Aerial view of TU Vienna

Workshop "Climate Change and Insurance" - CCI 2024
Vienna, Wed–Fri, September 4–6, 2024


Sponsors and Supporters are very welcome and can contact us at

The organisers of CCI 2024 appreciate the support of the following sponsors - Gold and Silver Sponsors - and supporter:

Gold Sponsor:


Generali Generali is one of the largest global insurance and asset management providers. Established in 1831, it is present in over 50 countries in the world, with a total premium income of € 82.5 billion in 2023. With almost 82,000 employees serving 70 million customers, the Group has a leading position in Europe and a growing presence in Asia and Latin America. At the heart of Generali’s strategy is its Lifetime Partner commitment to customers, achieved through innovative and personalised solutions, best-in-class customer experience and its digitalised global distribution capabilities. The Group has fully embedded sustainability into all strategic choices, with the aim to create value for all stakeholders while building a fairer and more resilient society.

For additional information visit

Silver Sponsor:

Wiener Städtische

Wiener Städtische Versicherung - Vienna Insurance GroupWith a market share of around 17 percent, Wiener Städtische is one of the largest insurance companies in Austria. Its excellent financial foundation and experience guarantee stability for its customers, even in economically challenging times. A strong focus on customer satisfaction is the core of its success. With approximately 4,000 employees in nine regional offices and 130 branches, it offers comprehensive insurance solutions and personalized service coverage throughout Austria.

To minimize its ecological footprint the company relies on resource-efficient technologies and structures across all areas. Through ongoing awareness-raising among its employees, the environmental mindset is promoted and supported with numerous initiatives.

Sustainability is also given central importance in the company’s investment strategy. Wiener Städtische is committed to refraining from companies involved in the extraction, trading, and energy generation from thermal coal. Additionally, companies involved in the production of prohibited weapons regulated by international conventions are excluded from consideration. Wiener Städtische offers the possibility of sustainable financial planning. In 2020, Wiener Städtische launched Eco Select Invest, the first life insurance product to receive the Austrian Ecolabel. Furthermore, the company offsets the carbon dioxide emissions of all advertising campaigns.

For additional information visit

Silver Sponsor:


Milliman Milliman ist mit über 5000 Angestellten eines der größten internationalen Unternehmen, das sich auf die aktuarielle Beratung in der Versicherungs- und Finanzbranche spezialisiert hat.

Milliman wurde 1947 gegründet und ist ein unabhängiges Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in großen Städten rund um den Globus.

Vom Standort Wien aus bieten wir unseren Kunden Beratung im Bereich der Lebens-, Kranken- und Schadenversicherung.

For additional information visit

Silver Sponsor:


KPMG With our expert knowledge, we provide clarity, structure, and solutions. We are the strong partner for companies in terms of auditing and consulting. KPMG is Austria's largest company in this industry: In total, more than 2,000 employees are working at nine KPMG locations for our clients. Our consultant and auditor teams find the right solution for every concern in the areas of Audit, Tax, Advisory, and Law.

Our advantage is also your advantage: We not only work regionally comprehensive, but are also strongly networked internationally. This way, we can ideally adapt to national and international peculiarities. Through cross-business industry specialization, we provide advice at the highest level in numerous markets.

For additional information visit KPMG Austria.

Silver Sponsor:

B&W Deloitte GmbH

B&W Deloitte GmbH Being one of the leading advisory companies Deloitte brings together specialists from audit, actuarial, risk, corporate finance, consulting (strategy, operations, and technology), tax and legal. These skills, combined with deep industry knowledge, allow us to provide a broad range of high-quality services to life and health, property and casualty, reinsurers and insurance broker clients. Currently about 650 people are working for Deloitte in this particular field, supporting all well-known insurers in the market. Almost 140 people are experts in actuarial and insurance services gathered in B&W Deloitte GmbH at locations in Germany and Austria. In addition to the broad skill set, our sector specific know-how and the global Deloitte network enable us to combine local knowledge with global resources to ensure best and competitive service to our clients.

For additional information visit

Silver Sponsor:


Beltios Founded in 2005 with offices in Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and Vienna BELTIOS provides profound expertise to insurance and financial services organizations based on many years of experience.

We consult and support our clients in actuarial and business-related questions such as insurance product design, policy administration, reserving, financial and supervisory reporting. Frequently we are appointed at the organizational boundary between operational and information technology units.
Employing more than 80 consultants we are counted among the major consulting companies for the insurance industry in Germany and Austria. Our consultants are mostly mathematicians, insurance specialists, physicists, economists and computer scientists. More than two third are actuaries or actuaries in training.

Our expertise is currently focused on life and health insurance.

For additional information visit


Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University Heriot-Watt is a leading UK university with campuses in Edinburgh, Scottish Borders and Orkney. It offers career-focused degrees, world-class research and global collaborations in Science, Technology, Engineering, Business and Design.

The Department of Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics ia a centre of teaching and research in actuarial mathematics, financial mathematics, risk management, probability and statistics. Heriot-Watt was the first in the UK to offer a specialised programme in actuarial mathematics. The BSc and MSc actuarial programmes are all fully accredited by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). The department is recognised as a Center of Actuarial Excellence - the first and only one in Europe - by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) which is the world's largest actuarial professional organization dating back to 1889.

For additional information visit



FAM @ TU Wien

FAM @ TU Wien - Technische Universität Wien The TU Wien is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences. More than 4,000 scientists are researching "technology for people" in five main research areas at eight faculties. The content of the studies offered is derived from the excellent research. More than 26,000 students in 62 degree programmes benefit from this. As a driver of innovation, TU Wien strengthens the business location, facilitates cooperation and contributes to the prosperity of society.

The research unit Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (FAM) @ TU Wien was founded in 1998. The research interests of the group cover active areas such as arbitrage theory, utility optimization, interest rate theory, credit risk, rare events and insurance mathematics. The research group organises regular series of seminars on mathematical finance and actuarial mathematics to stimulate the research environment and provide practitioners with access to the most recent advances. FAM provides Bachelor and Masters education as well as doctoral degrees. It also provides full program of actuarial education to qualify as approved actuary in Austria.

For additional information visit

Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsors

Wiener Städtische Versicherung - Vienna Insurance Group
B&W Deloitte GmbH


Heriot-Watt University


FAM @ TU Wien - Technische Universität Wien)