University of Vienna, Dept. of Statistics and Decision Support Systems
Mo., 11.04.2016, 16:45-17:45, Sky Lounge
Uni Wien, 1090 Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 12th floor
Christa Cuchiero (Univ. Vienna)
"Polynomial Processes in Stochastic Portfolio Theory"
(ISOR Colloquium)
For further details (including abstracts) see
Joint Seminar: TU Vienna, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Th., 14.04.2016, 16:30, seminar room FH grün 04,
TU Wien, 1040, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Freihaus, 4th floor, green section
David Belius (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
"Some log-correlated random fields and their extrema"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (abstract should follow soon) see
WU Wien, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics
Fr., 15.04.2015, 09:00, room SR D4.4.008
WU Wien, 1020, Welthandelsplatz 1, WU Campus, building D4, 4th floor
Andreas Löhne (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
"On the Dual of the Solvency Cone"
(joint work with Birgit Rudloff, WU Wien)
(Research seminar - Statistics and Mathematics)
For further details (including abstracts) see
To find the room on the WU Campus search for "D4.4.008" on: