
Life expectancy


  without private insurance with private insurance
woman man woman man
at birth  
90% get older than
10% get older than
90% get older than
10% get older than
All results in years

Life expectancy

Here you can (amongst other things) compute your expected lifespan!

Enter your birthday and the program wil print out the expected lifespan at your birth in the first line nd your current life expectancy (if applicable) in the second. The expected lifespan today will be obviously higher that at birth, since you have already survived until now. In the third line the so called 90%-percentile is given: this is the expected lifespan of at least 90% of the population born the day you were born. The last row contains the 10%-percentile. In other words you have a one in ten chance to reach this age.

The expected lifespan increases significantly if you have a private insurance, because on can assume that someone, who insures himself, will be healthier than the average person. (eg: A healthy person will rather contract a longer life-insurance than someone who is terminally ill.)


  • Please bear in mind, that the underlying statistics are based on an average of the Austrian population. Individual risk factors such as smoking or drinking as well as your state of health cannot be taken into account.
  • The computed expected lifespan is based on a (sound!) extrapolation of the future mortality rate in Austria. The underlying assumptions naturally tend to become more speculative for a farther future. Neither a possible war or a deadly plague nor the possible discovery of the fountain of youth have been considered.

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