WOMF 1999

Workshop on Mathematical Finance

Strobl and Vienna, Austria, September 13-18, 1999


Transportation options

Our workshop takes place at the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung St. Wolfgang in Strobl and at the Vienna University of Technology in Vienna.

Bundesinstitut in Strobl

The Bundesinstitut is situated about 30 km east of Salzburg at the village of Strobl. Its address is

Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung St. Wolfgang
Bürglstein 1-7, A-5350 Strobl
phone: (+43-6137) 6621

By car:
From Vienna or Salzburg: Leave the Vienna - Salzburg Motorway A1 (Westautobahn) at exit (to) 'Mondsee'. Follow the signs to St. Gilgen on the Highway B 154 and continue on the Highway B 158 along the southern bank of the Wolfgangsee in direction of Bad Ischl. Turn left at the sign to Strobl.

By rail:
From Vienna, Prague, Linz: Take the train from Linz to Bad Ischl (you will have to change in Attnang Puchheim probably). There is a regular bus service from Bad Ischl to Strobl (see below).
From Salzburg: There is a regular bus service to Strobl (see below) which leaves at the main train station of Salzburg.

It is about a 5 minute walk to the conference centre from the bus stop at Strobl.

From Vienna to Strobl and from Strobl to Vienna

Transportation from Vienna airport to Strobl (on September 12) and from Strobl to Vienna (on September 15) can be provided and is free for participants. Please note: In case you want to go by bus (see table below) you have to announce this as soon as possible at sandra@fam.tuwien.ac.at or by fax to +43-1 58801-10511.

   Sept. 12, 15:00   from  Vienna, city(*)   to  Strobl
   Sept. 12, 15:30   from  Vienna, airport   to  Strobl
   Sept. 15, 14:00   from  Strobl            to  Vienna

(*) Vienna, city means the City Air Terminal at Hotel Hilton, near the center of Vienna.

From Salzburg to Strobl and from Bad Ischl to Strobl

Please use one of the regular busses according to the tables below which are valid on September 12, 1999:

Salzburg (*) 8:15 9:25 11:25 12:15 14:15 15:15 16:15 17:15 18:15 19:15
Strobl 9:19 10:39 12:39 13:29 15:29 16:19 17:29 18:29 19:19 20:19

(*) Salzburg means the main train station in Salzburg.

Bad Ischl (#) 6:05 7:45 9:15 11:25 12:15 13:15 14:15 15:15 16:20 17:15 18:20 20:10
Strobl 6:29 8:09 9:39 11:49 12:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 16:43 17:39 18:43 20:32

(#) Bad Ischl means the train station in Bad Ischl.

Vienna University of Technology in Vienna

The Vienna part of our workshop will take place at the so-called 'Freihaus' which is one of the main buildings of Vienna University of Technology. The address is

Vienna University of Technology
Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, A-1040 Vienna
phone: (+43-1) 58801-0

The Freihaus is close to the opera, so it is close to the center of Vienna. If you use public transportation look for the station called 'Karlsplatz'. And you might want to have a look at a map showing the opera, the Karlsplatz and the Freihaus.

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