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2022-10-06 STELLE NICHT MEHR VAKANT - BITTE NICHT MEHR BEWERBEN!!! The University of Klagenfurt wants to attract more qualified women for professorships. The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce the following open position at the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, in compliance with the provisions of § 98 (permanent) or § 99 (limited to 5 years) Austrian Universities Act: Professor of Corporate FinanceThis is a full-time contract. The decision on either § 98 (unlimited term) or § 99 (five years fixed term) depends on the candidates' qualifications and will be made upon appointment. With approximately 10,000 students, the University of Klagenfurt is a young, vibrant and innovative university, located at the intersection of Alpine and Mediterranean culture in an area that offers exceptionally high quality of life. As public university pursuant to § 6 of the Austrian Universities Act, it receives federal funding. The university operates under the motto "Beyond Boundaries!" and holds rank 77 worldwide in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2022. In accordance with its key strategic road map, the Development Plan, the university's primary guiding principles and objectives include the pursuit of scientific excellence regarding the appointment of professors, favourable research conditions, a good faculty-student ratio, and the promotion of the development of young scientists. The duties of the position include:
Required qualifications:
Desired qualifications:
The duties of the professorship require that the future professor shall establish Klagenfurt as their primary place of work. The university is committed to increasing the number of women among the faculty, particularly in high-level positions, and therefore specifically invites applications from qualified women. Among equally qualified candidates, women will receive preferential consideration. People with disabilities or chronic diseases who meet the qualification criteria are explicitly invited to apply. The salary is subject to negotiation. The minimum gross salary for the position at this level (salary group A1 for faculty according to the Austrian Universities' Collective Bargaining Agreement) is currently € 76,130.-- per year. In accordance with the Austrian Income Tax Act an attractive relocation tax allowance can be granted for the first five years in the case of appointments to professorships in Austria. The prerequisites are subject to examination on a case-by-case basis. The University of Klagenfurt is aware of its social responsibility in times of COVID-19. This is reflected by the high proportion of fully immunised persons among students and employees. For this reason, a continued readiness to be vaccinated in connection with COVID-19 is expected upon entering into university employment. Please submit your application in English by e-mail no later than January 9, 2023 to application-professorship@aau.at, including:
For general information please refer to the information leaflet provided at https://jobs.aau.at/en/the-university-as-employer/. For specific information about the position please contact Dean Margaretha Gansterer (Tel.: +43 463 2700 4079; margaretha.gansterer@aau.at). We regret that the university cannot reimburse applicants' travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and/or hiring procedure. Translations into other languages shall serve informational purposes only. Solely the version advertised in the University Bulletin (Mitteilungsblatt) shall be legally binding. Bei der Bewerbung bitte auf die FAM-jobs Seite verweisen. |
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