about to start studying toward a master degree in finance.
We will hold a Zoom information event on Thursday September 15, 2022, 5 p.m. During the event, tutors and alumni will explain the program content in more detail and discuss potential challenges as well as the application process.
Link: https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/93487708709?pwd=ZWQyWXVxcW1vc0hmL1BHc290YU12Zz09
ID: 785113
For further information, see www.iskwien.at or contact us at pmp(a)iskwien.at.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otto Randl
Professor of Endowment Management
Co-Head of Research Institute for Capital Markets
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance
Welthandelsplatz 1
A-1020 Vienna
-- From: "Lawrenz, Jochen" <Jochen.Lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at> --
An der LF-Universität Innsbruck ist eine Dissertationsstelle (75%) im Bereich Risikomanagement zu besetzen.
Sie arbeiten am Institut für Banken und Finanzen in einer herausfordernden und verantwortungsvollen Position an aktuellen Forschungsthemen. Ihre Hauptaufgaben bestehen aus selbständiger Forschungstätigkeit im Bereich des finanzwirtschaftlichen Risikomanagements. In diesem Bereich wollen Sie Ihre Dissertation verfassen. Durch eigenständige Lehrtätigkeit tragen Sie zum Lehrangebot des Instituts bei und beteiligen sich an den administrativen Aufgaben.
Für diese Stelle benötigen Sie ein facheinschlägiges abgeschlossenes Diplom-, Magister oder Master-Studium; vertiefte Kenntnisse im Bereich Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft sowie ausgeprägte quantitative Fähigkeiten; sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, sowie Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten.
Die Stelle ist auf eine Laufzeit von 4 Jahren befristet. Für diese Position ist ein kollektivvertragliches Mindestentgelt von brutto E 2293,- /Monat (14 mal) vorgesehen. Darüber hinaus bietet die Universität zahlreiche attraktive Zusatzleistungen (www.uibk.ac.at/universitaet/zusatzleistungen<http://www.uibk.ac.at/universitaet/zusatzleistungen>).
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann würden wir Sie gerne kennenlernen und freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige online-Bewerbung bis zum 15.09.2022.
Nähere Informationen und den rechtsverbindlichen Ausschreibungstext finden Sie unter: www.uibk.ac.at/karriere<http://www.uibk.ac.at/karriere>, Chiffre BWL-12955. bzw unter https://www.uibk.ac.at/ibf/team/a4-stelleninserat-universitaetsassistentin-…
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz
University of Innsbruck
Department of Banking and Finance
Universitaetsstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone +43 (0)512 507 73110
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-- From: "Lawrenz, Jochen" <Jochen.Lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at> --
The University of Innsbruck is seeking a Post-Doc Researcher in Asset Pricing. In the context of a Third-party funded research project, you are invited to apply for a challenging and interesting position at the Department of Banking and Finance. Your main responsibilities are independent research in the area of empirical asset pricing with a focus on factor models. To be considered for this position, applicants should have a Ph.D. (or close to completion) in Finance (or a related field), sound quantitative capabilities including programming knowledge, very good social competencies and a first publication track record. The appointment is for 3 years (full-time).
Did we raise your interest? We are looking forward to receiving your online application until 15.09.2022. The full, legally binding call for application (in German) including the salary can be found at www.uibk.ac.at/karriere<http://www.uibk.ac.at/karriere>, Chiffre BWL-12957. Applications have to be submitted online.
See also the job opening document at: https://www.uibk.ac.at/ibf/team/a4-stelleninserat-post-doc-in-asset-pricing…
For job-specific queries, you may contact: Prof. Dr. J. Lawrenz, jochen.lawrenz(a)uibk.ac.at<mailto:jochen.lawrenz@uibk.ac.at>, +43-512-50773110
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Lawrenz
University of Innsbruck
Department of Banking and Finance
Universitaetsstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone +43 (0)512 507 73110
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-- From: Hopp Christian <christian.hopp(a)bfh.ch> --
PhD student for quantitative finance and risk management (Bern Business School)
100% / fully funded / for a duration of 3 years (extension possible) / Bern / Start 01.08.2022 (Application Deadline 31.5.2022)
Doing something meaningful in a fascinating environment and with an outlook to the future: a job at Bern University of Applied Sciences makes perfect sense. We're busy researching, developing and virtually bending our minds to come up with practical solutions for business, culture and people in Bern, in Switzerland and all over the world. Apart from being incredibly interesting, this is also a lot of fun, and we get to learn a lot as well. This cutting-edge knowledge benefits all who are studying here or doing part-time continuing education courses. We have great plans for the future: We're building two campuses and combining our strengths. So we're creating the ideal environment for your future job with us.
To start with, here are some of our strong points
* An almost unbelievably large variety of themes and topics and a great mix of research and teaching.
* Plenty of contact with eager young people from all over the world who are set on achieving things.
* Curiosity is what we want, oodles of it. Plus, lots of independence and autonomy.
* Easy exchanging of views and ideas, also across the divisional boundaries.
* National and international networks and contacts with business, economy, society and the political world.
What you'll be doing here
* Work on an exciting research project (funded by the SNSF) at the intersection of P2P Lending, Machine Learning, Credit Risk Modelling
* Write a cumulative doctoral thesis and scientific articles with the aim of publication in international top-tier scientific journals
* Active contribution in the acquisition of third-party funding for research projects
* Offer teaching support for the department group Finance, Accounting, and Tax
* Receive the opportunity to complete a doctorate in cooperation with a leading international university
What you'll bring with you
* You have a very good Master's degree in business/economics or a related field (e.g. Statistics, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science) or you are about to complete
* You have experience or a strong interest in quantitative empirical work and very good working knowledge in the application of statistical methods (Stata, R, Python)
* Ideally you have knowledge in the following areas: Quantitative modelling of financial markets, Econometrics, Machine Learning or quantitative empirical research methods
* You have an excellent command of written and spoken English
* You have perseverance, a strong interest and enthusiasm for science and academic research
For further Information:
For job-specific queries
Prof. Dr. Christian Hopp
Head of the Institute of Applied Data Science and Finance
Email: christian.hopp(a)bfh.ch
Phone: +41 31 848 41 28
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