2022-02-18 STELLE NICHT MEHR VAKANT - BITTE NICHT MEHR BEWERBEN!!! Universität WienDoctoral or Post-Doctoral Position in Financial Econometrics/Statistics (30h)The Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Vienna invites applications for a doctoral or postdoctoral position in the field of Financial Econometrics/Statistics. Postdoctoral contracts are fixed-term and limited to 6 years. Applicants should have completed (or should be close to completing) a PhD in finance, economics or statistics. Postdoctoral applications should include
Salary in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade. Contracts for doctoral students are limited to 4 years. Successful candidate's are expected to get enrolled into the Vienna Graduate School of Finance (http://www.vgsf.ac.at/welcome/) or the Abraham Wald PhD Program in Statistics and Operations Research (https://wiwi.univie.ac.at/en/studies/before-the-studies/phd-statistics-and-or/). Doctoral applications should include:
Salary in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade. Candidates should send all application material in a single pdf or zip file to Viktoria Schildhammer (viktoria.schildhammer@univie.ac.at). The recommendation letters should be sent by the reviewers directly to Viktoria Schildhammer (viktoria.schildhammer@univie.ac.at). Deadline: 14.03.2022 Knowledge of German is an asset, but not required. The University of Vienna is an equal opportunity employer and aims at increasing the number of female faculty members. Therefore, in particularly, qualified women are encouraged to apply. Information about the Department of Statistics and Operations Research can be found at http://isor.univie.ac.at . If you need further information regarding the position, please, contact Professor Nikolaus Hautsch (nikolaus.hautsch@univie.ac.at) Bei der Bewerbung bitte auf die FAM-jobs Seite verweisen. |
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