SIAG Financial Mathematics and Engineering virtual seminars series
Th., 17.09.2020, 19:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Rene Carmona (Princeton University)
"Contract theory and mean field games to inform epidemic models"
For abstract and further details (registration necessary due to security
reasons) see:
Insurance Seminar at the Department of Mathematics 2020
Th., 01.10.2020, 09:00-15:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), hybrid event
Erik Bølviken (University of Oslo)
"Risky risk assessment"
Mari Dahl Eggen (University of Oslo)
"The LIBOR Forward Rate in a HJM-Lévy Framework"
Martin Jullum (Norsk Regnesentral)
"Dectecting Money Laundering with Machine Learning"
Julia Eisenberg (TU Wien)
"On some control problems in pension insurance"
Krzysztof Paczka (Gjensidige)
"Gjensidige's internal model and capital management"
Online Registration until Mo., 21.09.2020!
For further details see:
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summer Time,