To Whom it May Concern:
as next week we could not find seminars/conferences in Vienna in the
(core) Financial and Actuarial Mathematics area, here some further
- Machine Learning course in June,
- public mailing lists,
- talk of a representant of Insurance Europe,
- TUforMath (german)
- International Day of Mathematics (Pi day: 3/14)
Kind regards,
Sandra (FAM-office)
Machine Learning Methods and Data Analytics in Finance and Insurance
FAM @ TU Wien will offer the course/lecture:
"Machine Learning Methods and Data Analytics in Finance and Insurance"
given by Prof. Pavel Shevchenko (Macquarie University, Australia)…
It will blocked in June (up to July 3), 2020 - appointments will be
announced soon.
Students of other universities than TU Wien need to co-register at TU
Wien: (you can
switch to English, but the necessary form is only on the German webpage :-/)
Public Mailing Lists
Please find an expanded collection of Public Mailing Lists here:
For corrections and additions please write
FAM-office <fam(a)>.
"Actuarial Modelling Club"
Tuesday, 10.03.2020, 15:30 - 17:00, FH 8 Nöbauer Hörsaal
TU Wien, 1040, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Freihaus, 2. OG, yellow area
Olav Jones (Insurance Europe)
"What is the true risk of long-term investment and what
does this mean for insurers' long-term savings products?"
(Actuarial Modelling Club)
Plese find details to talk, speaker and REGISTRATION here:
TUforMath im Sommersemester 2020
TUForMath-Vorträge -
12.03.2020: Michael Drmota (TU Wien)
"Die Magie der Zahl pi"
02.04.2020: Robert Tichy (TU Graz)
"Primzahlen und was man von ihnen lernen kann"
23.04.2020: Philipp Grohs (Universität Wien)
"Die Mathematik hinter Künstlicher Intelligenz"
07.05.2020: Franz Embacher (Universität Wien)
"Einstein und wie sich Raum und Zeit krümmen"
15.05.2020: Martin Aigner (Freie Universität Berlin)
"Vom 4-Farbenproblem zum Mobiltelefon- eine mathematische
Entdeckungsreise" [TUForMath Lecture]
28.05.2020: Hannelore De Silva (WU Wien)
"Eine Reise durch die Spieltheorie"
18.06.2020: Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz (TU Wien)
"Mathematik der Altersvorsorge"
Manfred Kronfellner: "Geschichte der Mathematik"
11. und 12. Schulstufe: "TUForMath im mumok"
Ab der 9. Schulstufe
"Reden wir über Mathematik!"
9. und 10. Schulstufe: "Mathemagie" (ausgebucht!!!)
5. bis 8. Schulstufe
Anmeldung Newsletter:
Joint cooperation: IST Austria, ÖAW, Uni Wien, TU Wien
Samstag, 14.03.2020 ( = Pi day: 3/14 ),
10-18 Uhr, Prechtl-Saal der TU Wien,
Karlsplatz 13 (Resselpark), 1040 Wien
Internationaler Tag
der Mathematik 2020
Stationen und Vorträge organisiert von IST Austria, ÖAW, Uni Wien und TU
Wien. Auch FAM ist auf einem Stand vertreten.
Find also events in other cities/countries:
International Day
of Mathematics
To Whom it May Concern,
enclosed the corrected announcement of Elisa Alos' presenation
tomorrow/Tuesday. Additionally we already announce a talk next week
where we ask for registration.
With best regards,
Franziska Wohlmuth - FAM-office
Joint Seminar: TU Wien, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Tuesday(!), 11.2.2020, 16:15, seminar room DC rot 07
TU Wien, 1040, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Freihaus, 7th floor, red area
Elisa Alòs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ES)
"Discretization errors in variance swaps"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (including abstracts) see
Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
Dienstag, 18.2.2020, 16:30-18:00, FH 8 Nöbauer Hörsaal
TU Wien, 1040, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Freihaus, 2. OG, gelber Bereich
Sebastian Helbig und Marius Reitz
(ROKOCO GmbH und ROKOCO Predictive Analytics GmbH)
"Marktkonsistenz und Solvabilitätsbewertung: Ausgewählte Aspekte"
(Actuarial Modelling Club)
Details zu Vortrag und Anmeldung siehe:
Joint Seminar: TU Wien, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Thu., 11.2.2020, 16:15(!), seminar room DC rot 07
TU Wien, 1040, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Freihaus, 7th floor, red area
Elisa Alòs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ES)
"Discretization errors in variance swaps"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (including abstracts) see
To Whom it May Concern:
This time we inform about future events in Austria or events
co-organised by researchers from Austria, as well as about changes at
the BFS Congress in Hong Kong.
Best regards, Sandra (FAM-office)
Advances in Mathematical Finance and Optimal Transport
Advances in Mathematical Finance and Optimal Transport
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
Mon-Fri, June 20-26, 2020
Invited speakers:
Luigi Ambrosio (SNS Pisa), Julio Backhoff (U Vienna), Pauline Barrieu
(LSE), Christian Bayer (WIAS Berlin), Sara Biagini (LUISS Rome), Luciano
Campi (LSE), Rama Cont (U Oxford), Jaksa Cvitanic (Caltech), Christoph
Czichowsky (LSE), Albina Danilova (LSE), Freddy Delbaen (ETH Zürich),
Giulia di Nunno (Oslo U), Darrell Duffie (Stanford U), Peter Friz (TU
Berlin), Stefan Gerhold (TU Wien), Nassif Ghoussoub (UBC), Sigrid
Kaellblad (KTH Stockholm), Constantinos Kardaras (LSE), Dimitri Kramkov
(Carnegie Mellon U), David Kreps (Standford U), Daniel Lacker (Columbia
U), Robert McCann (U Toronto), Johannes Muhle-Karbe (Imperial College),
Jan Obloj (Oxford U), Soumik Pal (U Washington, Seattle), David Proemel
(Oxford U), Catherine Rainer (Brest U), Kavita Ramanan (Brown U), Luigia
Ripani (U Lyon 1, Irvine), Mathieu Rosenbaum (École Polytechnique),
Birgit Rudloff (WU Vienna), Misha Skolnikov (Princeton U), Mete Soner
(ETH Zürich), Sara Svaluto-Ferro (U Vienna), Ludovic Tangpi (Princeton
U), Nizar Touzi (École Polytechnique), Kim Weston (Rutgers U)
Organised by:
Beatrice Acciaio (LSE London)
Mathias Beiglböck (Uni Vienna)
Christa Cuchiero (Uni Vienna)
Irene Klein (Uni Vienna)
Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich)
13th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics
13th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Mon-Fri, August 31 - September 4, 2020
Lectures by:
Lyudmila Grigoryeva (University of Konstanz)
Xin Guo (University of California, Berkeley)
Lukasz Szpruch (University of Edinburgh)
Josef Teichmann (ETH Zurich)
Special invited lecture by:
Yuri Kabanov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Organising committee:
Daniel Bartl (Uni Vienna)
Mathias Beiglboeck (Uni Vienna)
Christa Cuchiero (Uni Vienna)
Zehra Eksi (WU Vienna)
Ruediger Frey (WU Vienna)
Irene Klein (Uni Vienna)
Mathias Pohl (Uni Vienna)
Sara Svaluto-Ferro (Uni Vienna)
Junjian Yang (TU Wien)
Conference on High-Dimensional Stochastics
Conference on High-Dimensional Stochastics
Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna, Austria
Mon-Wed, September 7-9, 2020…
Plenary speakers confirmed:
Jochen Blath (TU Berlin)
Sonja Cox (University of Amsterdam)
Victor Panaretos (EPFL Lausanne)
Markus Riedle (King's College London)
Organised by:
Fred Espen Benth (U. Oslo)
Almut Veraart (Imperial College London)
Christa Cuchiero (WPI c/o U. Vienna)
ASD 2020
8th Austrian Stochastics Days (ASD 2020)
MU Leoben (Montanuniversität Leoben), Leoben, Austria
Thu-Fri, September 10-11, 2020
Keynote speakers:
Michaela Szölgyenyi (Alpe-Adria-University Klagenfurt)
Jonas Tölle (University of Helsinki)
Organised by:
Alexander Steinicke (MU Leoben)
Erika Hausenblas (MU Leoben)
Debopriya Mukherjee (MU Leoben)
BFS 2020 - NEW DATE!
11th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society (BFS 2020)
Hong Kong, China
Mon-Fri, December 14-18, 2020 <-- NEW DATE!
Abstract submission deadline extended to June 30, 2020 (11:59pm HKT).
Sandra Trenovatz / FAM-office
phone +43-1-58801-10511, mail <sandra(a)>
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (FAM),
TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8 / E105-01 & -05, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Joint Seminar: TU Wien, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Th., 30.10.2020, 16:30, lecture hall HS11
Uni Wien, 1090 Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 2nd floor
Eduardo Abi Jaber (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, FR)
"Linear-Quadratic control of stochastic Volterra equations"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (including abstracts) see
University of Vienna, Dept. of Statistics and Decision Support Systems
Mo., 20.01.2020, 16:45, lecture hall HS 7 (#1.303)
Uni Wien, 1090 Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1st floor
Michael Kupper (Univ. Konstanz, DE)
"Max-stable risk measures and large deviations"
(ISOR Colloquium)
The seminar is preceded by tea and coffee with the speaker in the ISOR
meeting room (#6.511, 6th floor) at 16.15.
For further details (including abstracts) see
Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
Tu., 21.01.2020, 17:00, lecture hall: GM 3 Vortmann Hörsaal
TU Wien, 1060, Getreidemarkt 9, Plus Energie Büro Hochhaus, 2. Stock
Götz Cypra (UNIQA Versicherung Wien),
Dr. Mario Hörig (Oliver Wyman Actuarial, DE)
"Deep Learning Techniken im Einsatz: Anwendungen im Kontext
von Economic Capital und Cash Flow Projektionsmodellen"
(Actuarial Modelling Club)
For further details (including abstracts) and registration see
Details zu Vortrag und Anmeldung siehe:
Joint Seminar: TU Wien, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Th., 16.01.2020, 16:30, lecture hall HS11
Uni Wien, 1090 Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 2nd floor
Thorsten Rheinländer (TU Wien)
"On pathwise stochastic integration"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (including abstracts) see
WU Wien, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics
Fr., 17.01.2020, 09:00, seminar room D4.4.008
WU Wien, 1020, Welthandelsplatz 1, WU Campus, building D4, 4th floor
Natalie Packham (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
"Correlation stress testing of stock and credit portfolios"
(Research seminar - Statistics and Mathematics)
For further details (including abstracts) see
To find the room on the WU Campus search for "D4.4.008" on:
Joint Seminar: TU Wien, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Th., 9.01.2020, 16:30, lecture hall HS11
Uni Wien, 1090 Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 2nd floor
Wei Xu (HU Berlin, DE)
"The Microstructure of Stochastic Volatility Models
with Self-Exciting Jump Dynamics"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (including abstracts) see
Dear friends of FAM & subscribers of FAM-news,
As the next week(s) there will be (most probably) no talks we already
now wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2020!
Franziska & Sandra (FAM office)
8. Weihnachtskolloquium: TU Wien
Fr., 20.12.2019, 14:00-18:30, Infineon HUB,
TU Wien, 1040, Paniglgasse 1-3, Erdgeschoss
Liste der Vortragenden:
* Florian Besau (TU Wien)
* Esther Daus (TU Wien)
* Lukas Fabrykowski (Triangular IT Solutions)
* Dominik Forkert (IST Austria)
* Philip Plank (UNIQA)
* Stefanie Pichler (A1 Digital International GmbH)
* Rafael Reisenhofer (Uni Wien)
* Florian Karl Richter (Northwestern)
Das Weihnachtskolloquium (WK) findet seit 2012 jährlich statt und hat
sich aus einem anfänglichen Treffen einer Gruppe von Studienkolleg_innen
zu einem festen Termin entwickelt, mit Teilnehmer_innen aus den
unterschiedlichsten Fachrichtungen der Mathematik. In den Fachvorträgen
berichten ehemalige Studierende der TU von ihren aktuellen Arbeits- und
Forschungsgebieten und geben somit auch einen Einblick, wohin der
berufliche Weg — von Promotion bis Industrie — nach dem
Mathematikstudium führen kann.
Save the date: ASD 2020
8th Austrian Stochastics Days
Th.-Fr., September 10-11, 2020
University of Leoben (German: Montanuniversität Leoben), Austria
Save the date!
Advances in Mathematical Finance and Optimal Transport
June, 20-26, 2020, Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
Organised by Beatrice Acciaio (LSE), Mathias Beiglböck (Uni Vienna),
Christa Cuchiero (WU Vienna), Irene Klein (Uni Vienna), Astrid Kollros
(Uni Vienna), Maria Elvira Mancino (Uni Florence), Josef Teichmann (ETH)
More detailed information is available on the webpage of the CRM: