Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
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Digital cyber response: cost factors and probabilities
Mag.(FH) Mikhail Arshinskiy, MSc., FRM, Deloitte Digital
Digitalization has brought a wide variety of opportunities - faster and interactive communication with clients, automatization of backend processes, costs reduction due to cloud migration. Despite all benefits, a new set of challenges related to IT security has manifested itself - customer data leakage, cyber espionage and extortion. Companies across all industries and sizes recognized the importance of cyber risks. Insurance providers moved to capitalize on this opportunity and developed cyber insurance products.
Estimation of risks and impact by such policies present the challenge for risk management experts. There is usually not enough data or at least not in granular enough form to make quantitative risk measurements and quite often expert judgment has to be taken. Factors tend to drift also significantly over time, since what could be considered sufficient security measures today, maybe insufficient in the future. Due to the nature of malware applications targeted at large group of companies and individuals, cluster risks shall also be not underestimated.
During the presentation, topics such as cyber incident probability factors (IT security certifications, attack vectors, cyber response team), cyber response cost factors (readiness, external provider support, mitigation mechanisms) will be highlighted
Zur Person:
Mike Arshinskiy leads Computer Forensic and Digital Core service lines. He has over 10 years of experience in computer forensic and IT security fields. Currently he is further developing cyber response offering by Deloitte.
| Montag, 7. Mai 2018, 16:30 Uhr (pünktlich)
| Technische Universität Wien,
1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13
Hauptgebäude der TU Wien, Stiege 7, 2. Stock
Hörsaal 13 / Ernst Melan Hörsaal
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Dieser Vortrag findet im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club" statt. Mit den Veranstaltungen wollen wir ein Diskussionsforum für österreichische Aktuarinnen und Aktuare schaffen, in dem aktuelle Themen präsentiert und diskutiert werden. Gerne können Sie sich auch mit Themenvorschlägen an uns wenden. Die Veranstaltungen stehen jedem offen. Eine Mitgliedschaft in der AVÖ ist nicht notwendig.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Karin Hirhager* (msg life Austria), Reinhold Kainhofer (Generali Versicherung), Karin Nowak (B&W Deloitte) und Uwe Schmock* (FAM @ TU Wien)
* ... Mitglieder des AVÖ-Arbeitskreises Aus- und Weiterbildung