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Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 10:11:35 +0000 (GMT)
From: Julia Blackwell <J.L.Blackwell(a)statslab.cam.ac.uk>
Subject: Cambridge University - Lectureship Vacancy
Can I draw your attention to two positions that we currently
have vacant?
These are established positions, for mid-career or junior
colleagues with active research in mathematical finance (or
possibly probability or statistics); we are able to appoint at
any point on the stated salary scale, and the positions are
extremely attractive in addition because:
* Cambridge teaching is completed in three 8-week blocks
* If the person appointed does not become a Fellow of a
College, the teaching duties are lecturing (typically in
the range 40-60 hours per year) and examining.
* The students here are outstandingly good, and lecture
courses can be set at a high level and fast pace
* The Centre for Mathematical Sciences is one of the largest
and most impressive centres for mathematics in the world
* There are strong links with colleagues in Economics and
the Judge Institute of Management.
The closing date for applications is 5th January 2004.
Chris Rogers
Julia Blackwell
Statistical Laboratory
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge CB3 0WB
Tel: 01223 337958
Fax: 01223 337956
Hi there,
As most of you are lecturers or students you might find MIT's
OpenCourseWare a valuable source of materials:
> Patrick Douglas Crispen ( http://www.tourbus.com/ )
> announcing phase 2 of OCW:
(...) back in April of 2001 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
[MIT] announced the ground-breaking and ambitious ten-year goal of
posting online all course materials from every MIT undergraduate and
graduate course. Syllabi. Course calendars. Lecture notes.
Assignments. Exams. Everything.
Phase one of MIT's OpenCourseWare project debuted last October,
giving the world access to MIT course materials from 32 courses in 17
different departments ranging from Aeronautics and Astronautics to
Urban Studies and Planning. Phase two, which was completed on Monday,
increases that number to 500 courses from 33 academic disciplines.
You can find MIT's OpenCourseWare site online at
> MIT OCW about OCW,
> from http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/AboutOCW/about-ocw.htm :
MIT OCW is a large-scale, Web-based electronic publishing initiative
funded jointly by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation, and MIT.
MIT OCW's goals are to:
* Provide free, searchable, access to MIT's course materials for
educators, students, and self-learners around the world.
* Create an efficient, standards-based model that other
institutions may emulate to openly share and publish their own
course materials.
Of course, there are special fields such as
-- Andreas
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Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:55:33 +0200 (MEST)
From: Walter Schachermayer <wschach(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at>
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Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 09:48:33 GMT
From: FWF Newsletter <mailinglist(a)fwf.ac.at>
Subject: Ausschreibung: European Young Investigator Awards
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
die European Young Investigator (EURYI) Awards sind
ausgeschrieben: Ziel des EURYI Awards ist es, exzellenten jungen
Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschaftern einen fuenfjaehrigen
Aufenthalt an einer europaeischen Forschungseinrichtung zu
ermoeglichen. Das Programm richtet sich an WissenschafterInnen
aller Fachdisziplinen aus der ganzen Welt.
Voraussetzungen sind: zwei bis zehn Jahre Postdoc-Erfahrung, ein
exzellenter "track record" und das Potential zu internationalen
Spitzenforscherinnen und Spitzenforschern auf ihrem Gebiet zu
werden. Die Preise sind mit 150.000 bis 250.000 EUR pro Jahr
BewerberInnen, die nach Oesterreich kommen wollen, muessen ihr
Projekt bis zum 15. Dezember 2003 beim FWF einreichen.
OesterreicherInnen, die ins Ausland gehen wollen, muessen ihr
Projekt bei der jeweiligen Foerderorganisation einreichen.
Bitte informieren Sie potentielle KandidatInnen ueber diesen
neuen Preis.
Details und die Antragsunterlagen finden Sie unter:
Mit den besten Gruessen
Ihr FWF-Website-Team
Der Wissenschaftsfonds (FWF)
Weyringergasse 35
A-1040 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-505 67 40-0
Fax: +43-1-505 67 39
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Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 10:04:08 -0400
From: Ulrich Horst <horst(a)mathematik.hu-berlin.de>
To: Berlin Workshop 2003 <finance(a)math.hu-berlin.de>
Subject: Mathematical Finance for Young Researchers
Dear colleagues,
some weeks ago we sent you a first announcement of our upcoming
Workshop on Mathematical Finance for Young Researchers:
Modeling, Measuring, and Managing Financial Risk.
The workshop will be held on
January 8 - January 10, 2004 at Humboldt University of Berlin.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together promising Ph.D. students
and postdocs, and to give them the opportunity to discuss their research
in an informal atmosphere. Keynote lectures will be given by
David Hobson, University of Bath,
Wolfgang Schmidt, Hochschule fuer Bankwirtschaft,
Martin Schweizer, ETH Zuerich
Thaleia Zariphopoulou, University of Texas at Austin.
We also invite applications for up to 15 contributed talks from young
researchers, in particular from recent PhDs. Accommodation expenses for
speakers will be covered. Very limited support for travel expenses
may also be available.
Please remember that that the deadline for applications is approaching
fast! All those member of groups who are interested in presenting
their research should not hesitate to contact us by October 15th.
Further information can be found on the workshop's website
Thank you very much for your cooperation,
the organizing committee
Peter Bank, Hans Foellmer, Ulrich Horst, Peter Imkeller, Alexander
Ulrich Horst
Humboldt-University of Berlin
Department of Mathematics
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 2093 5414
Fax: +49 (0) 30 2093 5848
e-mail: horst(a)mathematik.hu-berlin.de
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Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 14:46:59 -0700
From: Ulrich Haussmann <uhaus(a)math.ubc.ca>
Subject: position in mathematical finance
Please bring the following vacancy to the attention of qualified
individuals. The posting can also be found
at http://www.math.ubc.ca/Dept/jobs.htm
Tenure-track position in Mathematical Finance and Mathematical
Economics The Mathematics Department at the University of British
Columbia is seeking candidates for a tenure-track Assistant
Professorship, subject to funding, with a starting date of 1 July
2004. Exceptional candidates at the Associate Professor or Professor
level may be considered. Applicants must have an outstanding research
record in one or more of: computational methods in finance, stochastic
analysis applied to finance or economics, or optimization/control
applied to finance or economics.
The successful applicant is expected to interact with related groups
in the Mathematics Department and have demonstrated interest and
ability in teaching. The Mathematics Department has strong connections
with the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS). The
salary will be commensurate with experience and research record.
Applicants should send a current CV including a list of publications,
statement of research and teaching interests, and should arrange for
three letters of reference to be sent directly to:
Chair, Departmental Committee on Appointments
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
#121 - 1984 Mathematics Road
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z2
The deadline date for applications is November 24, 2003. The
University of British Columbia hires on the basis of merit and is
committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to
Ulrich Haussmann Tel: 604-822-3045
Department of Mathematics Fax: 604-822-6074
University of British Columbia email: uhaus(a)math.ubc.ca
121 - 1984 Mathematics Rd. URL:
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2 http://www.math.ubc.ca/~uhaus
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From: "taylor" <taylor(a)cam.wits.ac.za>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 15:08:32 +0200
Dear Colleague
We would be very grateful if you would alert potential candidates to
the following position in Mathematical Finance in the School of
Computational & Applied Mathematics at the University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, described below. The closing date for
applications is 31 October, 2003. Yours sincerely David Taylor
School of Computational & Applied Mathematics
Permanent Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Position in Mathematical Finance
Applications are invited for a permanent position in Mathematical
Finance at the University of the Witwatersrand - Johannesburg, to be
taken up with effect from 1 January 2004 or as soon as possible
Candidates should have a PhD and, in the case of the Senior
Lectureship, an established track record of research in some area of
financial mathematics. Applications are particularly encouraged from
candidates with a background in stochastic analysis, or some other
area of analysis. The appointee to this permanent post in the School
of Computational & Applied Mathematics will be expected to maintain an
active programme of research, and to play a significant role in all
aspects of the organisation and teaching of financial mathematics at
all levels.
The School of Computational & Applied Mathematics has a
history of involvement in Financial Mathematics dating back to 1992,
and the local finance community has been absorbing our graduates for
over ten years. We have also had numerous research collaborations and
funding agreements with local and international financial
The appointment will be made at the appropriate point on the
Lecturer or Senior Lecturer scale. Further particulars of the post,
including information about remuneration, may be obtained from Prof
David Taylor at mfinance(a)cam.wits.ac.za or +27-11-717-6149 (fax). More
information can be found on our website: www.cam.wits.ac.za/mfinance
To apply, please submit a covering letter, detailed CV with names and
contact details of three referees & certified copies of degrees to:
Mrs Saajida Ooni,
Human Resources Officer,
Faculty of Science
Wits University
Private Bag 3
Wits 2050
South Africa
The closing date for the receipt of completed applications is 31st
October 2003.
Equality of opportunity is University policy
Prof David R Taylor
Mathematics of Finance Programme
Room SH1135
School of Computational & Applied Mathematics
University of the Witwatersrand
PO WITS, 2050
South Afrika
(+27)-11-717-6110 (O); (+27)-11-403-9317(FAX)