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From: RBCALDWELL@delphi.com[SMTP:RBCALDWELL@delphi.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 1996 3:20 PM
To: owner-snde_l(a)email.rutgers.edu
Subject: Final CFP: Data Mining for Financial Applications
Status: RO
X-UID: 222
N E U R O V E $ T J O U R N A L
Final Call for Papers
Special Issue On
Data Mining for Financial Applications
NEUROVE$T JOURNAL, a peer-reviewed technical journal, published by
Finance & Technology Publishing, is seeking papers for review and
publication in 1997 on "Data Mining for Financial Applications".
As an internationally-recognized independent forum since 1993,
the NEUROVE$T JOURNAL serves as the journal of record on the
application of advanced computing technologies in finance.
Papers published in the Journal are eligible for entry in the
Annual NEUROVE$T JOURNAL Essay Award Contest. The Editorial
Advisory Board of the Journal selects the best paper for which
a cash award is presented each year.
E. Michael Azoff, Themisto Numerics Ltd.
James E. Bowen, CompEngServ Ltd.
Richard J. Bauer, Jr., St. Mary's University
James F. Derry, Mgmt. Engineering Productivity Systems
Ypke Hiemstra, Vrije Universiteit
Yuval Lirov, Lehman Brothers
Zoran Obradovic, Washington State University
David B. Skalak, University of Massachusetts
Stephen Slade, Stern Bus. Sch., New York University
Leon Sterling, University of Melbourne
Manoel F. Tenorio, University of Purdue
Halbert White, University of California at San Diego
Data Mining for Financial Applications
May 1997
January 15, 1997
Financial databases provide a primary source of information
for data-driven financial forecasting and classification
systems. Extracting information and knowledge from numerical
databases is therefore important to financial practitioners.
To date, little has been published on the application of
automated data mining processes for financial applications.
Methods and technologies of interest include: data induction,
rough sets, attribute-oriented induction, data mining, knowledge
discovery in databases, rule generation, genetic algorithms,
neural networks, expert and fuzzy systems.
Recent reports on the application of data mining in finance and time
series analysis include:
Apte, C. and S.J. Hong [1996] "Predicting Equity Returns
from Securities Data," in Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Berndt, D. and J. Clifford [1996] "Finding Patterns in Time
Series: A Dynmaic Programming Approach," in Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Derry, J.F. [1995] "Induction: Learning Rules from Data (part 1),"
NeuroVe$t Journal, Vol.3, No.1.
Derry, J.F. [1995] "Induction: Learning Rules from Data (part 2),"
NeuroVe$t Journal, Vol.3, No.4.
John, G.H. et al. [1996] "Stock Selection Using Rule Induction,"
IEEE Expert, Vol.11, No.5.
Simoudis, E. et al. [1996] "Integrating Inductive and
Deductive Reasoning for Data Mining," in Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Skalkos, C. [1996] "Rough Sets Help Time the OEX," NeuroVe$t Journal,
Vol.4, No.6.
Submit 150 to 300 word abstract including full name(s) and
affiliation(s) of the author(s), complete mailing address,
email address and telephone numbers of all authors. Authors
should provide a brief biographic sketch of themselves. Send
to either the postal or e-mail addresses below:
Post: Editors
P.O. Box 764
Haymarket, VA 20168
E-mail: 72672.261(a)compuserve.com
Also, see details available on The Finance & Technology Web at
Submit three copies of each paper. Papers should be double-
spaced, single-sided. Authors should provide a brief
biographic sketch of themselves. Each copy submitted should
include a page that contains the title of the paper, the full
name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), complete mailing
address, email address and telephone numbers of all authors,
and a 150 to 300 word abstract. The Journal reserves the right
to edit all material to meet space requirements and to make
grammatical and typographical corrections.
The final text should be 4000 to 5000 words in length,
containing no more than about 10 references, and be provided
as follows:
(1) Hardcopy: printed and double-spaced, with notations
for the location of graphics, mathematical equations, given
thereon, as necessary,
(2) Softcopy: The preferred media format is IBM PC
3.5", 1.44MB. The preferred file format is Word 6/7 for
Windows 3.1/95. Other acceptable software file formats are the following:
WordPerfect 6.1 (for DOS or Windows 3.1).
Word/Macintosh 5.0/6.0 using the preferred media format.
Any standard ASCII text file format using the preferred
media format, including bracketed notations for
the locations of symbols, equations or other
non-ASCII characters.
Tex and LaTex may be used for the development and
generation of the hardcopy version of the
paper, provided that a softcopy version is also
submitted in any standard ASCII text file
format using the preferred media format,
including bracketed notations for citations and
for the locations of symbols, equations or
other non-ASCII characters.
The preferred graphics format is a Windows compatible format
(.pcx, .bmp, .wmf). For other graphics formats, submit high-quality,
camera-ready hardcopy.
Papers should be limited to about 10 references. Encouraged are
references to peer-reviewed and refereed journals as well as to books.
Because of large variations in the detail and quality of material
presented in conference proceedings/compendiums, such references
are discouraged.
Text citations must use the following format: last name(s) of
author(s), publication date and suffix (as necessary) in
brackets. Example:
Watkins and McCoy [1993a]
References must be listed alphabetically by the last name of
the first author according to the following formats:
Journal Article: authors' names, publication date and
suffix (as necessary) in brackets, article title (in double
quotations), periodical title (in italics), volume and number,
pages cited.
Book: authors' names, publication date and suffix (as
necessary) in brackets, book title (in italics), publisher,
publisher location, pages cited.
Chapter in Book: authors' names, publication date and
suffix (as necessary) in brackets, chapter title (in double
quotations), editors' names, book title (in italics),
publisher, location, pages cited.
Send all manuscripts to the following postal address:
P.O. Box 764
Haymarket, VA 20168
9. Workshop, Wien, 17.-18. Jaenner 1997
Gartenhotel Altmannsdorf, Hoffingergasse 26-28, 1120 Wien
Anmeldungen (unter Angabe der ueblichen Daten) bitte an:
Vorlaeufiges Programm (Aenderungen vorbehalten):
Freitag, 17. Jaenner:
Session 1:
Stoughton, N. / Zechner, J.:
IPO-Mechanisms, Monitoring and Ownership Structure
Bogner, S.:
Betriebliche Investitions-, Finanzierungs- und
Versicherungsentscheidung unter adverser Selektion
Session 2:
Boeheim, R. / Boss M.:
Consumption Based Capital Asset Pricing and the Austrian Stock
Session 3:
Brandner, P.:
Auktionstechniken zur Emission der Bundesanleihen
Gruenbichler, A. / Rudolf, M.:
Optimale Strukturierung der Finanzschuld der Republik Oesterreich
ueber verschiedene Waehrungen
Gemeinsames Abendessen in Anschluss an den Workshop
Samstag, 18. Jaenner
Session 4:
Biasin, M.:
Sinnhaftigkeit und Aussagekraft des Cash-Flow Statement italienischer
Casey, C.:
Moeglichkeiten der Objektivierung des risikoangepassten
Kalkulationszinsfusses in der Praxis der Unternehmensbewertung
Session 5:
Schaefer, G.:
Fixed-Rate versus Fairly Priced Deposit Insurance in Equilibrium:
Structural Effects and Bank Stability
Aussenegg, W. / Pichler, S.:
Empirical Evaluation of Simple Methods to Calculate Value-at-Risk of
Fixed-Income Instruments
zum Wirtschaftstheoretischen Forschungsseminar der Wiener
Universit=E4ten gemeinsam mit dem Institut f=FCr H=F6here Studien und der
National=F6konomischen Gesellschaft
5. Dezember 1996
16.00 Uhr:
Winand Emons (Universit=E4t Bern)
"Expertise, Contingent Fees, and Excessive Litigation"
17.30 Uhr:
Thomas GEHRIG (Universit=E4t Basel)
"Excessive Risks and Banking Regulation"
Ort: Institut f=FCr H=F6here Studien, Stumpergasse 56, 1060 Wien,
H=F6rsaal II
Papers zu den Vortr=E4gen liegen (soweit vorhanden) im Sekretariat des
Instituts f=FCr Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Hohenstaufengasse 9, 1010
Wien, 5. Stock, am IHS (Abteilung =D6konomie) und im BWZ, Lehrstuhl Cleme=
Sekretariat Fr. Kellner, auf.
Die n=E4chsten Vortr=E4ge finden voraussichtlich am 16. J=E4nner und am 23=
J=E4nner 1997 statt.
Egbert Dierker
>From compfin(a)cse.ogi.edu Sun Mar 19 17:27:57 2000
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 12:14:52 -0800 (PST)
>From: Computational Finance <compfin(a)cse.ogi.edu>
To: devfinance(a)lists.acs.ohio-state.edu, corryfee(a)mundo.eco.utexas.edu,
scelist(a)mundo.eco.utexas.edu, csemlist(a)mundo.eco.utexas.edu,
snde_l(a)email.rutgers.edu, comp_finance(a)teleport.com,
economics <majordomo@mundo>, finance(a)vm.temple.edu,
Subject: Computational Finance at the Oregon Graduate Institute
Status: RO
X-UID: 218
COMPUTATIONAL FINANCE at the Oregon Graduate Institute of
Science & Technology (OGI)
Masters of Science Concentrations in
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Now Reviewing MS Applications for Fall 1997!
Early Decision Deadline: January 15 (Decisions by February 15)
Final Deadline: March 15 (Decisions by April 15)
New! Certificate Program Designed for Part-Time Students.
For more information,
call the OGI Office of Admissions (503)690-1027, or visit
Computational Finance Overview:
Advances in computing technology now enable the widespread use of
sophisticated, computationally-intensive analysis techniques applied
to finance and financial markets. The real-time analysis of
tick-by-tick financial market data, and the real-time management
of portfolios of thousands of securities is now sweeping the
financial industry. This has opened up new job opportunities for
scientists, engineers, and computer science professionals in the
field of Computational Finance.
The strong demand within the financial industry for technically-
sophisticated graduates is addressed at OGI by the Masters of
Science and Certificate Programs in Computational Finance. Unlike
a standard two year MBA, the programs are directed at training
scientists, engineers, and technically-oriented financial professionals
in the area of quantitative finance.
The Masters programs lead to a Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering (CSE track) or in Electrical Engineering (EE track).
The MS programs can be completed within 12 months on a full time
basis. In addition, OGI has introduced a Certificate program
designed to allow professionals in engineering and finance a way
of acquiring skills or upgrading their skills in quantitative finance
on a part-time basis.
The Computational Finance MS concentrations feature a unique
combination of courses that provide a solid foundation in finance
at a non-trivial, quantitative level, plus training in the essential
core knowledge and skill sets of computer science or the information
technology areas of electrical engineering. These skills are
important for advanced analysis of markets and for the development
of state-of-the-art investment analysis, portfolio management,
trading, derivatives pricing, and risk management systems.
The MS in CSE is ideal preparation for students interested in
securing positions in information systems in the financial industry,
while the MS in EE provides rigorous training for students interested
in pursuing careers as quantitative analysts at leading-edge
financial firms.
The curriculum is strongly project-oriented, using state-of-the-art
computing facilities and live/historical data from the world's
major financial markets provided by Dow Jones Telerate. Students
are trained in using high level numerical and analytical packages
for analyzing financial data.
OGI has established itself as a leading institution in research
and education in Computational Finance. Moreover, OGI has very
strong research programs in a number of areas that are highly
relevant for work in quantitative analysis and information systems
in the financial industry.
Applications for entrance into the Computational Finance MS programs
for Fall Quarter 1997 are currently being considered. The deadlines
for receipt of applications are:
January 15 (Early Decision Deadline, decisions by February 15)
March 15 (Final Deadline, decisions by April 15)
A candidate must hold a bachelor's degree in computer science,
engineering, mathematics, statistics, one of the biological or
physical sciences, finance, econometrics, or one of the quantitative
social sciences. Candidates who hold advanced degrees in these
fields or who have experience in the financial industry are also
encouraged to apply.
Applications for the Certificate Program are considered on an
ongoing basis for entrance in any quarter.
Contact Information
For general information and admissions materials:
Office of Admissions
Oregon Graduate Institute
P.O.Box 91000
Portland, OR 97291-1000
E-mail: admissions(a)admin.ogi.edu
Phone: (503)690-1027
WWW: http://www.cse.ogi.edu/CompFin/
For special inquiries:
E-mail: compfin(a)cse.ogi.edu
Dr. Andrea Gaunersdorfer
Department of Business Administration
University of Vienna Tel.: +43-1-29 1 28-466
Bruenner Strasse 72 FAX: +43-1-29 1 28-464
A - 1210 Wien e-mail: gauner(a)finance2.bwl.univie.ac.at
Einladung zum
Professor Bryan R. Routledge,
Carnegie Mellon University
mit dem Thema ueber
"Adaptive Learning and Financial Markets"
am Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 1996, 15.30 - 17.00 Uhr
im Seminarraum 2 des Betriebswirtschaftlichen Zentrums
der Universitaet Wien, Bruenner Strasse 72, 1210 Wien.
* To post a message, send it to OWNER-SNDE_L(a)EMAIL.RUTGERS.EDU *
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* To resolve any problems, contact MCCLELLAND_R(a)BLS.GOV *
Dear Colleague:
Below is a call for papers for a Computational Economics
conference I am hosting next summer here at Hoover. Please
circulate it among your colleagues. Also, note the
items of special interest below for your graduate students.
Ken Judd
P.S. Please excuse multiple messages; I am using many lists.
****** CALL FOR PAPERS ******
Society for Computational Economics
announces the
Third International Conference
Stanford, CA, June 30 - July 2, 1997
The Third International Conference on Computing in Economics and
Finance, organized under the auspices of the Society for
Computational Economics, will be held at the HooverInstitution at
Stanford University from June 30 through July 2, 1997. We invite
participation from all branches of economics and finance, and
related areas in computer science, operations research, statistics,
and mathematics, in both the academic and business worlds.
Presentations will cover both quantitative and empirical methods
for economics and finance including, but not limited to, optimization,
linear and nonlinear equations, computationally intensive statistical
methods, option pricing, CGE modelling, neural networks, agent-based
economics, rational expectations modelling, computation of Nash
equilibrium, variational inequalities, genetic algorithms, simulation
methods, automatic differentiation, Bayesian methods, databases,
network economics, option pricing, and artificial intelligence.
Those unacquainted with the SCE and this conference series should
consult the web page http://www.unige.ch/ce/ce96/ which describes the
program from the Second International Conference on Computing in
Economics and Finance held in Geneva, Switzerland, in June, 1996,
or the page http://www.unige.ch/ce/austin/ which describes the
program from the previous meeting held in Austin, Texas, in 1995.
Individuals who wish to present papers should submit
abstracts or finished papers to:
Kenneth L. Judd
Hoover Institution
Stanford, CA. 94305
415-723-1687 (fax)
Electronic submissions in ASCII, TeX, and LaTeX formats
are encouraged, but ordinary paper (by mail or fax) is fine.
Deadline for submissions: February 15, 1997.
Visit us at http://bucky.stanford.edu/cef97/ for
up-to-date information on the program, accomodations,
and local attractions.
Following are some special program notes:
"Solution Methods for Equations"
Curtis Eaves, Stanford EES/OR Department
Panel Discussion on "The Teaching of Computational Economics"
Ken Judd (Hoover Institution)
David Kendrick (University of Texas)
Mario Miranda (Ohio State University)
"Computational Economics in Practice in the
Telecommunications Industry"
Louis F. Pau, (Ericsson Utvecklings AB and
Technical University of Denmark)
In an effort to encourage graduate student participation, there will
be a poster session for graduate students to present their
There will also be some financial aid for graduate student participants;
contact Ken Judd for details.
The Society for Computational Economics is offering three $1,000
prizes for outstanding papers by graduate students. A description of
that prize is available at http://bucky.stanford.edu/cef97/
Ken Judd, Hoover Institution, General Chairman
Hans Amman, University of Amsterdam
Kit Baum, Boston College
Dave Belsley, Boston College
Chris Birchenhall, University of Manchester
Dee Dechert, University of Wisconsin
John Duffy, University of Pittsburgh
Larry Eisenberg, The Risk Engineering Company
Manfred Gilli, University of Geneva
Bill Goffe, University of Southern Mississipi
Seth Greenblatt, University of Reading
Steve Hall, Imperial College
David Kendrick, University of Texas
Mario Miranda, Ohio Statue University
Anna Nagurney, University of Massachusetts
Louis Pau, Ericsson Utvecklings AB and Technical University of Denmark
Ken Pearson, Monash University
John Rust, Yale University
Berc Rustem, Imperial College
Tom Sargent, Hoover Insitution
Leigh Tesfatsion, Iowa State
Charles Tapiero, ESSEC
Peter Tinsley, U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Washington, D.C.
Andy Whinston, University of Texas
Wirtschaftstheoretischen Forschunngseminar
7. November 1996
16.00 Uhr
Philip Han FRANSES (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
"Modelling Seasonality In Economic Time Series"
17.30 Uhr
Konrad PODCZECK (Universit=E4t Wien)
"Gleichgewichtstheorie mit unendlich vielen G=FCtern"
21. November 1996
16.00 Uhr
Stefan KRASA (University of Illinois)
"Enforcement in Differential Information Economies"
17.30 Uhr
Henry TULKENS (CORE, Louvain-La-Neuve)
"Cooperation vs. Free Riding in International Environmental Affairs"
Die Vortr=E4ge finden im Institut f=FCr H=F6here Studien, Stumpergasse 56,=
1060 Wien, H=F6rsaal II, statt.
Egbert Dierker
Institut f=FCr Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Hohenstaufengasse 9, 1010 Wien
(M. Deistler, R. Alt, R. Kunst)
Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 1996
Consumption Based Capital Asset Pricing und der Wiener Aktienmarkt
In einem einflussreichen Artikel aus dem Jahre 1985 beschreiben Mehra
und Prescott das sogenannte Equity Premium Puzzle. In diesem Artikel
versuchen die Autoren die empirisch beobachtete Risikopraemie
(durchschnittlicher Return am Aktienmarkt minus dem risikolosen Zinssatz)
am New Yorker Aktienmarkt mittels eines einfachen Consumption Based
Capital Asset Pricing Modells (C-CAPM) zu erklaeren. Das C-CAPM ist
ein Gleichgewichtsmodell, das auf den Annahmen vollstaendiger Konkurrenz
und friktionsfreier Maerkte beruht. Mehra und Prescott kommen zu dem
Schluss, dass die von ihrem Modell generierten Risikopraemien viel
zu klein sind, um die empirisch beobachteten zu erklaeren und bezeichnen
dies als das Equity Premium Puzzle.
In diesem Vortrag wird zunaechst das allgemeine C-CAPM vorgestellt.
In der Folge werden Ergebnisse der Schaetzung dreier verschiedener
C-CAPMs fuer den Wiener Aktienmarkt praesentiert. Das erste dieser
Modelle ist das urspruengliche Modell von Mehra und Prescott, das
zweite wurde von Rietz (1988) vorgestellt, der in das urspruengliche
Modell einen sogenannten Crash-Zustand einfuehrt und dadurch das
Equity Premium Puzzle loesen will. Das dritte Modell beinhaltet
zudem einen Zustand, in dem ueberdurchschnittlich hohe Returns,
wie sie am Wiener Aktienmarkt waehrend der 80er Jahre zu beobachten
waren, beruecksichtigt werden. Die Parameter dieser Modelle wurden
mit der Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) geschaetzt. Die von den
Modellen generierten Risikopraemien lassen den Schluss zu, dass das
von Mehra und Prescott beschriebene Equity Premium Puzzle auch am
Wiener Aktienmarkt besteht.
Literatur: BOEHEIM R. und M. BOSS, Consumption Based Capital Asset
Pricing and the Austrian Stock Exchange, Economic Series No. 29/May 96
Ort: HS II
Zeit: 9.00 Uhr c. t.
des Institutes fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre
der Universitaet Wien
A-1210 Wien, Bruennerstrasse 72
Montag, 21. 10. 1996, 16:00
BWZ-Bruennerstrasse (Besprechungsraum Lehrstuhl Marketing, Zimmer
Nr. 156)
Professor Gerald Goodhart
This presentation outlines a methodology - based on the Dirichlet
model of buyer behaviour - for comparing brand and store loyalty. It
reports results concerning three frequently bougth products in the
UK. The main finding is that store-loyalty generally exceeds
brand-loyalty, although the difference is not great and varies by
product field.
des Institutes fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre
der Universitaet Wien
A-1210 Wien, Bruennerstrasse 72
Montag, 21. 10. 1996, 16:00
BWZ-Bruennerstrasse (Besprechungsraum Lehrstuhl Marketing, Zimmer
Nr. 156)
Professor Gerald Goodhardt