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- 2nd Workshop "Climate Change and Insurance" 2025
Edinburgh, Wed–Fri, September 10-12, 2025
(CCI 2025 webpage t.b.a.)
Call for Papers
EAJ Special Issue on Climate Change in Insurance
The European Actuarial Journal will publish a
Special Issue of selected papers on Climate Change and Insurance.
Submission possible until 31.03.2025.
At this Workshop “Climate Change and Insurance” (CCI 2024) the main aim is to enhance understanding of climate change impacts on the insurance industry. Without proper management of its climate risks, the insurance sector is vulnerable and may simply collaps under the weight of underestimated claims - such a scenario would have catastrophic implications for business and society.
The three-day event CCI 2024 is designed to initiate and strengthen collaborations between practicing actuaries and academics, nationally and internationally. We encourage both - practitioners and researchers - for submissions related to the following themes, although any other topic addressing climate-related risks is also welcome:
- Climate modelling
- The role of actuaries in handling the climate change
- Catastrophe risks and climate change
- Impact of climate change on mortality
- Pricing of climate change risks
- Sustainable finance
The workshop starts with an introductory talk to Climate Change and Insurance and offers plenary & contributed talks.
In the framework of a panel discussion on the topic "Climate Change and Insurance: Past, Present and Future" we offer the conference participants a platform for discussions with a number of renowned experts.
An introductory mini-workshop on AI in Climate Risk will complete the program.
General Information
The workshop starts Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
- registration at 8:30 a.m. -
and ends Friday, September 6, 2024, approx. at 1.15 p.m. (-> Program)
The event will take place at TU Wien, in German: Technische Universität Wien (-> Venue)
Continuing Professional Development
Attendance will be recognised for CPD - at least - by AVÖ, DAV and SAV.
Call for Papers
The European Actuarial Journal (EAJ) will publish a Special Issue of selected papers on Climate Change and Insurance.
Submission possible until March 31, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Julia Eisenberg or the workshop secretariat.
Plenary speakers