Ich unterstuetze diesen "Campaign-Aufruf" nachdruecklich und bitte
alle, einen Schneeball-Effekt auszuloesen.
LG Walter
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:59:00 +0200 (CEST)
From: Prof. Heinz W. Engl <heinz.engl(a)jku.at>
Subject: "austrian of the year"
dear colleagues
the newspaper "presse" elects as every year 3 "austrians of the year".
the category science, one of the candidates is karl sigmund, the chairman
of the radon institute kuratorium.
although such election might be considered a bit questionable, they
are connected with a lot of publicity. if simgund should be chosen,
this would certainly give more public visibility for mathematics. in
addition to his mathematical work, karl sigmund also planned and
organized some high profil public exhibitions, e.g. on forced
emigration from austria of jewish scientists and on kurt gödel.
for these reasons, i would like to "campaign" for karl sigmund. the
election can be done by sending a form published (e.g. today) in
"presse" to the journal, i can be done online via
http://diepresse.com/austria06 or by sending an sms with the text
"austria 1e" to 0900 872872 (i do not know if voting by sms one has to
vote also for a candidate in the other categories, so that i suggest
that those who want to participtae (this is a suggestion , nothing
more, of course!) do so via internet).
best regards
heinz engl
Prof.Dr.Heinz W. Engl E-Mail: heinz.engl(a)jku.at
Institut fuer Industriemathematik secretary: doris.nikolaus(a)jku.at
Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Phone:+43-(0)732-2468 9219
Altenbergerstrasse 69 secretary: +43-(0)732-2468 9220
A-4040 Linz Fax:+43-(0)732-2468 8855
Oesterreich / Austria
World Wide Web:
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM),
Austrian Academy of Sciences;
EMail: heinz.engl(a)oeaw.ac.at
Mobile Phone: +43-(0)664-5209029 Mobile Fax: +43-(0)664-5274338