Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability
Th., 14.10.2021
15:45-16:30 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), lecture hall 8
Uni Wien, 1090 Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1nd floor
Julia Eisenberg (TU Wien)
"Dividend maximisation with negative and positive preference rates: a
behaviouristic interpretation"
16:45-17:30 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), lecture hall 5
Uni Wien, 1090 Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, ground floor
Francesca Primavera (University of Vienna)
"Lévy type signature models"
For further details see
Oxford Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance Seminar
Mo., 11.10.2021, 17:00-18:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Samuel Cohen (University of Oxford)
"Arbitrage-free market models via neural SDEs"
For further details see
World Online Seminars on Machine Learning in Finance
Tu., 12.10.2021, 19:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Sebastian Jaimungal (University of Toronto)
"Risk-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Financial Modeling"
For further (including abstract & log-in link) see
Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics Seminar Series
Fr., 15.10.2021, 16:00-17:30 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Steven Vanduffel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB))
"The optimal payoff for a Yaari investor"
For further details see
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
SIAG Financial Mathematics and Engineering virtual seminars series
Th., 7.10.2021, 19:00-20:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Ibrahim Ekren (Florida State University)
"Optimal Transport and Risk Aversion in Kyle's Model of Informed
For further details see
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
Th., 7.10.2021, 17:00-18:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Mathieu Rosenbaum (École Polytechnique)
"AHEAD : Ad-Hoc Electronic Auction Design"
For further details see
Research Seminar Series
Fr., 8.10.2021, 09:00-10:30 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Thorsten Schmidt (University of Freiburg)
"Abritrage Principles in Insurance"
For further details (including abstract & log-in link) see
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
LTI@UniTO Webinar Series in Finance
Mo., 27.9.2021, 12:00-13:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Andrea Orame (Bank of Italy)
"Quantitative Easing, Bank Lending, and Competition"
For further details see
World Online Seminars on Machine Learning in Finance
Tu., 28.9.2021, 19:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Xin Guo (University of California, Berkeley)
"Generative Adversarial Network (GANs): Game and Control Perspectives"
For further (including abstract & log-in link) see
One World Actuarial Research Seminar
We., 29.9.2021, 19:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Daniel Bauer (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
"The Marginal Cost of Risk and Capital Allocation in a Property and
Casualty Insurance Company"
For further details see
Bachelier Finance Society One World Seminars
Th., 30.9.2021, 19:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Marco Frittelli (University of Milan)
"Entropy Martingale Optimal Transport and Nonlinear Pricing-Hedging
For further details see
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
Th., 30.9.2021, 17:00-18:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Walter Schachermayer (University Vienna)
For further details see
Monte-Carlo Methods - course at TU Wien
In winter term 2021/2022 Dr. Junjian Yang from FAM offers the
"Monte-Carlo Methods"
The course is a lecture combined with exercises and will bei given via
Zoom every Friday 9:30-12:30 (around 14 times, Oct.-Jan).
- Students from TU Wien
can register through the course page (link above).
- Students from Austrian universities other than TU Wien
have to co-register / "mitbelegen" at TU Wien
(https://www.tuwien.at/en/?id=1486 / https://www.tuwien.at/?id=1486)
first. They can get a certificate at the end of the course.
In case of interest from universities abroad we might offer access to
the course documents and Zoom meetings. Please send your request to the
lecturer or to FAM-office and consider that there is no certificate
possible without registering as student of TU Wien.
Please contact FAM-office (Sandra) fam(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at in case of
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
Online seminars on Optimal Stopping and Related Topics
We., 22.9.2021, 18:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Damien Lamberton, Université Gustave Eiffel
"On the American put in the Heston model"
For further details see
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
Th., 23.9.2021, 17:00-18:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Mathias Beiglböck (University of Vienna)
"The Wasserstein space of stochastic processes"
For further details see
Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics Seminar Series
Fr., 24.9.2021, 16:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Christian Y. Robert (ENSAE)
"Conditional mean risk sharing in the individual model for dependent
For further details see
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
World Online Seminars on Machine Learning in Finance
Tu., 14.9.2021, 19:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Rama Cont (University of Oxford )
For further (including abstract & log-in link) see
One World Actuarial Research Seminar
We., 15.9.2021, 14:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Caroline Hillairet (ENSAE-Paris, FRANCE)
"Propagation of cyber incidents in an insurance portfolio"
For further details see
SIAG Financial Mathematics and Engineering virtual seminars series
Th., 16.9.2021, 13:00-14:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Konstantinos Spiliopoulos (Boston University)
"Normalization effects on neural networks: generalization properties and
high dimensions"
For further details see
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
BFS Summer School
1st Summer School of the Bachelier Finance Society
Tue-Fri, September 21-24, 2021, online event
Registration deadline: September 15, 2021
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
Tu, 31.08.2021, 16:30-17:30 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Wolfgang Herold (FMA - Finanzmarktaufsicht)
"Kapitalmarkt - aktuelle Entwicklungen und ihre Bedeutung für den
Weitere Informationen inkl. Abstract & Anmeldung:
One World Actuarial Research Seminar
We., 01.09.2021, 17:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Nora Muler (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina)
"Optimal dividend payment under constraints"
For further details see
ASD 2021, DMV-ÖMG ..., Junior female researchers ..., Risk Day, ...
Furthermore this time we suggest a nice familiar Austrian event taking
place in Styria...
9th Austrian Stochastics Days (ASD 2021)
Thu-Fri, September 9-10, 2021, Leoben, Austria
...as well as the Austrian-German event taking place virtually:
DMV-ÖMG Jahrestagung 2021
Mon-Fri, September 27 - October 1, 2021, online event
Especially for female researchers we recommend the following event:
Junior female researchers in probability
Mon-Wed, October 4-6, 2021, hybrid, Berlin, DE
For all events above registration for participation is still possible.
For the yearly Risk Day at ETH Zurich the decision if will take place at
ETH or virtually is still open (or just not online yet), so for now we
can just propose to save the date:
Risk Day 2021
Fri, September 17, 2021, ETH Zurich, CH or virtually
All events mentioned on the FAM webpage:
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
One World Actuarial Research Seminar
We., 18.8.2021, 10:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Hamza Hanbali (Monash University)
"Detection of insurance price cycles using neural networks"
For further details see
BFS Summer School - September 2021
First Summer School of the Bachelier Finance Society
21 to 24 September 2021, Online via Zoom
Gaël Giraud (France CNRS and Georgetown Univ.)
"Financial Macroeconomics and Climate Change"
Pierre-Olivier Goffard (Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
"BLOCKASTICS – Stochastic models for blockchain analysis"
Xin Guo (Univ. of California Berkeley) & Renyuan Xu (Oxford Univ.)
"Mean-Field Dynamics and Machine Learning"
Alex Lipton (Sila, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and MIT)
"Blockchains and distributed ledgers: the underlying mathematics,
economics, and technology"
Peter Tankov (ENSAE)
"Introduction to Climate Finance"
Registration is compulsory and free for members of the Bachelier
Finance Society.
For non-members the cost is 60$.
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST
Online seminars on Optimal Stopping and Related Topics
We., 14.7.2021, 18:00 (UTC +2:00 = CEST), online talk
Erhan Bayraktar (University of Michigan)
"Equilibrium concepts for time-inconsistent stopping problems in
continuous time"
For further details see
See also: https://mathseminars.org/ and https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/events/
UTC +2:00 = CEST = Central European Summertime, https://time.is/en/CEST