Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
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Cutting-edge in Pricing: Penalized Regression, Market Price Insights, and Practical Lessons
Florian Nuding, Wüstenrot, Bartosz Gaweda, Milliman, Jan Küthe, Akur8
In most modern insurance companies, actuaries are debating between two main pricing methods: GBMs and GLMs. We will demonstrate how penalized regressions in a GLM framework can effectively tie standard Credibility practices and incorporate some of the benefits of GBMs, our talk aims to contribute to the fusion of these techniques as solid alternatives to standard GLMs for rate making.
Historically, this technique was popularized by the machine learning literature, and how it is taught is not synchronized with how actuaries approach modeling to solve insurance problems. This should not be the case: the penalized framework is versatile and effectively solves many insurance use cases that are currently tackled via established techniques.
First, we will see how, practically, and theoretically, Penalized Regressions are in essence Credibility procedures and allow to blend GLM with credibility to reduce overfitting and improve a model’s ability to generalize.
On the other hand, we will display how Penalized regression can be thought of as Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs), a powerful yet completely black box modeling technique.
Modern Modelling & Portfolio evaluation from a practical perspective, in the Austrian market.
From the point of view of a dynamic local insurer, we would like to discuss smart ways to identify segments with varying degrees of profitability and provide suggestions on the implementation of strategies in this setup. To do this fast and efficiently, we will present how we can leverage machine learning to speed up actuarial work.
Lastly, drawing from the successful projects undertaken by Milliman Italy, we will demonstrate the substantial value added by market benchmark prices to enhance insurance decision-making.
Florian Nuding, Wüstenrot
Florian is the Head of Pricing & Reinsurance at Wüstenrot, where his mission is to achieve pricing excellence, with a focus both on modeling and on the technical requirements for a dynamic setup.
Bartosz Gaweda, Milliman
Actuarial Manager, fascinated about motor risk modelling, especially using latest machine learning techniques.
Jan Küthe, Akur8
Jan is an Actuarial Data Scientist at Akur8 and Aktuar DAV. With more than five years of pricing experience, he is helping insurers utilize the potential of pricing methods of the 21st century.
Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024, 16:30 - ca. 18:00 Uhr
Freihaus Hörsaal 8 - Nöbauer Hörsaal,
Freihaus, 2. Stock, gelber Bereich (gegenüber den Liften),
TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien
bzw. Online-Teilnahme (Live-Stream, keine CPD-Bestätigung möglich, ev. Zoom)
Akur8 und Milliman laden im Anschluss an den Vortrag zu einem Umtrunk mit Brötchen ein!
Es gibt keine Teilnahmegebühr.
Die AVÖ vergibt für die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung 1,5 CPD-Punkte.
Dieser Vortrag findet im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club" statt. Mit diesen Veranstaltungen wollen wir ein Diskussionsforum für Aktuarinnen und Aktuare schaffen, in dem aktuelle Themen präsentiert und diskutiert werden. Die Vorträge sollen auch den Studierenden, insbesondere im Bereich der Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik, einen Einblick in praxisrelevante Themen und die Möglichkeit zu persönlichen Kontakten geben.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Julia Eisenberg* (FAM @ TU Wien), Karin Hirhager (FWU Life Insurance Austria), Alexander Juschitz* (B&W Deloitte), Reinhold Kainhofer (Wiener Städtische), Uwe Schmock* (FAM @ TU Wien) und Christina Ziehaus* (Generali)
* ... Mitglieder des AVÖ-Arbeitskreises Aus- und Weiterbildung
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