Das Betriebswirtschaftszentrum veranstaltet am 3.Mai 1996 seinen
Ball, den Economic Cercle, in der Wiener Boerse. Zu diesem Ball
wollen wir auch die Mitglieder des Vienna Finance Newsletters
herzlich einladen.
Der Ball steht unter dem Ehrenschutz des Bundespraesidenten, des
Rektors der Universitaet Wien, Prof. Ebenbauer, sowie des
Generalsekretaers der Wiener Boersekammer, Dr. Kamp. Einlasz ist ab
20.00 und die Eroeffnung findet um 21.00 statt. Karten zu diesem
Ball sind bei den Portieren der WU, den Portieren der Uni Wien
(Hauptgebaeude) sowie am BWZ im SOWI Shop erhaeltlich.
Wir hoffen auf zahlreiches Erscheinen,
Alex Stomper
At 17:40 18.04.1996 GMT-1, you wrote:
>Betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschungsseminar
>des Instituts fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre
>der Universitaet Wien
>Bruenner Strasse 72, 1210 Wien
>Freitag, 26.04.1996; 15.30 Uhr; HS 8 des BWZ
> Dr. Josef Hofbauer (Universitaet Wien)
> ,Nicht-Konvergenz zum Gleichgewicht: Ein universelles
> Shapley Beispiel"
>Shapley hat 1964 ein 3x3 Spiel angegeben, bei dem der Fictitious Play
>Prozess nicht zum Gleichgewicht konvergiert. Ich werde ein aehnliches,
>einfacheres Beispiel vorstellen, bei dem kein ,vernuenftiger"
>dynamischer Prozess zum Gleichgewicht konvergieren kann.
>Dienstag, 30.04.1996; 15.30 Uhr; HS 8 des BWZ
> Prof. Ron Giammarino (University of British Columbia)
> ,The Evolution of Firm Value and the Allocative Role of
> Greenmail"
>Renate Kogler
>Lehrstuhl fuer Controlling
>Institut fuer BWL
>Universitaet Wien
>Bruenner Strasse 72
>A-1210 Wien
>Tel.: +43-1-29128-402
>Fax : +43-1-29128-404
Sehr geehrte Frau Kogler,
leider kann ich an dieser Veranstaltung nicht teilnehmen, bin an dem Thema
aber sehr interessiert. K=F6nnten Sie mir die Vortragsunterlagen zukommen
lassen? Vielen Dank im voraus. Meine Adresse:
Otto Loistl,
Institut f=FCr Finanzierung und Finanzm=E4rkte
Wirtschaftsuniversi=E4t Wien,
Althanstr. 39-45
A 1090 Wien
Mit vielen Gr=FC=DFen
Einladung zum
Professor Francesca Cornelli,
London Business School
"Stage financing and the role of convertible debt"
am Freitag, 3. Mai 1996, 15.30 - 17.00 Uhr,
im Hoersaal 8 des Betriebswirtschaftlichen Zentrums
der Universitaet Wien, Bruenner Strasse 72, 1210 Wien.
zum Betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschungsseminar des
Instituts fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universitaet Wien
Bruenner Strasse 72, 1210 Wien
Der Vortrag von Prof. Ron Giammarino (University of British Columbia)
am Dienstag, den 30.4.1996 um 15.30 im HS 8 des BWZ, lautet nicht wie
,The Evolution of Firm Value and the Allocative Role of Greenmail",
,A Value Enhancing Role for Greenmail and Defensive Measures".
A popular view of corporate defensive measures, such as poison pills,
shareholders' rights plans and greenmail, is that they are evidence of
entrenched, self-interested management. Empirical evidence, such as
a target stock price decline subsequent to the payment of greenmail,
is cited as support for this view. Somewhat inconsistent with this
argument is the overwhelming rate of acceptance of such measures
by shareholders, with very little stock price reaction. We model an
informational role for greenmail and show that value-maximizing
management will pay greenmail that leads to a stock price decline.
Consistent with the empirical evidence, the decline exceeds the value
of the greenmail payment. Moreover, shareholders have an incentive
to impose a defensive measure, such as a poison pill, to limit takeover
attempts if the target stock price is too low or the raider has too high
an initial shareholding in the target.
Renate Kogler
Lehrstuhl fuer Controlling
Institut fuer BWL
Universitaet Wien
Bruenner Strasse 72
A-1210 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-29128-402
Fax : +43-1-29128-404
== Forwarded Mail ==
>From RBCALDWELL(a)delphi.com Sun Mar 19 17:27:57 2000
>From: RBCALDWELL(a)delphi.com
Subject: New Web Site: The Finance & Technology Web
To: nonlin-l(a)list.nih.gov
Status: RO
X-UID: 129
! ! ! N E W W E B S I T E ! ! !
The Finance & Technology Web
Finance & Technology Publishing, as the publisher of the
NeuroVe$t Journal, is glad to announce that it has launched a
new Web site on the World Wide Web. The new site is intended
to provide an extended tool to those already provided by
Finance & Technology. It will serve as an open forum and
central node for information of interest to financial
practitioners and applied researchers applying neural networks
and other advanced technologies and tools to investing and trading.
The new site is located at:
The new Web site currently provides:
* links to other Web sites of interest
* links to single and meta search engines of interest
* a collection of 4+ years of stock market data available for
free downloading
* details on the NeuroVe$t Journal
table of contents for the latest issue
contents of all previous issues
call for papers and author guidelines
upcoming special focus issues
* details on other products from Finance & Technology Publishing
* additional information and services (to be provided)
Let us know if you find this new service useful. As an open
forum, Finance & Technology welcomes your input and support.
! ! ! N E W W E B S I T E ! ! !
Betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschungsseminar
des Instituts fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre
der Universitaet Wien
Bruenner Strasse 72, 1210 Wien
Freitag, 26.04.1996; 15.30 Uhr; HS 8 des BWZ
Dr. Josef Hofbauer (Universitaet Wien)
,Nicht-Konvergenz zum Gleichgewicht: Ein universelles
Shapley Beispiel"
Shapley hat 1964 ein 3x3 Spiel angegeben, bei dem der Fictitious Play
Prozess nicht zum Gleichgewicht konvergiert. Ich werde ein aehnliches,
einfacheres Beispiel vorstellen, bei dem kein ,vernuenftiger"
dynamischer Prozess zum Gleichgewicht konvergieren kann.
Dienstag, 30.04.1996; 15.30 Uhr; HS 8 des BWZ
Prof. Ron Giammarino (University of British Columbia)
,The Evolution of Firm Value and the Allocative Role of
Renate Kogler
Lehrstuhl fuer Controlling
Institut fuer BWL
Universitaet Wien
Bruenner Strasse 72
A-1210 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-29128-402
Fax : +43-1-29128-404
For more information, please contact:
== Forwarded Mail ==
>From moody(a)chianti.cse.ogi.edu Sun Mar 19 17:27:57 2000
>From: John Moody <moody(a)chianti.cse.ogi.edu>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 96 19:44:11 -0700
To: ml(a)ics.uci.edu, Reinforce(a)cs.uwa.edu.au, gannout(a)cs.iastate.edu,
corryfee(a)hasara11.bitnet, csemlist(a)hasara11.bitnet,
nonlin-l(a)list.nih.gov, comp-finance(a)teleport.com
Subject: Final CFP: NNs in the Capital Markets, Deadline May 1
Status: O
X-UID: 124
-- Final Call for Papers --
Wednesday-Friday, November 20-22, 1996
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Sponsored by Caltech and London Business School
Original contributions representing new and significant research,
development, and applications in the following areas of interest
are invited: Price forecasting for stocks, bonds, commodities, and
foreign exchange; asset allocation and risk management; volatility
analysis and pricing of derivatives; cointegration, correlation,
and multivariate data analysis; credit assessment and economic
forecasting; statistical methods, learning techniques, and hybrid
Authors should send 5 copies of a 1000-word summary clearly stating
their results to
Dr. Y. Abu-Mostafa, Caltech 136-93, Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.
All submissions must be received before May 1, 1996. There will be
a rigorous refereeing process to select the high-quality papers to
be presented at the conference.
Mailing List:
If you wish to be added to the mailing list of NNCM-96, please send
your postal address, e-mail address, and fax number to
Dr. Y. Abu-Mostafa, Caltech 136-93, Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.
e-mail: yaser(a)caltech.edu , fax (818) 795-0326
Home Page: http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~learn/nncm.html
For more information, please contact:
r.marks(a)unsw.edu.au OR bobm(a)agsm.unsw.edu.au
== Forwarded Mail ==
>From Steve.Keen(a)unsw.EDU.AU Sun Mar 19 17:27:57 2000
>From: Steve.Keen(a)unsw.EDU.AU
Subject: Commerce, Complexity & Evolution proceedings volume
Status: RO
X-UID: 126
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution
Macauley Theatre, Quadrangle Building
University of New South Wales
February 12th-13th 1996
Limited number of Proceedings
Volumes now available for purchase
Complexity, or "Chaos Theory", has had a
significant impact
on the physical sciences, while evolutionary analysis has
spread its influence from biology to many fields of
endeavour. Recently, researchers in the disciplines of
economics, finance and marketing have begun to apply these
concepts, frequently generating results which are at odds
with those derived from traditional, "linear" methods.
This conference enabled leading researchers from the
academic and business communities
of Australia, Japan and
Europe to present their findings. The 25 formal papers
covered a large range of topics, ranging from philosophical
considerations, through nonlinear mathematical models of
firms and the economy, to the application of "evolutionary"
computer techniques to attempt to predict the course of the
stock exchange.
The papers for the conference were supplied to attendees in
a 2 volume set, totalling over 550 pages. Approxim
ately 20
copies of the set remain, and these are now available for
$A25 for Australian purchasers, and $US35 for overseas
purchasers (the difference covers the cost of surface mail
The contents are as follows:
1. The_Cobweb_Model
1.1 Ergodic cobweb chaos, Akio Matsumoto
1.2 Computer simulations of the cobweb model using a
genetic algorithm, Janice Gaffney, Krystyna Parrott &
Franz Salzborn
1.3 Convergence of genetic algorithms applied to the cobweb
model, Charles Pearce
2. Complexity_&_Economics
2.1 The role of innovation within economics, Russell
2.2 Complex adaptive human systems in a boundedly rational
environment - the economy as a collection of IGUSes,
Bertin Martens
2.3 Economic organisms and application of topology and
graph theory in economics, Xiaokai Yang &
Yeong-nan Yeh
3. Finance_&_Simulation
3.1 A hybrid non-parametric approach to the intraday
pricing of options on futures using implied volatility,
Paul Lajbcygier, Andrew Flitman & Marimuthu Palaniswami
3.2 A genetic programming-based approach to generation of
foreign exchange trading models, Andrew Colin
3.3 Evaluating planning vs. reacting in trading strategies
using a complex systems simulation, Robert J
ohnston &
John Betts
4. Mathematical_Modelling
4.1 Some policy experiments in a complete Keynesian model
of monetary growth with sluggish price and quantity
adjustments, Carl Chiarella & Peter Flaschel
4.2 Economic instability in single and multi-sectoral
models with finance, Steve Keen
4.3 Stochastic volatility in interest rates and
nonlinearity in velocity, Haiyang Xu & Bill Barnett
5. Measurement
5.1 Evolutionary patterns of multisectoral growth dynamics,
Hermann Schnabl
5.2 Detecting evolutionary change in an augmented logistic
diffusion econometric model using time-varying spectral
methods, John Foster & Phillip Wild
6. Methodology
6.1 Uncertainty, risk and chaos, James Juniper
6.2 Network externalities, compatibility, standardisation,
and locking
6.3 Universal
Darwinism and social research, the case of
economics, John Nightingale
7. Genetic_Algorithms
7.1 The application of cellular automata to economies with
network externalities: A generalisation of life game,
Sobei Oda, Ken Muira, Yasunori Baba & Kanji Ueda
7.2 Genetic_algorithms_and_evolutionary_games, Xin Yao
7.3 Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies, Bob
8. Equilibrium_Methods
8.1 Why do people buy PC - a case of knowledge-intensive
goods, He-Ling Shi
8.2 Engendering_change, Joshua Gans
9. Business_&_Complexity
9.1 From chaos to complexity in strategic planning, Steven
9.2 International_business_and_economic_growth, Eduardo Pol
9.3 The origins and evolution of the machine tool industry,
George Argyrous
To order a copy, please send a note and cheque or money or
der to:
Robert MARKS, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of
New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Phone/Fax: +61-2-9931-9271 (W), +61-2-818-5618 (H), +61-2-662-2451 (Fax)
+61-63-552752 (weekends)
Internet: r.marks(a)unsw.edu.au OR bobm(a)agsm.unsw.edu.au
WWW: http://www.agsm.unsw.edu.au/~bobm
Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Frauenfoerderung in Theorie und Praxis" an der
WU Wien findet am Mittwoch, 24. April 1996 der erste Vortrag statt:
Dr. Lilian Hofmeister (Gleichbehandlungsbeauftragte Justiz):
"Frauenfoerderung in der oeffentlichen Verwaltung"
18 Uhr S. 1.15(D)
Gabriele Michalitsch/Daniel Eckert
Dr.phil. Daniel Eckert
Department of Economics ~~
Vienna University of Economics @(.)(.)@
and Business Administration ''
Augasse 2-6 (------)
A-1090 Vienna
Austria ><
email: eckert(a)isis.wu-wien.ac.at
voice: +43-1-31336-4161
fax: +43-1-31336-726
home: +43-1-3105816 (fax: +43-1-3108938)
(R. Alt)
Dienstag, 23. April 1996
M. Scheicher
(Uni Wien)
Asset Pricing with Time-dependent Covariances for German Stocks
This paper analyzes different specifications for dynamic asset pricing models.
The common characteristic is time variation in conditional expected returns,
variances and covariances. The sample in this study comprises monthly data
from the German stock market from 1963 to 1993. Motivation for dynamic asset
pricing models is given by the stylized facts on univariate time series of
asset returns and by subsample estimation of the risk-return relation.
Within a Sharpe-Lintner conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model we consider
different specifications of Multivariate AutoRegressive Conditional
Ort: HS II
Zeit: 16.30 Uhr