We are seeking an expert willing to teach in our Banking, Finance and Compliance MA program in the Fall term 2016-17 the 2 SWS course "Introduction to Asset Management“. For detail please contact hanno.poeschl(a)lbs.ac.at <mailto:hanno.poeschl@lbs.ac.at>
Mit besten Grüßen / Kind Regards
Prof. (FH) Dr. Hanno Poeschl, M.Sc., MBA
Director of Studies
Banking, Finance and Compliance
International Management and Leadership
Lauder Business School
Hofzeile 18-20, A - 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 …
[View More]369 18 18 - 730
E-mail: hanno.poeschl(a)lbs.ac.at <mailto:hanno.poeschl@lbs.ac.at>
Web: http://www.lbs.ac.at <http://www.lbs.ac.at/>
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