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2014-09-01 STELLE NICHT MEHR VAKANT - BITTE NICHT MEHR BEWERBEN!!! PhD Position in MathematicsDepartment of Financial Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz 1 PhD Position within the Special Research Program "Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications", funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The applicant will work in a cluster of newly established research groups on the topics of quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms, complexity of high-dimensional algorithms, and their applications (in particular to problems from quantitative finance). The position offers excellent opportunities to gain experience in various aspects of pure and applied mathematics and to work with leading international experts in the field. We are looking for talented and self-motivated applicants with good command of English and the capacity for teamwork. Salary: The monthly gross salary is based on the salary scale of the FWF and will be EUR 1996.90 (14 times per year). The weekly working time is 30 hours and includes five weeks of vacation. Requirements: completed Master or Diploma degree in mathematics or a closely related field with strong background in mathematics. Applications: Applicants should provide a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, record of their university course work and a PDF file of their master thesis. Applicants are invited to send their application documents in one pdf file electronically to Gunther Leobacher. Email: gunther.leobacher@jku.at. Deadline for applications is September 21, 2014. The Special Research Program "Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications" is committed to increasing female employment in scientist positions. Qualified female applicants are encouraged to apply and will be given preference when equally qualified. Handicapped persons with appropriate qualifications are also explicitly encouraged to apply. Bei der Bewerbung bitte auf die FAM-jobs Seite verweisen. 2014-09-01 STELLE NICHT MEHR VAKANT - BITTE NICHT MEHR BEWERBEN!!! Post Doctoral Position in MathematicsDepartment of Financial Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz 1 Post Doctoral Position within the Special Research Program "Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications", funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The applicant will work in a cluster of newly established research groups on the topics of Uniform Distribution Theory, Discrepancy Theory, Quasi-Monte Carlo Algorithms, and their applications. The position offers excellent opportunities to gain experience in various aspects of pure and applied mathematics and to work with leading international experts in the field. We are looking for talented and self-motivated applicants with good command of English and the capacity for teamwork. The position is available from October 1, 2014 and will be offered for an initial period of one year (with a possible extension). The monthly salary is based on the salary scale of the FWF and will be EUR 3483,40 (14 times per year). The weekly working time is 40 hours and includes five weeks of vacation. Requirements: completed PhD degree in mathematics or a closely related field with strong background in mathematics; experience in publication and presentation of scientific results. Preference is given to candidates with solid knowledge in at least one of the following fields: quasi-Monte Carlo methods, uniform distribution theory, finite fields and applications, global function fields. Applications: Applicants should provide a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, PDF file of their doctoral thesis, list of publications, list of talks and presentations, and the names and contact details of two references. Applicants are invited to send their application documents in one pdf file electronically to Roswitha Hofer. Email: roswitha.hofer@jku.at.
The Special Research Program "Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications" is committed to increasing female employment in scientist positions. Qualified female applicants are encouraged to apply and will be given preference when equally qualified. Handicapped persons with appropriate qualifications are also explicitly encouraged to apply. Bei der Bewerbung bitte auf die FAM-jobs Seite verweisen. |
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