Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club" hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zu folgendem Vortrag ein: The Smith-Wilson curve - Mathematics and supervisionDr. Florian Gach und Dr. Martin Hahn, Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) Since the entry into force of Solvency II, all European insurance companies concerned are obliged to use the Smith-Wilson interest rate curve to determine the value of their insurance obligations and thus of a substantial part of their balance sheet. Although, in an unpublished note, Smith & Wilson (2000) introduce the underlying discount curve, a mathematically sound derivation of its shape has been missing in the literature so far. The aim of this talk is twofold: first, to provide a derivation of the Smith-Wilson formula and to make precise the main steps in the proof; second, to point out the relevance of the Smith-Wilson curve in life insurance and to discuss how risk-free it really is. Zu den Personen:
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