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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:27:36 +0100 (MET)
From: Walter Schachermayer <wschach(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at>
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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:27:44 +0100
From: Nicole Gruber <oek(a)e119ws1.tuwien.ac.at>
Subject: Vorlesung Prof. Bernard Hanzon (2. Versuch)
Liebe Kolleg(Inn)en,
die Vorlesungen von Prof. Bernard Hanzon sind nun wie folgt angesetzt:
Finance Econometrics: beginnend am Montag, 18. 3. 2002 von 13:45 Uhr …
[View More]bis
15:00 Uhr am Institut für Ökonometrie
Systems Identification: beginnend am Donnerstag, 21. 3. 2002 von 13:00 Uhr
bis 14:00 Uhr am Institut für Ökonometrie
Interessenten sind herzlich willkommen
[View Less]
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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:19:28 +0100 (MET)
From: Walter Schachermayer <wschach(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at>
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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:06:00 +0100 (CET)
From: Prof. Heinz W. Engl <engl(a)indmath.uni-linz.ac.at>
sehr geehrte kolleg(inn)en,
ich suche dringend wissenschaftliche mitarbeiter(inn)en für das
neugegründete kompetenzzentrum für industriemathematik. anforderungen:
mathematische modellierung mit …
[View More]differentialgleichungen (festkörper-,
strömungsmechanik), zugehörige numerik. eine stelle möglicherweise auch im
bereich der bildverarbeitung (kooperation mit prof.scherzer, innsbruck).
ich bitte sie, geeignete kandidat(inn)en darauf hinzuweisen (möglichst
rasche kontaktnahme, möglicher arbeitsbeginn 2.4.).
danke und beste grüße
heinz engl
Prof.Dr.Heinz W. Engl E-Mail: engl(a)indmath.uni-linz.ac.at
Institut fuer Industriemathematik secretary: nikolaus(a)indmath.uni-linz.ac.at
Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Phone:+43-(0)732-2468...,ext.9219 or 8693,
Altenbergerstrasse 69 secretary: ext.9220
A-4040 Linz Fax:ext. 8855
Oesterreich / Austria home phone: +43-(0)732-245518
World Wide Web: http://www.indmath.uni-linz.ac.at/
Mobile Phone: +43-(0)664-5209029 Mobile Fax: +43-(0)664-5274338
Mobile EMail: heinz.engl(a)a1plus.at (use those only if you want to
reach me urgently "on the road")
[View Less]
Monday 27 - Tuesday 28, May 2002
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Jyvaeskylae
The workshop is intended to bring together researchers and
graduate students interested in Stochastic Analysis and its
applications in Finance.
The event is supported by the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics of the University of Jyvaeskylae.
Luis Alvarez (Turku School of …
[View More]Economics and Business Administration)
Friedrich Hubalek (Technical University, Vienna)
Paavo Salminen (Åbo Academy, Turku)
Wolfgang Schmidt (Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt)
Nizar Touzi (University Paris I)
The scientific program starts at Monday, May 27-th. There is room
for talks given by the participants (please contact the organizers).
There is no conference fee. Please register with name,
affiliation, expected duration of stay, and e-mail address
under: geiss(a)maths.jyu.fi
WWW: www.math.jyu.fi/~geiss/workshop.html
Stefan Geiss (geiss(a)maths.jyu.fi)
Esko Valkeila (Esko.Valkeila(a)helsinki.fi)
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Tu, 12.03.2002
Freddy Delbaen, On the Structure of the Set of Risk Neutral Measures
Th, 14.03.2002
no FAM-seminar, but see Research Seminar in Economic Theory at the
IHS: ( http://www.ihs.ac.at/index.php3?id=965 )
17:30 Roger J-B Wets
University of California, Davis
"Market Equilibrium in a Stochastic Environment"
Fr, 15.03.2002
10:30, Freihaus HS 7:
Hans-Jochen Bartels (Universität Mannheim), Symmetrierelationen für ein
inverses Problem der …
[View More]Finanzmathematik
15:00, Freihaus HS 7:
Uwe Schmock (Universität Zürich), Modellierung abhängiger Kreditrisiken
For further details (including abstracts) see
|christopher summer ||tu vienna, financial and actuarial mathematics
|tel +43 1 58801 10522 ||http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/~csummer
|fax +43 1 58801 10599 ||csummer(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at
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Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 12:47:56 +0100
From: Nicole Gruber <oek(a)e119ws1.tuwien.ac.at>
Prof. Bernard Hanzon beginnt seine Vorlesung mit einer augural lecture mit
dem Titel "Algebraic optimization techniques for zero-beta CAPM and APT
models" am Montag 11.3.02 , 14:00 Uhr am Institut für Ökonometrie,
Operations Research und Systemtheorie
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Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:13:22 -0000
From: Lyons T J Prof <tlyons(a)maths.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Full faculty position in math finance
Oxford University has just announced a Lectureship in Mathematical Finance,
based in the Mathematical Institute, and I am writing to ask for your help
in bringing it to the attention of any strong potential candidates. The post
arises out of the success of our part-time Masters course in Mathematical
Finance, and the …
[View More]teaching duties will be largely on that programme. The
lecturer will also be a Fellow of St Catherine's College and will do a small
amount of tutorial teaching there.
Finance is an area in which Oxford is increasingly significant, and our aim
is to be one of the leading centres for the subject in Europe. We have a
strong and diverse group of faculty working in the area, in Mathematics and
elsewhere, and we attract excellent graduate students.
Details of the post are on <http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/vacancies/>
http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/vacancies/ . Note that in addition to the
advertised university salary, the college will pay a housing allowance; a
substantial supervision fee is paid for supervising part-time masters
students, and there is the opportunity to undertake up to 30 days of
consultancy per year without loss of salary.
Either Sam or Terry will be happy to try to answer any other questions you
may have.
Best regards
Jeff Dewynne
Sam Howison
Terry Lyons
[View Less]
News-flash from
MaPhySto -- Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Dear Colleague,
We would like to draw your attention to the following grants:
Young Researchers Grants for visiting MaPhySto in the summer of 2002
See more at: http://…
[View More]www.maphysto.dk/positions/SummerStipends2002.html
We remind you of the following forthcoming events under the auspices
of the Centre. You may find more information on each of the events from our
web-site, at http://www.maphysto.dk (select 'Events'):
6-10 May, 2002, University of Copenhagen:
Advanced Concentrated Course on Long Range Dependence, Heavy Tails and Rare
Events - with Applications to Finance and Telecommunications.
17-21 June, 2002, Sandbjerg Estate:
Second MaPhySto and StocLab Summer School on Stereology and Geometric
24-28 June, 2002, Sandbjerg Estate:
The Third International Conference on High Dimensional Probability.
20-27 August, 2002, University of Aarhus:
Summer School organized jointly by DYNSTOCH, CAF and MaPhySto From Levy
Processes to Semimartingales - Recent Theoretical Developments and
Applications to Finance.
We would like to draw your attention to the following new publications
from MaPhySto:
Research Reports:
2002-3 (February 2002)
Bayesian analysis of log Gaussian Cox processes for disease mapping by
Jesper Moeller, Viktor Benes, Karel Bodlak, Rasmus Waagepetersen.
2002-2 (February 2002)
Perfect simulation and inference for spatial point processes by Jesper
Moeller, Kasper K. Berthelsen.
2002-1 (February 2002)
Geometric ergodicity of Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for conditional
simulation in generalised linear mixed models by Jesper Moeller,
O.F. Christensen, R.P. Waagepetersen.
2001-46 (December 2001)
Maximum Process Problems in Optimal Control Theory by Goran Peskir,
The publications may be fetched from MaPhySto's web-site, located
at http://www.maphysto.dk (select 'Publications').
Best regards,
Oddbjørg Wethelund
Oddbjørg Wethelund, Project Manager
MaPhySto - Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Aarhus
Ny Munkegade Bldg. 530
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Tel: (+45) 8942 3515
Email: oddbjorg(a)maphysto.dk
[View Less]
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Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 16:01:06 +0100 (CET)
From: Bedlewo Workshop <Nato.Workshop(a)impan.gov.pl>
Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo, June 3-8, 2002
The organizers: L. Stettner and J. Zabczyk
The following invited speakers have already confirmed their participation:
N.V. Ahmed, A. Bagchi, A. Budhiraja, T. Bielecki, V.S. Borkar,
E. Cadenillas, B. Goldys, K. Helmes, O. …
[View More]Hernandez-Lerma, Y. Kabanov,
J.B.Lasserre, B. Maslowski, H. Nagai, B. Pasik-Duncan, St. Pliska,
U. Rieder, W. Runggaldier, M. Schal, A.Swiech, N. Touzi, G. Yin,
J. Yong, X.Y. Zhou, Q. Zhang.
As we have declared in the first announcement the conference will be
devoted to various aspects of stochastic control and stochastic analysis.
In the last two days of the workshop we shall concentrate on applications
in mathematics of finance. The Workshop will start on Monday, June 3rd at
9 a.m. and will close on Saturday June 8th in the afternoon. The
accomodation will be available starting from June 2nd till Sunday June
9th. The conference will take place in the Mathematical Conference Center
in Bedlewo, a small village located approximately 30 km to the south of
Poznan in a nice forest area. You can come to Poznan by train (from
Warsaw or Berlin it takes 3 hours), or by plane (there is an airport in
Poznan). To reach Mathematical Conference Center from Poznan take a local
train to Mosina (Wroclaw direction) and then a taxi to Bedlewo. If you
send us the details about your arrival we shall try to pick you up from
the airport or Poznan railway station. We also plan to locate one of our
students with a poster of the conference on Sunday (June 2nd) in the
afternoon in the Poznan railway station, who may help you to reach
We shall need the title and an abstract of your talk by May 10, 2002.
E-mail contact : finance(a)impan.gov.pl.
Sponsors of the workshop:
European Commission Directorate General Research (the project "Institute
of Mathematics - the Stefan Banach Center as a Center of Excellence")
Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences
Committee of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences
In the name of organizers
Michal Baran.
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Im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahren fuer eine
Professur aus Versicherungsmathematik
and der TU Wien finden folgende Vortraege statt:
Freitag, 1. Maerz 2002, 13:15,
Freihaus HS 8 (Noebauer-Hoersaal), 2. Stock, gelber Bereich
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Wien
Jeffrey Collamore (ETH-Zuerich)
Extremal Behavior of Multidimensional Risk Processes
In the classical ruin problem of …
[View More]collective risk theory,
an insurance company gains capital from premiums income and loses
capital as a result of claims; one then studies the probability that
the company's total capital ever falls below zero, i.e.,
P{S(t) < -m, for some t}, where S(t) is a positive-drift Levy process
and m is the company's initial capital.
In this talk I will discuss various generalizations of this
problem to higher dimensional settings. The first of these can be
described as follows: Let S(1),S(2),... be a sequence of random
vectors, corresponding e.g. to several capital factors, and consider
the probability that this sequence ever reaches some "forbidden
region" in d-dimensional Euclidean space. It will be shown that,
under quite general assumptions,
(*) (1/m) log P{S(n) ever hits mA} ~ -I(A)
for an appropriate "rate function" I(A). Some refinements,
describing e.g. the asymptotic distribution of the first passage
time, will also be given.
A second generalization which will be discussed is the case where
the increments of S(1),S(2),... are governed by a system of random
recurrence equations. Such recurrence equations are of considerable
applied interest and arise, among other places, in the study of GARCH
financial time series models and insurance models with stochastic
returns on the surplus capital. It will be shown that an asymptotic
estimate very similar to (*) can also be developed in this setting.
Freitag, 1. Maerz 2002, 15:30
Freihaus HS 8 (Noebauer-Hoersaal), 2. Stock, gelber Bereich
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Wien
Nicole Baeuerle (Universitaet Ulm)
Stochastische Steuerung in der Versicherungsmathematik
Das Problem der Bestimmung optimaler Dividendenaus-
schüttungs- und Rückversicherungsstrategien, das in Teilen
schon auf de Finetti (1957) zurückgeht, wurde in letzter
Zeit wieder intensiv untersucht. Da die ursprüngliche
Formulierung auf die optimale Steuerung eines stückweise
deterministischen Markov Prozesses führt - was sehr
schwierig ist - standen in letzter Zeit Diffusionsmodelle
im Vordergrund. In dem Vortrag wird auf beide
Formulierungen eingegangen und ein Zusammenhang
zwischen den Optimierungsproblemen hergestellt.
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