-- From: Sandra Trenovatz <sandra(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at> --
First Announcement
VISS 2018 - Vienna International Summer School
"Machine Learning Methods and Data Analytics in Risk and Insurance"
Monday, July 9 - Friday, July 13, 2018
TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology),
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Austria
FAM @ TU Wien <https://…
[View More]fam.tuwien.ac.at/>
Wiener Städtische Versicherung - Vienna Insurance Group
(Further sponsors are welcome)
Prof. Dr. Gareth W. Peters, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Dr. Pavel V. Shevchenko, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Machine learning and data analytics is an emerging field that is
beginning to have a strong influence on the field of actuarial science
practice. The onset of big data applications in insurance has driven the
profession to explore new ways to understand data and modelling. Unlike
in Google and Facebook type technology applications where huge data
bases of labelled data are available, in the insurance context we are
often considering unsupervised learning methods. This course will
address core methodology to tackle unsupervised problems of relevance to
insurance applications.
Prof. Dr. Josef Teichmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Allan Hanbury, TU Wien, Austria
Practicing actuaries as well as researchers and advanced students with a
good general knowledge of probability and statistics.
Actuaries can earn 25-30 CPD points for attendance to this Vienna
International Summer School. The number of CPD points will be fixed as
soon as the schedule is finalized.
For early registrations until June 10, 2018, a discount is allowed.
For any requests, do not hesitate to write an e-mail to the
VISS 2018 secretary: <viss2018(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at>
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-- From: "Helmreich, Silvia" <silvia.helmreich(a)fh-vie.ac.at> --
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
The master's study programme, "Quantitative Asset and Risk Management" (ARIMA), offered by the University of Applied Sciences Vienna, will be in its tenth year this autumn. Graduates of this programme have excellent career prospects in a difficult job market. Banks and insurers face growing regulatory requirements (Basel III and Basel IV, Solvency II), especially in the fields of risk …
[View More]management and regulatory reporting. Professionals with expertise in these fields are, therefore, in great demand.
The numerous labels and accreditations earned by ARIMA graduates - PRMIA Accreditation, SAS Joint Certificate - confirm the high regard in which our graduates and the study programme are held.
The high academic standards of the programme are attested to by the many awards for excellence received by our students for their master's theses (CFA Austria Prize, Springer Best Masters, award for outstanding achievement by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research).
*** Applications for enrolment in 2018/19 are welcome until 15 May 2018 ***
The ARIMA programme, developed in cooperation with international partners, is funded by the EU's Joint Degree Curriculum Development Programme. As part of this programme, ARIMA students spend two weeks of the fourth semester at one of three partner universities located in Bologna (Italy), Iasi (Romania) and Katowice (Poland). Students also have the option to study abroad for a full semester at any of these locations, as well as in Xiamen (China) and Moscow (Russia). Students must choose one of the two options, i.e. a period of study abroad is compulsory. Due to the international focus of the programme and the diverse countries of origin of our students, the programme is run wholly in English.
Prerequisites for enrolment in ARIMA:
Applicants must have completed a social studies/business/natural science/ law/ technical degree with documented qualifications in economic sciences (at least 9 ECTS) and mathematics or statistics (at least 6 ECTS). For applicants having too few ECTS in mathematics and statistics our university offers a bridging course with 3 ECTS. This course is offered free of charge.
The ARIMA programme runs over four semesters as a part-time course, making it an attractive option for working professionals wishing to expand their academic qualifications.
If we have piqued your interest in our programme we would welcome your application. Perhaps you have colleagues in your organisation who might be interested in this opportunity? If so, then please forward this invitation. If you have any questions then please contact Silvia Helmreich (silvia.helmreich(a)fh-vie.ac.at<mailto:silvia.helmreich@fh-vie.ac.at>) or visit our website at https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/en/Studies/Master/Quantitative-Asset-and-Risk-Mana…
Fachhochschule des BFI Wien GmbH | Rechtsform: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung | Sitz: Politische Gemeinde Wien | FN 148597a | Handelsgericht Wien
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-- From: "Sommersguter-Reichmann, Margit (margit.sommersguter(a)uni-graz.at)" <margit.sommersguter(a)uni-graz.at> --
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten Sie hiermit auf die Ausschreibung der Professur "Finance and Business Analytics" an der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, abrufbar über den Link
http://jobs.uni-graz.at/de/Professuren ,
aufmerksam machen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Margit Sommersguter-Reichmann, ao. Univ.…
[View More]-Prof.
Universität Graz, Institut für Finanzwirtschaft
Univ.-str. 15, G2
A-8010 GRAZ
Tel. +43 316 380 3516
Fax +43 316 380 9555
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