Book Launch & Workshop "Quantitative Risk Management", 10.6.2015, 15.30
We are happy to announce the completion of the second, fully revised
edition of our book
"Quantitative Risk Management:
Concepts, Techniques and Tools"
(Princeton University Press)
In order to celebrate this event there will be a workshop and
book-launch featuring talks by Alex McNeil and Paul Embrechts, a book
presentation and a reception. Moreover, it will be possible to buy the
new edition of the book at a reduced rate and to have it signed by the
Date and venue:
Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 15:30-18:30,
WU, Executive Academy, Foyer
1020, Welthandelsplatz 1, WU Campus, building EA, ground floor
Find further details under:
If you want to attend please send an email to
Karin Haupt <karin.haupt(a)wu.ac.at> by June 1, 2015.
Participation is free of charge.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event!
Rüdiger Frey, Paul Embrechts and Alex McNeil
University of Vienna, Dept. of Statistics and Decision Support Systems
Mo., 18.5.2015, 17:00, ISOR-meeting room (6.511)
Uni Wien, 1090 Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 6th floor
Florentina Paraschiv (Univ. St. Gallen)
"Optimization of hydro storage systems and indifference pricing
of power contracts"
(ISOR Colloquium)
For further details (including abstracts) see
Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial Modelling Club"
Tu., 19.05.2015, 16:30, lecture hall: Böcklsaal
TU Wien, 1040, Karlsplatz 13, Hauptgebäude der TU Wien, Stiege 1, 1. OG
René Knapp (UNIQA, Vienna)
"Bestandsmanagement in der Lebensversicherung - ein Praxisbericht"
(Actuarial Modelling Club)
For further details (including abstracts) and registration see
Joint Seminar: TU Vienna, University of Vienna and WU Vienna
Th., 21.05.2015, 16:30, seminar room 101C
TU Wien, 1040, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, Freihaus, 4th floor, green section
Artem Sapozhnikov (Universität Leipzig, DE)
"Large-scale invariance in percolation models
(with strong correlations)"
(Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability)
For further details (including abstracts) see
University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics
Tu., 12.05.2015, 16:15-17:00, Sky-Lounge
Uni Wien, 1090 Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 12th floor
R. Tyrrell Rockafellar (Univ. of Washington, Seatle / Univ. of Florida)
"Stochastic Variational Inequalities: Singlestage to Multistage"
(Ausserordentliches Mathematisches Kolloquium)
15:45 coffee & cake, Sky-Lounge
For further details (including abstracts) see