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2009-11-26 PhD Position [3 y]Applications are invited for a PhD position in the group of "Industry, Energy & Environment", at the Department of Business Administration of the University of Vienna, Austria. The position is part of the project "Energy Policies and Risk Management for the 21th Century", funded by the "Wiener Wissenschafts and Technologiefonds" (WWTF) in the 2009 "Mathematics and ..." call. The project is a joint effort of the University of Vienna (Department of Statistics and Decision Support Systems & Department of Business Administration) and the University of St. Gallen. A copy of the project description is available upon request. The place of work is Vienna. The position is limited to three years and paid according to the current (2009) FWF salary guidelines http://www.fwf.ac.at/de/projects/personalkostensaetze.html, i.e. the starting monthly gross income is 1830.60 EURO (see http://www.bmf.gv.at/service/anwend/steuerberech/bruttonetto/_start.htm for calculation of net income). Teaching assignments are possible and will be paid separately. Some additional funds will be available for conference participation, research visits abroad and other research related expenses. Requirements The application will consist the following documents in form of a single PDF document The application should be sent by email (no paper application) to david.wozabal@univie.ac.at, with a cc to franz.wirl@univie.ac.at by latest 15th of January 2010. The shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews by 18th of January 2010, and interviews will be held shortly after. The official starting date for the project is 1st of March 2010 and the selected candidate is expected to join by that date or as soon as possible thereafter. Applications not adhering to the above-mentioned guidelines will not be entertained. NO AGENCIES! Dr. David Wozabal Bei der Bewerbung bitte auf die FAM-jobs Seite verweisen. |
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