Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance (VCMF 2025)
Wednesday, July 9 - Friday, July 11, 2025
The submission deadline for contributed talks & posters
is extended until *Sunday, March 16, 2025*.
Dear colleagues,
The third Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance (VCMF 2025) will be
held from July 9-11, 2025, once again at the WU campus. The conference
will bring together leading experts from various fields of Mathematical
Finance such as:
- Financial Economics
- Green and Sustainable Finance (Electricity, Energy,...)
- Insurance (Climate Risk, Cyber Risk, ...)
- Statistics for Financial Markets and Large Language Models
- Mean Field Games and Stochastic Control
- New Technologies in Finance and Insurance (Computational Methods and
Machine Learning,
Cryptocurrencies, Limit Order Book and High Frequency Trading,
Algorithmic Trading)
- Optimal Transport (Robust Finance)
- Portfolio Optimisation
- Risk Management (Risk Allocation, Risk Aggregation, Credit Risk and
Systemic Risk)
- Rough Analysis in Finance and Insurance (Rough and Stochastic
The conference program will feature plenary lectures, parallel sessions
with invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Moreover,
there will be an attractive social program.
In the framework of a Panel Discussion on the theme "AI in Finance and
Insurance" we offer the conference participants a platform for
discussions with a number of renowned experts.
The VCMF 2025 follows the successful previous editions VCMF 2019 and
VCMF 2016.
For further information including details on plenary and invited
speakers see the conference homepage at:
We are looking forward to meeting you in July!
With kind regards from the VCMF 2025 organizers,
Christa Cuchiero, Julia Eisenberg, Zehra Eksi-Altay, Rüdiger Frey,
Stefan Gerhold, Paul Krühner, Uwe Schmock, Josef Teichmann
Campus of WU Wien
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Jointly organized by:
TU Wien
University of Vienna
WU Vienna - Vienna University of Economics & Business
WPI - Wolfgang Pauli Institute
Gold Sponsors:
Bank Austria
IQAM Invest
Raiffeisen Bank International
Silver Sponsors:
Meyerthole Siems Kohlruss
(further sponsors are welcome)
Plenary Speakers:
- Eduardo Abi Jaber (Ecole Polytechnique, FR)
- René Aïd (Université Paris-Dauphine, FR)
- Caroline Hillairet (ENSAE-Paris, CREST, FR)
- Marcel Nutz (Columbia University, US)
- Aaditya Ramdas (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
- Sara Svaluto-Ferro (University of Verona, IT)
- Renyuan Xu (University of Southern California, US)
- Stefan Zohren (University of Oxford, UK)
Invited Speakers:
- Hansjoerg Albrecher (University of Lausanne, CH)
- Ofelia Bonesini (London School of Economics, UK)
- Katia Colaneri (University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT)
- Damir Filipovic (EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute, CH)
- Ruimeng Hu (University of California, US)
- Grégoire Loeper (BNP Paribas CIB, FR)
- Yuri F. Saporito (Fundação Getulio Vargas, BR)
- Konstantinos Spiliopoulos (Boston University, US)
Additionally on the first day of the congress there will be a panel
discussion with the title:
"AI in Finance and Insurance"
- Josef Teichmann (ETH Zurich, CH)
For further details see the schedule overview:
Important dates and deadlines:
The call for contributed talks & posters is open until March 16, 2025.
Acceptance/rejection letters will be sent until April 15, 2025 at the
Early registration is possible until April 30, 2025.
Registration is possible until June 15, 2025.
Submission and Registration:
CPD - Continuing Professional Development for actuaries:
VCMF 2025 is accredited by the Actuarial Association of Austria (AVÖ).
Actuaries can earn up to 17 CPD points.
For any requests, do not hesitate to write an e-mail to the conference
Katrin Artner and Sandra Trenovatz <vcmf2025(a)>
"Le congrès danse beaucoup, mais il ne marche pas."
("The congress does not move forward, it dances.")
Prince Charles de Ligne’s famous words at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)