Tu, 05.02.2002
Franz Liebmann, Risikobereitschaft von Versicherungsunternehmen
Th, 07.02.2002
Our seminar on "Optima and Equilibria" continues. This time we will
discuss Gerard Debreu's "Theory and Value".
For further details, including abstracts see
|christopher summer ||tu vienna, financial and actuarial mathematics
|tel +43 1 58801 10522 ||http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/~csummer
|fax +43 1 58801 10599 ||csummer(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at
Before we continue our discussion of Aubin's book, we will have a look at
"Theory of Value" by Gerard Debreu. This will be done on the next two
Basic concepts like Commodities, Prices, Consumers, Equilibrium in the
context of Debreu's book.
Proof of the existence of an equilibirum in a private ownership economy.
For further details, including abstracts see
|christopher summer ||tu vienna, financial and actuarial mathematics
|tel +43 1 58801 10522 ||http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/~csummer
|fax +43 1 58801 10599 ||csummer(a)fam.tuwien.ac.at