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2018-01-03 STELLE NICHT MEHR VAKANT - BITTE NICHT MEHR BEWERBEN!!! Druckversion/PDF PostDoc Position in Actuarial Mathematics / Control TheoryTU Wien, Research unit Financial and Actuarial Mathematics: We are looking for a PostDoc, who received her/his Ph.D. (or who is in the final stage of writing her/his thesis) in the field of risk theory, stochastic control theory or a related field. The position is funded for a total duration of three years. After one year there will be a decision, whether the contract will be extended. The position is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the salary before taxes and social security contributions is EUR 3.626,60 per month (14 times per year). The salary is based on the FWF guidelines as well as on the collective agreement for Austrian universities: §49 (3), pay grade B1, level 3. There are minimal teaching duties associated with this position, but more teaching is possible on a voluntary basis. Applications should include (in electronic form):
Please send your application until February 28, 2018,
Contact details:
TU Wien is an equal opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to female candidates when equally qualified. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. Bei der Bewerbung bitte auf die FAM-jobs Seite verweisen. |
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© by Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, 2002-2025 https://fam.tuwien.ac.at/jobs/alt/20180103c.php Last modification: 2018-01-03 Imprint / Impressum — Privacy policy / Datenschutzerklärung |