---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:31:05 +0200
From: Monika Michel <michel(a)math.TU-Berlin.DE>
Subject: Head of junior research group in math finance at TU Berlin
Dear colleague,
Matheon and TU Berlin invite applications from young scientists for
the position of the
Head of a junior research group in mathematical finance.
We would be grateful if you could pass on the attached information to
potential applicants, and we apologize if you receive this message
more than once.
On behalf of the hiring committee,
Monika Michel
Sekr. MA 7-5
Fakultät II - Institut für Mathematik
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin
phone: +49(0)30-31423217
fax: +49(0)30- 31421695
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Zeit 21.09./Internet 14.09./Fristende 12.10.2006
Technische Universität Berlin Berlin, 13.09.2006
Der Präsident Tel. (030) 314-28297
- II T 6-16 - Fax: (030) 314-29788
Zi. H 2123
Email: jobs(a)TU-Berlin.de
S t e l l e n a u s s c h r e i b u n g
The DFG Research center MATHEON "Mathematics for key technologies:
Modelling, simulation and optimization of real-world processes", and
the Institute of Mathematics of the Berlin University of Technology
are inviting applications for the position of the
Head of a junior research group in Mathematical Finance
We are looking for candidates on a postdoctoral level with a
university degree in mathematics, who are experts in mathematical
finance and have an excellent background in applied and stochastic
analysis. They should have a strong record showing ability for
conducting independent research. It is expected that the successful
candidate will take an active part in the scientific training of young
researchers and in the activities of MATHEON.
Salary will be on a BAT Ib level, and the initial contract duration
will be until May 31, 2010. After a positive evaluation, an extension
of the contract for a total of 6 years is possible.
The participating institutions strive to increase the female quota and
therefore emphatically requests applications from female applicants.
Women with equivalent qualifications would be preferentially employed.
Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be
given preferential treatment.
For further information see:
Please send your written application and the usual documents to the
Präsident der Technischen Universität Berlin, Fakultät II, Sekretariat
MA 3-1, Straße des 17. Juni 136, D- 10623 Berlin (Germany).
Closing date for applications: within 3 weeks after publication
reference number: FO-829