Tu, 12.03.2002
Freddy Delbaen, On the Structure of the Set of Risk Neutral Measures
Th, 14.03.2002
no FAM-seminar, but see Research Seminar in Economic Theory at the
IHS: (
http://www.ihs.ac.at/index.php3?id=965 )
17:30 Roger J-B Wets
University of California, Davis
"Market Equilibrium in a Stochastic Environment"
Fr, 15.03.2002
10:30, Freihaus HS 7:
Hans-Jochen Bartels (Universität Mannheim), Symmetrierelationen für ein
inverses Problem der Finanzmathematik
15:00, Freihaus HS 7:
Uwe Schmock (Universität Zürich), Modellierung abhängiger Kreditrisiken
For further details (including abstracts) see
|christopher summer ||tu vienna, financial and actuarial mathematics
|tel +43 1 58801 10522 ||http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/~csummer
|fax +43 1 58801 10599 ||csummer(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at