Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
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Is Parametric Insurance the answer to the Legal Challenges of Insuring Against a Pandemic?
Rachel Hillier, Partner and Team Lead of Financial Services and Insurance at Capital Law Limited, UK
COVID-19 has raised, and continues to raise, questions about the traditional approach to insurance cover. For instance, business interruption insurance covering “pandemics” under all risks insurance policies are likely to be a thing of the past. As disputes between insurers and insureds concerning coverage of losses flowing from the pandemic continue to make their way through courts across the world, what can be done to offer businesses some protection at a premium they can afford, without emptying insurers’ reserves? Rachel will talk about legal challenges related to traditional insurance against the risk of losses caused by a pandemic, and whether parametric insurance is the solution.
Zur Person / Short CV:
Rachel Hillier is an experienced regulatory lawyer and partner of Capital Law, a commercial law firm with offices in Cardiff, London and Paris. Leading Captial's Financial Services & Insurance team, a large part of Rachel's work is in the FinTech sector, particularly InsurTech. With 22 years' experience in tech and commercial law, Rachel leads this well-respected team of lawyers who are focused on advising this specialist sector.
Rachel has a particular interest in parametric insurance, having assisted several Insurtechs to develop parametric insurance products that address particular challenges to traditional indemnity based insurance. She contributed a chapter concerning the legal aspects of the challenges of the Covid pandemic to traditional insurance principles in the book titled "Pandemics: Insurance and Social Protection".
As a founding advisory board member of FinTech Wales, Rachel is a driving force in supporting the burgeoning Welsh FinTech sector, as well as being an active member of the London-based trade organisation Insurtech UK.
Rachel is a ranked by legal guide Chambers, as a "national leader" in the Fintech Sector.
Rachel @ Capital Law, Rachel on LinkedIn
| Dienstag, 5. April 2022, 16:30 - ca. 17:30 Uhr
| Online Meeting via Zoom
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Karin Hirhager (FWU Life Insurance Austria), Alexander Juschitz* (B&W Deloitte), Reinhold Kainhofer (EY) und Uwe Schmock* (FAM @ TU Wien)
* ... Mitglieder des AVÖ-Arbeitskreises Aus- und Weiterbildung
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