Miscellaneous Facts
This is an eclectic collection of pieces of information, mathematical or not, which I find interesting.
- Here is a list of TeX mistakes that happen again and again.
- The hoooray distribution. Here is a plot of the number of Google hits for the query "ho...oray", with the number of o-s
increasing along the horizontal axis.
The smallest number of o-s with no hit is 48, and the largest number below 101 with a hit is 88. (I stopped
the experiment at 100.)
The data is from www.google.us on 31 May 2007. There is an interesting sawtooth pattern that demands further research.
A viable theory might be that people type that many letters by copying and pasting a chunk of, e.g., 5 letters.
- Here is a map showing the countries I have visited so far, created via