Financial and Actuarial Mathematics: Time Table
PV Schachermayer (Time: Tuesday 16:30-18:00, Location: TU FH, Turm B, 2.
Stock, HS 8)
| 06.06.2000 | Lisa Korf | Some Fundamental Theorems in |
| | | Mathematical Finance: A Stochastic |
| | | Programming Duality Approach [2] |
| 13.06.2000 | Irene Klein | Hedging under transaction costs in |
| | | currency markets: a continuous-time |
| | | model (Kabanov, Last) |
| 20.06.2000 | Ching-Tang Wu | Muentz linear transform of Brownian |
| | | motions |
SE Schachermayer (Time: Thursday 16:30-18:00, Location: TU FH, Turm A,
6.Stock, Seminarraum 107)
| 15.06.2000 | Larbi Alili | Further results on some singular linear SDE |
Last Modification: Wednesday, 31-May-2000 11:37:01 MEST by (jg) [3]
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