Beside the
PRisMa Day 2009 on Monday, September 28:
(there is no fee, nevertheless we ask for registration)
we refer to the
22nd Groupe Consultatif Colloquium "Pensions and Security"
organised by Actuarial Association of Austria on Fr., October 23:
Please find details below.
Best regards,
Sandra Trenovatz
22nd Groupe Consultatif Colloquium "Pensions and Security"
Web Page:
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 9:00-19:00
Registration form:…
Registration fee: 390 Euro
Closing date for registrations: October 2, 2009
Cancellation up to: October 12, 2009
Contact details:
European Actuarial Academy,
Hohenstaufenring 47-51
50674 Cologne
Phone: +49 221-912554-21
E-mail: contact(a)
Organized by the Actuarial Association of Austria
Vienna University of Technology
Lecture Theatre HS 17, Friedrich Hartmann Hörsaal
Karlsplatz 13 (Main Building)
Stiege VII, 3. Floor
1040 Vienna, Austria
Description of Event:
The theme of this year's Colloquium is pensions and security: risks in
pension systems and how to secure them. The past decade has brought
broad recognition of the importance of pension systems to the economic
stability of nations and the security of their ageing populations. As
countries around the world grapple with the long-term affordability of
their pensions systems, there are also growing demographic and economic
pressures that are forcing both developing and developed countries to
undertake urgent pension reforms. Most public pension schemes were not
designed to deliver current benefit levels when confronted with today's
major demographic and economic changes. Therefore, keeping existing
systems afloat will require either cutting public spending on health and
education, or cutting pensions drastically for the next generations of
elderly. The experience with reforms over the past ten years has also
shown that no one size fits all. The Colloquium will review a number of
the key issues which influence the risks and security of pension
systems, from various perspectives. There will be speakers from the
World Bank, the pensions industry, the actuarial profession and the
European Commission.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
19.00-21.30 Welcome reception and registration
Friday, October 23, 2009
09.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Introduction and Welcome
Bruce Maxwell - Chairman, Groupe Consultatif
Philip Shier - Colloquium Chairman,
Chairman of Groupe Consultatif Pensions Committee,
Past President of Society of Actuaries in Ireland
Christoph Krischanitz - President Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs
10.30 Longevity and Morality Tables
Chresten Dengsoe - ATP Group, Denmark
11.30 Break
12.00 Defined Contribution Plans - Risks and Possibilities to Secure
Risks of Employers and of Employees in Different Pension Systems
Rokas Gylys - PriceWaterhouse, Lithuania Groupe
Consultatif Working Group on Defined Contribution
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Accounting Rules - A System for Securing Pensions
David Cairns - The World Bank, Europe and Central Asia Region
15.00 Reinsurance - A Way to Achieve Security
Daria Kachakhidze - SCOR Global Life SE,
R&D Centre for Mortality and Longevity
16.00 Break
16.30 Update on Solvency for IORPs
Karel van Hulle (to be confirmed)
- European Commission Internal Market DG,
Insurance and Pensions Unit
17.30 Close of the Colloquium
Philip Shier - Colloquium Chairman
17.45 Coach departs for short drive from Technical University
18.30 Colloquium Dinner: Restaurant Oktogon Am Himmel
22:00 Return to hotels
The language of the Colloquium will be English
Continuous Professional Development:
Participants may claim up to 5 hours CPD for this Colloquium
Local Airlines:
- Fly Niki <>
- Austrian Airlines: <>
Railway: <>
Nearby Hotels: <>
See you in Vienna! With best regards,
Uwe Schmock
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmock
Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics
Research Unit: Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Vienna University of Technology
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/105-1
A-1040 Vienna
Personal Home Page:
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (FAM) at TU Vienna
CD-Laboratory for Portfolio Risk Management (PRisMa Lab)
PRisMa 2009: One-Day Workshop on Portfolio Risk Management
- PRisMa Lab <>
- FAM @ TU Vienna <>
DATE: Monday, September 28, 2009, 9:00-19:00
- Christian Doppler Research Association
- Bank Austria
- Austrian Federal Financing Agency
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13 (Main Building)
1040 Vienna, Austria
Lecture Hall HS 13 Ernst Melan (Court VII, 2nd floor)
Participation is free. Everyone is welcome, practitioners are especially
encouraged to attend.
09.00-09.10: Welcome
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schied (Universität Mannheim)
"Order Book Resilience, Price Manipulation,
and the Positive Portfolio Problem"
10.00-10.30: Coffee Break
Prof. Dr. Walter Schachermayer (Universität Wien)
"Representation Results for Law Invariant Time Consistent Functions"
Dr. Beatrice Acciaio (University of Perugia)
"Risk Assessment for Cash Flows under Model and Discounting Ambiguity"
12.00-14.00: Lunch Break
Dipl.-Math. Barbara Dengler (PRisMa Lab, FAM @ TU Wien)
"On the Asymptotic Variance of the Estimator of Kendall's Tau
for the t-Distribution"
Dipl.-Math. Verena Goldammer (FAM @ TU Wien)
"Generalization of the Dybvig-Ingersoll-Ross Theorem
and Asymptotic Minimality"
15.30-16.00: Coffee Break
Dr. Gregory Temnov (University College Cork)
"Natural Exponential Family with Stability Property
with Application to Financial Modelling"
Dipl.-Ing. Christa Cuchiero (ETH Zürich)
"Affine Processes on Positive semidefinite matrices"
17.30-19.00: Bread and Wine
REGISTRATION: There is no official registration - nevertheless for
administrative reasons we would be happy about a short e-mail to Mr.
Christian Gawrilowicz <secr(a)> including your name and
CPD: For actuaries, this workshop counts for their continuing
professional development. For a corresponding certificate, please
register in advance for the morning and/or afternoon part of the
workshop by sending an email with your name and postal address to the
workshop secretary Mr. Christian Gawrilowicz <secr(a)> and
sign up when you actually attend the workshop.
- Fly Niki <>
- Austrian Airlines: <>
See you in Vienna! With best regards,
Uwe Schmock
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmock
Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics
Research Unit: Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Vienna University of Technology
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/105-1
A-1040 Vienna
Personal Home Page:
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (FAM) at TU Vienna
CD-Laboratory for Portfolio Risk Management (PRisMa Lab)
There are no talks planned during summer time, so i refer to the
next FAM-event in September. Best regards, Sandra (FAM-office)
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| PRisMa 2009 |
| "One-Day Workshop on Portfolio Risk Management" |
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| Monday, September 28th, 2009 |
| Vienna University of Technology, Austria |
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Thursday, 16:30-18:00,
Freihaus of TU Wien, green area, 6th floor, seminar room 107.
Th, 09.07.2009 Carlo Sgarra (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
"Risk premium and risk-neutral valuation in
electricity markets"
For further details (including abstracts) see
Thursday, 16:30,
Freihaus of TU Wien, green area, 6th floor, seminar room 107.
Th, 02.07.2009 Antonis Papapantoleon (QP-Lab, TU Berlin, Germany)
"Towards an "affine LIBOR" model with default risk"
For further details (including abstracts) see
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| A U S S C H R E I B U N G |
| einer |
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| (Universitäts-) AssistentInnen-Stelle mit Doktorat |
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| in der Forschungsgruppe |
| Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik |
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Thursday, 16:30,
Freihaus of TU Wien, green area, 6th floor, seminar room 107.
Th, 18.06.2009 Laura Ballotta (City University London, UK)
"Investment strategies and risk management for
participating life insurance contracts"
For further details (including abstracts) see
Thursday, 16:30-18:00,
TU Vienna, "Freihaus", green area, 6th floor, seminar room 107.
Th, 04.06.2009 Andrea Pascucci (University of Bologna, Italy)
"Kolmogorov equations and applications to path dependent
For further details (including abstracts) see
As this week there is no FAM event, we announce a seminar of the ÖFdV
"Österreichischer Förderungsverein für Versicherungsmathematik":
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| Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009, 9:00 - 15:30 |
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| ÖFdV Seminar: |
| "Stabilität von Finanzmärkten" |
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| Details und Anmeldung: |
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See also further events announced by the Actuarial Association of
Austria / Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ):
This week we announce a penal discussion,
where two colleagues of FAM participate:
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| Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009, 18:00 Uhr |
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| 6. TU-Forum: |
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| "Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise: |
| Woher kommt sie? Wohin kann sie führen?" |
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Längst ist von der Krise nicht mehr nur der Finanzsektor betroffen:
Industrieumsätze sinken und Arbeitslosenzahlen steigen. Wie konnte es zu
so einer dramatischen Situation kommen? Wie entstehen und platzen
Spekulationsblasen? Wie funktionieren die komplexen Finanzderivate, die
das ermöglichen? Wie geht es weiter, und welche Strategien gibt es, um
aus der Krise wieder herauszukommen?
Über solche und ähnliche Fragen sprechen beim 6. TU-Forum:
- Prof. Franz X. _Hof_, TU, Ökonomie,
- Prof. Uwe _Schmock_, TU, Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik
- Prof. Josef _Teichmann_, TU, Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik
Moderator der Veranstaltung ist:
- Christian Müller, Wissenschaftsredakteur der Austria Presse Agentur.
Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009, 18:00 Uhr
Prechtl-Saal der TU Wien
(Stiege 1, Erdgeschoss, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien)
Ankündigung durch TU: